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Gordon Bombay

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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. When put in the correct mode, it will stop exactly where it's supposed to for transferring. Iron Dragon is a different story as it has that goofy storage shed that's lower. I never understood why it or Corckscrew were that way.
  2. You're comparing small, indoor venues of a different industry to a massive theme park. Apples to Oranges.
  3. I don't see how having an "indent" instead of a perfect circle means B&M designed it specifically to have a guest area there. Is there evidence of this on other splashdowns with the same design?
  4. There is a curved in portion of the splash down that was built for a splash zone, but it was fenced in. It's not a big area but you can see that it is the only area that water splashes from the pool. There were never plans to extend the pathway down by the Diamondback splash pool in order to create a "splash zone." If you look at the ride's original blueprints, renderings and promo photos - what you mention wasn't in the cards. Before the ride opened, each train had different "fins" on it, each one creating a different effect for the splash down. None of them shot outwards. There were a couple different things. Essentially you would queue through there and see various displays that depicted how an aircraft carrier operated. There were mock "Am-Ram" and "Phoenix" missiles on display (common armaments on the F-14 Tomcat), a model aircraft carrier that lit up, a missile that would rumble and bellow steam as if it were firing, a radar panel and an area for an employee to sit and perform height checks.
  5. You might be able to see the "Bolt Barn" one, unless it was removed for Banshee construction (I don't think Banshee goes back that far though). The other one is too covered by brush and trees though. Maybe when the leaves fall?
  6. Woah, really? That is strange, it's been there since the first days of the ride. Actually, it hadn't been. Some coworkers and I found it in an abandoned office and gave it to our boss who painted it and stuck it there in 2011.
  7. I wouldn't say there's "tons," but there are a few. Two buildings are left that used to house animals. One of them was repurposed into a "bolt barn" for Son of Beast. That one had almost any spare part you could think of for Son of Beast track work. It was located just up the hill from SOB's "cloverleaf" turn making it much more accessible for the SOB maintenance crew when they needed something. Another building is still located way in the back near the edge of the property. It was still surrounded by fences and gated areas used for moving animals in and out of the attraction. On the inside it was partitioned into different enclosures and had heaters running along the roof for the animals. At the time I went back there, it was being used to store Winterfest theming, old light poles from HB and a bunch of spotlights that used to be inside Skyflyer's arch that made it change colors at night. Throughout where the old monorail ran, there's various small shacks that were always rumored to be "guard shacks." I don't know if they were really for zookeepers or that's just what everyone said they were. If you go up on the tower and look NorthEast behind where SOB used to be you can see a patch of bright green. That's actually an old pond with moss growing over it that the monorail used to circle. It's pretty gross now.
  8. Because it makes the park A LOT of money. Big crowds who can't exit and re-enter - crowds who get hungry and thirsty and fork over money to buy things, including the all new Fright Lane for the members of the crowd tired of waiting in said crowd. So, if all the things said about the event in the past couple years are to believed: the park is more concerned about essentially trapping a rough, rowdy group of wallets in the park for a couple hours to make a profit than it is with ensuring that both guests and employees have a safe, enjoyable time*? Sad. * That's not a comment on the quality of the security officers the park currently has. If the security staff is shorthanded, is there nothing at all that could be done to entice more people to work in security? No, I don't think it's a matter of greed over safety. The park does keep things safe for both employees and guests, but generally Haunt does attract a more raucous crowd. Currently, it would seem they can manage the situation while at the same time being able to put on the event. The park is smart in what they do - there's a reason why this event is marketed as "extreme," "18+," "for adults," etc. There's a reasons why they didn't have a problem dressing up mannequins as a dead Steve McNair. For what Halloween Haunt brings in, it outweighs and potentially bad press. No, you didn't and neither did the park. Haunt makes money - Winterfest did not.
  9. Because it makes the park A LOT of money. Big crowds who can't exit and re-enter - crowds who get hungry and thirsty and fork over money to buy things, including the all new Fright Lane for the members of the crowd tired of waiting in said crowd.
  10. But who's to judge if a person was raised right? I know...shut up Chris is what you're probably thinking. Overall, the bottom line comes down to security. Either there isn't enough security presence or there isn't enough security personnel that actually care to take care of problems. There's plenty of security and other personnel who can radio for security, all who do their job darn well. There's far more guests who don't like to behave.
  11. There's good reason why many people refer to Halloween Haunt as the "White Trash Bash."
  12. So don't comment or read it later instead of being rude. I appreciate the posters who take time to write well thought out responses as opposed to kids who can only muster "tl:dr."
  13. Let's compare notes. Did your diss I respond to make you feel better about yourself?
  14. Yeah. They'd be as pathetic as a guy who trolls a website all day long and used to go by the name of "Big Sexy."
  15. Yeah, I'm sure they'd be thrilled to fly you out to California so that you can visit a competitor.
  16. Your logic is impeccable. You'd think they'd put up a sign that says something to the effect of: "DO NOT STAND UP. Keep Hands Inside Car." Or maybe some sort of automated voice recording saying: "Remain seated throughout the entire ride, keep hands, arms and legs inside the car at all times. Thank You."
  17. And they're not particularly paid well either... And despite the sometimes difficult customers, there's a lot of good ones and regulars who I can guarantee you the ride ops enjoy seeing. Markr is one of those fine folks.
  18. Charlotte most certainly does, in fact that's the main reason why Chiquita bolted out of Cincinnati in favor of Charlotte. At any rate, Cedar Fair primarily uses Cleveland's airport to reach Sandusky. How do we know this? Because that's where Jack Falfas was standing the last time Dick Kinzel called him.
  19. There was a time, I think before it was all called "bing," that the Microsoft maps were somewhat better than Google maps because they had the overhead, angled view. That was the only time I ventured over there. Now, Google Maps is 10x better. I was forced to use Bing maps once. It's a long story, but at one point I owned a Blackberry Playbook tablet. It's the worst tablet on the market, but I got a great deal on it. My old HTC Thunderbolt was dead and I needed a map. I took the Playbook into a McDonalds and hoped on the Wi-Fi. The only maps application the playbook had available was for Bing Maps that couldn't find my location and couldn't find the address I searched for. Through the tablet's miserable web browser, I was able to get on Google Maps and was set up in minutes. I've never had a reason to use Bing - if I can't find it on Google I usually don't find it on Bing. Like almost everything Microsoft seems to do - Bing is their own version with copycat features that don't work nearly as well as the product they try to emulate.
  20. I'll start working on the lanyards, CompUSA may sponsor again.
  21. The KIC Facebook seems to get regular updates...
  22. Really bummed that this never came to Action Theatre, now all we have is dinosaurs and a stupid haunt. Bring back Bernie Mac!
  23. Much like Flight of Fear, the "third" train is rehabbed during the current regular season to get ready for the next season. For example: trains 1 and 2 run in 2013, while train 3 is rehabbed. In 2014 trains 2 and 3 may run while train 1 is rehabbed and the pattern follows for the next years. Although it should be noted that the trains currently running are always labeled "1" and "2," but have weld marks indicating their "real" numbers. While running three trains, the ride does get increased capacity, but if the crew doesn't move fast enough that third train "sets up" on the second lift. Apparently constant set ups were causing too much stress on the lift hill motor. Even the best crews can get delays in the stations.
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