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Outdoor Man

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Everything posted by Outdoor Man

  1. Their management has a VERY impressive pedigree! Mr. Manby is one edu-macated individual!
  2. Screaming... DJ- that's why these discussions in general are frowned upon in these forums. There's no happy ending and it causes a negative tone on an otherwise benign Park site. If there is a thread with a discussion I have a strong opinion on that some hold dearly... I avoid it. This is one of those topics that, for this site, all should agree to disagree- and for the most part, leave it at that. There is a time and place for this debate, KI Central is likely not that place.
  3. Our family has been at the park more than a dozen times this summer, I don't think I've ever witnessed it down while there.
  4. I don't know where this fits- so since this is a topic geared to 2015, I'll put it hear (and let the others dump on me because I posted in the wrong thread). Two suggestions: 1) We have guests from out of town that want to go to the WaterPark while in Cincy. Not big thrill riders. Would there ever be a time where KI would consider developing a Soak City "only" ticket. Not mess with any of the other pricing, but create a ticket that is just for the WaterPark? 2) For the souvenir cups... upon the initial sale, bump it up $0.50'ish, and make the refills $0.94 instead of $0.99 (+7% sales tax=$1.06) so that those paying with cash don't have to go around with a pocket full of change... easier to count bills instead of pennies anyway.
  5. would probably renew without the "perk." The funny part of it is that Sunday's in the Fall are a lot like it was today. <5 min. wait for just about everything. This is one of those hopes for "high perceived value/low cost (or in this case no cost)." The preview day... possibly a good deal though I don't sense that anything "new" is coming, which is fine... they outdid themselves with Banshee. Maintenance, sprucing up, and fixing things- could be the "new" attraction next year unless I missed something (and while I'm at it, have they given up on fixing broken props/music in Boo Hill?).
  6. SEAS= 3 SeaWorld Parks 2 Busch Gardens Parks 1 Sesame Place Park and several water parks (forgot those).
  7. Banshee probably can be credited for all of the increased ridership to The Bat. The AZ area is now routinely PACKED- not that it didn't have its share of people before, but I think we can all agree that since about 2006, that area of the park was an afterthought. Even during SOBs operating days- I don't think it had consistent long lines that Banshee will have beyond this year. I think after the first or second year of operation SOB had ruled many people wary about the alignment of their back out. As long as the Banshee trolls the tracks, there'll be a line. All benefit to the existing rides (and future) for the area. That said, (I like theming elements...)- something could certainly be added under The Bat station for added theming- AND for the cost of replacing the trains with a floorless version would offer a COMPLETELY new experience. Banshee note: I may have placed this before, but I would love to see KI place "reflectors" of some sort of the Banshee trains that would be unnoticeable during the day, but look like streaks shooting through the woods at night form the ground and Tower. Just a thought.
  8. For what its worth, Kings Island is only open daily one week longer.
  9. Clown was a bad choice of words. I don't know either person personally nor as a casual acquaintance. Likely back at that time Cedar Fair didn't care who, what, or how- just buy the thing and remove it. My 'clown' comment was derived partially be what Gabe mentioned in that they didn't have the funds or resources. Their efforts were only going to be helped by individuals and park "vigilante's" that would donate $5-100 each. What they would have been in need of was corporations that would donate $5,000-$10,000 at a time (or more). A college student and coaster enthusiast from overseas wouldn't attract that kind of capital. I recall when the effort first came up there was a bit of initial buzz- and as a interested bystander (from the SeaWorld days), I thought that a second life for the coaster (by a credible investor) would have been great. I was thinking development corporations like Phillips Edison, Corporex (though Cincinnati organizations- at least similar). What I don't understand is why the coaster continues to stand almost 7 or 8 years after it closed and why the communities the park straddles hasn't forced Cedar Fair's hand to clean up the property.
  10. I noticed something on the Banshee Souvenir "refillable" cup yesterday that said "Good through December 31, 2014." I know that there is less than a 1% chance that there will be a 2014 version of WinterFest- but 'splain that one to me. I recall in May 2005 talking with a park employee (not the Dippin Dots guy) who said that the 2005 WinterFest was the worst kept secret- as park employees leaked it, paper tickets issued in April said that there were not good for "park sell-out days, private events, or WinterFest..." If something that "big" was coming, I'm sure it would be telegraphed to the masses.
  11. Context: I've only been to the Creation Museum once. Though a Christian- just because it is a 'religious' attraction doesn't mean that I'm automatically attracted to it. I'm sort of lukewarm to it; it was a well-designed museum- but honestly, how many times can you visit a museum. I love the Cincinnati Museum center, but in my life have only been 2 (maybe 3 times). That said, the Creation Museum pays taxes- the guests visiting pay sales tax and does contribute to the local economy. Therefore, I have no issue with them receiving tax incentives to do business- though as an Ohio resident I have no horse in that race.
  12. I've heard that I-Street is on deck for an upgrade. Only rumors, but I think we all agree that the area could use a hug. What kind of "improvements" could or would be made is also intriguing to think about. a staff person to replace burnt-out light bulbs.
  13. Best guess is that 4 years ago, Cedar Fair probably didn't care who bought it or where the money came from- just get it off the lot. Sort of surprised it hasn't been demolished yet..
  14. You are correct- I wrote that rather hastily between bites for a late lunch after my Mac crashed twice. I got my lines crossed- I believe he (Harold) was 25 at the time but had 85 stuck in my head; and even that number may be off... it's been 4 years. The term "clown" may have been a bit pointed- but go ahead, point the thread out to them. They may have received more credible attention if they hadn't looked like college students on a road trip.
  15. Not exactly. In 2010 a set of clowns tried to make an advance. The roster: 1) an (undisclosed aged)- edit... year old from New Zealand 2) 19 year old female college student from Dayton (unrelated to the above, but met in an online coaster chatroom) 3) said 19 year old's boyfriend. The article says that the 85 year old bought the coaster. It on TV and internet, must be right.... View the video and about 30-seconds into it you get a glimpse of #'s 2&3. If I'm wanting to be taken seriously, I would have left the baggy sweat suit at home and gone with some khaki's and a polo shirt.... maybe had my boyfriend get a haircut. http://archive.wkyc.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=153937
  16. It wouldn't be the same experience for several reasons: 1) lots of rotted wood = new boards. 2) ride experience would need upgraded to 2014 (err.. 2015 code)- the ride experience while at an operating GL could have been grandfathered in (within reason). Unfortunately, the 800lb elephant in the room is the fact that sooner or later it will need to come down; I'm surprised that it hasn't attracted more vandals and been more of a liability risk. My thought is that to attract a buyer... CF is going to have to level the property entirely and maybe "plant grass" in it for a year.
  17. I am ALL for a little attention given everywhere about "International" Street. The fountains used to dance, and it wasn't that long ago. The trees in some manner of form should stay to provide shade, BUT- sitting along the fountains to eat or enjoy said fountains misses a bit of its mystique when you can't see the Eiffel Tower.
  18. Speaking of the Geauga Lake image a few posts ago.. I just noticed this- and wonder if it has been commented on before. Anyone notice what 2 things are ominously missing from the drawing??? 1) floating bridge to the dry side (though the ferry boats are depicted) 2) evidence of a walk path to the dry side Unintentional oversight or shill foretell of things to come???
  19. I redact a third of my comment. i knew there were three issues, I forgot the ADA issue... you're right on that one. Re-apply my previous comment for the other two.
  20. three responses... and deleted them all. short opinion: the three instances being turned over repeatedly here... much ado about nothing. Yes, the Kentucky Kingdom Management Team would likely be playing ball for a "AA" team- the real test will be how are the bumps of 2014 improved in 2015.
  21. I've never heard of that happening. I do know people who were on a level when one elevator went down and had to descend a staircase to the lower level in order to take the other elevator down. I also know that the employees are trained on "vator to vator" evacs, in which an elevator stops half way up and they have to send the other one up to transfer people over to get them down, although I don't personally know of a time when that's been used. OK, let's be honest here: a "vator-to-vator" evac would SUCK. I'm not one to descend into panic attacks, but that could do it.
  22. here's an interesting "Paris Tower" question: has anyone ever been stranded at the top and forced to descend the stairs to the bottom?
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