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Gordon Bombay

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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. @Shaggy, perhaps you (or someone else here too) would know if there was any truth to the rumor that both Flight of Fears were slated for a Paramount Parks (CBS) ride rotation program before the Cedar Fair purchase?
  2. Sure, but there's a difference between actually "getting into the trenches" and the occasional performative gesture. Sincerity speaks volumes and a lack of it can leave a lasting impression.
  3. What a hero he was to walk away from the air conditioned admin office, right past his SUV taking up two spaces, to toil among the lowly minimum wage workers. I bet the associates were in awe and truly inspired. Gives me chills just thinking about it.
  4. Just for clarification is this topic only for civilian smoking areas or also the ones used by the folks serving?
  5. Tower Gardens. ”Come crush a few menthol-laced heaters near a framed, yet faded, poster for ‘Mission: Impossible II.’ Don’t go down by the stagnant pond, though. Yeah, the one that’s gated off and where the car from Wayne’s World was once parked?” Topic of the year award already claimed early into 2025, by the way.
  6. EDIT: Ignore me, @Outdoor Man, I totally misread what you were saying in the morning fog of no coffee. <3
  7. Now’s their chance to get back into the Garfield game.
  8. Respectfully, you're talking about a clickbait list published by USA Today. They're not diving into any scientific analysis or rubric for judging/comparing these things. A few more local "stories" on the evening television news broadcast or a handful of retweets form enthusiasts probably wasn't going to move the needle in this "ranking."
  9. I’ve always found it a bit humorous that folks here often speak of a “Vortex replacement” as if it’s a sure thing like SF/CF were playing Roller coaster Tycoon and just itching to fill that plot of land with something. I’m sure there are ideas for it, but there’s nothing (both then and now) compelling them to use that spot. Especially with a park that could certainly use its budget on renovating other areas/isn’t hurting for space—and one who’s now under a much larger, budget conscious corporate structure.
  10. Pretty misleading. Tomb Raider looked like that, but “The Crypt” was never even close.
  11. I discovered that way too late in life to truly appreciate just how great it was.
  12. What a great memory, that must’ve been so cool as a kid.
  13. Wait... what‽ That's something that was really in the survey?
  14. @Tr0y! What a great eye. I completely forgot about the concrete and pathing they had for that ride when it opened.
  15. Oh, wow, I didn’t realize the “Intimidator” themes were gone. What do you think the the re-theme of KD’s will be? Something akin to the jungle area? EDIT: Just looked it up on Google Maps and I’m not familiar with that park’s layout. Is Flight of Fear its own area like X-Base, or, like… what’s going on there?
  16. @KIfan73 THANK YOU for sharing those photos. What an interesting slice of the park from a time that doesn't seem that long ago. Love the photos on KIC's gallery and the stuff shared here in the forums. Thanks, seriously, those shots made my day!
  17. And the employee is still wearing a blue Paramount polo which was last worn in 2007.
  18. With all due respect, the "conspiracy" talk didn't do your advocacy group any favors. Especially when there's none to be found (and this coming from someone who has no love for MEMI). Also, constantly trolling the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra on social media does not equate to "public opinion." Their music venue is going to be built whether they receive additional funding from the state or not, and rest assured, they will continue to seek it just as FC Cincinnati, the Bengals, Reds, the Chamber, and a bevy of other organizations do the same for their entertainment ventures (for right or wrong). Hell, they still got $8 Million even in this "deprioritized" request. Not really a "failure." Coney Island was unfortunately dead whether MEMI existed or not. And now, the financial struggle to preserve what is left, just got harder (as @disco2000 pointed out, they will try and spin it that way). These politicians scoring easy points by saying they were "swayed" is nothing but talk—especially for a local politician from a gerrymandered district who also seeks to get public funding for the OTHER potential music venue in his area (the tennis center and its plans to host concerts). The Riverbed 2.0 venue will get plenty of tax incentives as it's built and operated (for right or wrong) and pay close attention to how Anderson Township benefits. They never cared about Sunlite Pool and if it really was about providing swimming resources/lessons/etc. to an underserved population—let me know when they start opening up their public pools to residents of Cincinnati. EDIT TO ADD: Just want to say that ultimately, @beastfan11, I have a huge respect for your passion for local history and I am glad to see that there's people like you out there who truly care.
  19. Except we all know it's not on them to save it. Just as they weren't the ones who let it fall into disrepair. And no matter what anyone may say about public funding going to projects—derailing funding for a local project is such a great example of cutting off one's nose to spite their face.
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