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Outdoor Man

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Everything posted by Outdoor Man

  1. and don't forget.... KI is no longer the "favorite child" in the chain. Cedar Point is the "spoiled" sibling in the CF family to get most of the record-breaking attractions.
  2. actually Coasters... i feel that A LOT of things in the Fear Fest / HH are in particular bad taste.... most notably in my opinion is having people take pictures in a casket. That's just plain poor judgment of a responsible adult making a decision for an attraction.
  3. Outdoor Man

    eek! Top gun!

    I think they were talking about moving the entrance to the ride further back than where it currently is... and SOB does have turnstiles just past the concrete tunnel that I don't think have had warm bodies standing/waiting in them since summer 2000.
  4. Outdoor Man

    eek! Top gun!

    i overheard a rumor over the weekend (not about ride removals- so don't slam me yet). It wasn't ride ops or anyone in KI clothing for that matter... they were in construction gear who were commenting something along the lines of... "(insert company name here) submitted the bid to pull those turnstiles and reposition the ride line entrances." has anyone heard anything to that? it makes sense... neither TG or SOB use more than half of their line capacity even on busy days.
  5. The question on the line wasn't the point of my post, just a question. The only issue I had with it was there was no line for rows 2-whatever.... it just seemed like a request for the front seat which was 7-rides deep was- anyway, just thoughts from the balcony.
  6. this lady wasn't in a wheel chair and walked up the exit ramp... and proceeded to walk back.... not doubting the integrity of her "limp"- but it seemed that if she could walk the exit... she could have walked the entrance and waited like everyone else... or at least taken a seat in the middle that had no wait.
  7. Wife and I made a last minute decision to head to the park around 4pm on Monday. When we got there the lot seemed pretty full, but wasn't so bad once we got inside the gate. coulnd't help but notice that a month before it begins, Halloween Haunt items were aplenty. Once there we headed over to AZ where I figured to ride Delirium. ehh.... line too long, we noticed that SOB was running (actually I think EVERYTHING was running with the exception of TR:TR)- so we reluctantly/cautiously headed to the SOB line. This was the first ride for me since June of 2006 and probably since 2003 for my wife. I have to say I give the park staff an A+ on the refurbishing of the coaster. Granted, without the loop, it's just a tall/fast coaster, but with the exception of some bumpiness in the "rose bowl" it was for the most part.... dare I say enjoyable. The park should do a "re-launch" of the ride to let people know "it's OK to come back "into the water". Because it's still a record holder, and on a pretty full afternoon, it was a "walk on" line. It will never be one of my favorites, but it is remarkably smoother than it was. Next rode Top Gun. Noticed the new building for HH going up.... it is sad what years of neglect have done to TP. It's still a wicked ride but just looks terrible. Over to Fort Cooper/Kinzel. Uh- lines too long, will come back. Onto Vortex. Middle of the train- still a great coaster. Was able to spot a ton of vacant cement footings that once held The Bat. Perhaps they can re-theme Top Gun to The Bat.... in the woods- still works. No line, so stayed on and hopped to the front car. Again- still a great coaster- though i find as I am getting older it makes me light-headed moreso. Onto The Beast. 1st car, second row. Picture pose: knocking back a refreshment. No original description of The Beast can be made. Classic coaster. noticed while waiting for train to leave.... what is going on with TR:TR? the theme elements were stacked behind the building. IJST: about a 25 minute wait. Will be a constant reminder of all that was the Paramount years.... good concept and idea..... just way too short to be considered great. nothing was working in the action scene.... btw- when the Paramount facades change.... what will this be rethemed to? back over to Firehawk for first ride. 40 minute wait- but worth it for a first ride. It was an amazing ride; unlike any coaster experience. It would be nice if they could theme something to the ground so that when you are flying towards the ground there is something other than mud, grass, or gravel to look at... water would be a decent element. overall a great night at the park. 7 coaster rides in just under 3 hours. just a few questions/observations: - I heard a rumor tonight that the line que's for Top Gun and SOB were getting removed until past the concrete tunnel... anything to that? - While climbing the hill for SOB noticed the abandoned parking lot trams. Funny how the park attracts more people that before... and they have ceased to use them.... as part of this "notice"- the park has a lot of abandoned junk strewn behind the scenes. - there are a lot of people that assume the "smoking ONLY in designated areas" applies to everyone but them. - maybe a ride op can answer this... just because a person is handicapped or otherwise disabled of sorts automatically jump them to the front of the line with no waiting.... and in the front seat. example: we were in line for The Beast.... it was pretty much "walk on"- and a ride op told the people in line for the front car that they would need to wait and that some "other guests" would be on the next train. My wife and I were in line for the #2 seat so it didn't affect us... but I would have been pretty upset if I were in the 7-ride deep line for the front.... and to be honest- this couple could have walked through the line.... and if you truly have a leg injury- your Dr. probably would not approve you to ride a bumpy, rough wooden coaster.... anyone have a comment to that?
  8. Outdoor Man

    eek! Top gun!

    i never said i wanted to see it removed. i think everyone would agree that TG has needed some TLC for several years now... and it never seems to happen. which i contend is a bad sign for it's future. as a side note, I have never seen a primer paint a dark red.
  9. Outdoor Man

    eek! Top gun!

    and rumorsmasher to answer your second thought.... not too much could go in that spot easily, as Top Gun was designed specifically for that spot- which also means it wouldn't fare too well being relocated.
  10. Outdoor Man

    eek! Top gun!

    yea, you're right- based on an amateur visual evaluation of Top Gun- the park obviously has A TON of pride in it. It will be there for centuries to come. My guess is that in the off-season it will get either removed or a massive overhaul....
  11. I just read Delirium's post. My wife and I ALWAYS pack food to bring in. It's the difference between coming and paying $5 for a full meal and $15-20'ish.
  12. Oscars. Normal (or at least closer to) priced food.
  13. Outdoor Man

    eek! Top gun!

    Top Gun has several things working against it. - short lines - expiring license - rust rust is probably the worst. you cannot easily repair rust damage, outside of complete replacement. I would be very interested to see how many on this board have actually seen the movie. It's hard to think, but the movie is 21 years old. Tom Cruise was actually sane back then. And back then all we had to worry about was a Soviet missle or invasion.
  14. I'm not going to get into any debate on the subject. To do so would be pointless- but I will say that something the schools could teach more of- is our primary language... and the correct usage of such. And maybe go back to the basic "Home Ec" courses.... points being: It drives me up the wall to hear the "English" of: "I ain't got none...."- "I don't have none...." And this is in West Chester... not exactly mid-state Mississippi (no offense to anyone living in Mississippi). On the Home Ec side- learning to balance a checkbook being one... Parenting side- you need a license to do ANYTHING... but almost seems like anything with a reproductive organ can reproduce.... including the "father of the year" I overheard "parenting" his 2-year old at Walmart last night. Using lines like "I told you you weren't going to get none of that." or my favorite, "you better stop that or I swear to God i'm going to....." you can fill in the blank on that one...
  15. I've never really understood why with Holiday "bookends" that the US Dept of Education hasn't said that the school year should run Labor Day through Memorial Day.... and oh, by the way- all schools within a particular range should be on the same calendar. And Boddah, I hopefully assume that your rant about education being a scam was joking.
  16. "18 months of planning...." is this making reference to CF saying that they would honor all projects that were under development with the former Paramount Parks owners? and if so, what movie name was it slated to assume?
  17. I have to side with the HB characters being in the past for the most part. I grew up near that wra and even I don't know much, if anything, about Captain Caveman, Jabber Jaws, etc... Ever happen to notice the CF has an affinity for the "Peanuts" chracters? I'll bet we have a stronger chance of seeing snoopy and the gang before we'll see any kind of re'launch of HB characters.
  18. OK- I apologize if this has already been discussed but here goes. What's the deal with the Air Conditioning unit at the top of the Eiffel Tower? Where does it actually go/cool off? If it is trying to cool the park they had beeter get a larger unit because anyone who was there yesterday, today, or tomorrow can attest... it ain't workin........ Also, is there anything else up there? There seems to be ample room above the top deck for other things. just curious. Was in NU with family last night and looked to notice the AC and was wondering.... "what is that for anyway????????"
  19. this has probably been posted already, but was at the park last night (8/22) and they were testing the DZ as if it were open (by that I mean, sending it through it's cycle back-to-back-to-back, etc...). My guess- open by the weekend.
  20. I personally think that CF parks should remask the children's areas as: "Itchy and Scratchy Land" - the violentest place on earth. Those are role models that parents can be proud of.
  21. Took wife and daughter to KI tonight, and I must say from the parking lot it looked pretty full. I was surprised at how "not full" it was. tonight was the first time my daughter went totally nuts for the park. She turned 2 just days ago and from the time she saw the tower, she was in rare form. Usually when we have taken her to the park, it was the train ride, the helicopters, and both merry-go-rounds. tonight she went ballistic over all sorts of new NU rides to add to her roster. We even tried to take her to the ice show... but had to leave early- great show, but some of the music was a bit "dark" for her... thank goodness we tried that- because of how well she did on the other rides, we thought it was time for SDATHM.... thank goodness- that would not have been pretty. then to cap off the night, she got to see her favorite, "boom-booms" (fireworks to the lay person). On some of these forums I like to throw in sarcastic remarks and the occassional point to an argument I don't for a second believe- but in all seriousness those of you who work at the park or love the park.... need to see it from the eyes of a parent watching their little one thoroughly enjoy the park. To my little girl it makes no difference if it is KECO, Paramount, Cedar Fair, CBS, whatever- what matters to me is the 15 or so employees we came into contact with.... or more accurately my daughter came into contact with. EVERYONE in the NU part of the park were OUTSTANDING!!!! this was the first time that my wife and I have had to sit helplessly on the sidelines and watch someone care for the safety of our child. the park employees we observed tonight were professionals and really put us at ease to the point where we just enjoyed the show of our daughter having the day of her life! It is instances like those that have us hooked and assured that we will return again sometime in the near future. Thank you KI staff, you made our little girls night- and in the process made ours!
  22. Seems like that was an outstanding event for KI. Kudos. Good publicity- sounds like it was a fun day. Myself, I enjoyed the AC yesterday. For the Hannity show... was Alan Combes there or just Sean?
  23. nothing that some gas and a match wouldn't fix....
  24. Actually DVO- you would be surprised to know that the number of people who stay at GWL to go to KI is actually in the minority. Believe it or not, CF actually views GWL as competition to their product and has only grudgingly adhered to many of the agreements and handshakes that Paramount put in place- including a park that would have a GWL entrance as well as be open April-November and December. GWL is looking to be their own destination, and though KI is a perk for location, anyone who has been there would agree that KI and GWL cater to two different wants. I don't work for GWL but can say from professional acquaintance that the partnership as the "official" resort of KI was supposed to be a little stronger than it is. I know from my dealings with KI in various capacities is that the management turnover has not helped them beyond their parking lot. We used to work with a very professional and "seasoned" staff. Most of the people we deal with now are polite, but less than professional, near college age, and have less than a year or two experience and don't quite understand how business "works" yet. It kind of reminds me of the perennial "rebuilding" of the Reds. Turnover the experience, reduce the payroll, and let the inexpereince build... and in a few years we'll have a solid team. I hope it happens.
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