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Outdoor Man

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Everything posted by Outdoor Man

  1. i think you two were using different routes to come to the same answer. I can't think of his name, but the new guy from Disney, will likely have a new creative team that will design higher themed, less expensive attractions that appeal to a guests senses than "thrill-factor." The Crypt will likely remain until they figure out how to best use the building its in for a new attraction- OR next major repair, whichever comes first. I bet the existing building and line would be part of any new attraction, as I can't imagine that the building itself is obsolete. However, I do think that the crypt, as it is, is toast and is just around until the aforementioned pieces come together.
  2. i've wanted to ditch the Elmer Fudd persona for a while. i don't even know why I chose it- but I was stuck with it for 5 years. And just for reference Bodha... Dwight Schrute is kind of a jerk.
  3. there is camaraderie here, it just goes in cycles.
  4. its really sad. TR:TR was really a world class attraction and on the caliber of Universal Studios- both the ride AND the line. now, its not even an afterthought and no one would lose sleep if it were gone. Just wondering if they'll put something in there or demolish the building?
  5. i don't think that much thought has gone into the props. too many details would filter down to hourly employees who would leak out info. I think there is no connection between the overall direction they take with SOB and the props. as a side note. Don Helbig has the record still for The Racer doesn't he? Here is an idea for "fact finding", "record breaking", and "Safety Research." Have Don saddle himself onto SOB and start riding. It shouldn't take too long, but before long- you would have: a ridership record that likely will never be broken comfort level experience to determine where rough spots are safety research for future options. if all else fails they would uncover a third major incident and have irrefutable evidence of why it should or shouldn't be torn down. They could also contact one of their former "affiliates"- MTV and bring the Jacka## boys here to do all sorts of ridership testing to it. I think there's some marketing potential here. Anyone with me?
  6. sunday's in the kids area are pretty busy. Diamondback line the past few weeks has been <10 minutes.
  7. wonders what pretext would need to exist for CF to consider another go-round for WinterFest? the 2005 version was a good "bring-back" but overpriced. I thought that Paramount had a good project underway for a 2006 reprisal before CF canceled it.
  8. I think anyone whose paycheck says "Cedar Fair, LP" in the upper, left-hand corner laughs every time they read this thread. I agree with whoever said that the Haunt display designers probably know no more than the Dippin' Dots Guy when it comes to the future of SOB. i would agree that CF brass have to know what the future holds for it. It's too large of a structure, too much of a potential insurance liability to leave go, etc... Personal opinion- given its history of "personal injury" claims- I'm not sure they would find an insurance company that would cover it. My bet is that sometime very soon after November 1- there will be an announcement regarding it's future, and if I'm a bettin' man i'm putting money on it won't be favorable for "fans". Anybody that thinks that CF will announce their thinking before action doesn't pay attention to their past. Geauga Lake patrons were not told that the park wouldn't reopen until it was closed for the season. KI will probably announce it the Day after the park closes for the season so fans of SOB won't chain themselves to the structure in an effort to save it.
  9. sorry to hear about your dad. thank you, though, for the picture upload. Great Winterfest pics.. I have to say, some of them seem to have been taken from the 50' level. I didn't know that was opened during Winterfest... maybe in the early years of the event.
  10. No, it's just an excuse for GoodYellowKorn to drum up some controversy and play "devils advocate," giving him the opportunity to make long winded posts in an attempt to show us how smart he is. FALSE. Everyone knows that Dwight Schrute is the smartest person in the room. I am the enforcer and there will be no planking on these boards (i have no idea what that means... i just watched 'the Office')
  11. the park is landlocked... and during the long run of the Kentucky State Fair is seriously handcuffed in operation. That being said, would a decent waterpark operate successfully in that location?
  12. so, does any of this have anything to do with Kentucky Kingdom and/or its opening?
  13. hmmm. 88 likes. that's not going to bring anything back. and by the way, is that my photoshop'd image? I photoshop'd a picture for the "pki central" site many years ago from a poster that I have. The photoshop'd piece was that the Winterfest logo was at the bottom.
  14. i actually thought the 2005 version was done very well. it had some hiccups- like they charged WAY too much for admission- and if memory serves correct, the first half of December was terribly cold.
  15. i agree with what someone said before... some of this reaction seems a bit choreographed. What about the cancer survivor that wears a head scarf to cover their bald head (no disrespect intended)- in order to ride the coaster- it has to come off. To them it may be embarrassing, but they can choose to ride or not; however- in the end it cannot be worn on the coaster. Who is that discriminating against?
  16. I dislike it- but probably for a much different reason. It means that freezing, sub-zero temperatures are that much closer. And that we are closer to November 1- when that five-month cloud cover descends upon the tri-state and will stay there until april.
  17. that's good to know. the aparatus they sold this year does not fit in the dish washer....
  18. there are a handful of people (fans of GL) that are still VERY salty that the place closed- 4 seasons later. any picture I have ever seen of the park since about 2002 had precious few people there. I guess they don't take into consideration that Cedar Fair bought the park hoping it would be profitable and not a charity. As to your question, I don't know why other than I think piece by piece the care of the ride-side of the park ebbed away into apathy until it eventually closed. that all being said, it is sad what the once bustling grounds has become. I haven't seen any pictures recently, but it is pretty sad.
  19. i rode back seat last week. it seemed ok to me. then again... could have been the particular train we were on.
  20. intriguing that the park wouldn't keep those things around. that seems like the local Jiffy Lube not stocking oil filters. I mean, really, is this such a rare thing that they don't keep stuff like that around?
  21. i believe it was removed for the also-now-gone Skylab.
  22. http://www.dinosaursunearthed.com/2011/03/dinosaurs-roar-to-life-at-the-worlds-largest-animatronic-dinosaur-park-at-kings-island/ yea, i've read that and similar things before. How long before the animatronics start going bad... and all of a sudden there will be a $5 attraction full of statues. Honestly, I'll give it 5 years. unless they do something to expand that area- which would ruin the jungle/tree look- i can see it becoming a mostly ignored attraction after 3-4 years.
  23. that's why I said it was a stretch... or however I worded it. it's perception is italian, not necessarily european. Let m eput it this way, you could make a better case for that in a German themed building than Chinese...
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