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Everything posted by Erosarrow05

  1. should you get a complimentary pump with that too? or should you have to go to the sporting goods store to buy a 15 dollar pump for your 3 dollar basketball? ... and since its been suggested time and time again, and we still have inflated basketballs... I'm inclined to think the inflated ball is staying My last visit to The James (google it and you'll figure out why I was there) I was on a 2 separate IV pumps that both made, what sounded to me like, a tennis ball being struck. Let me tell you, I was unable to move and with the both of them going in the middle of the night I felt like I was court side at Wimbledon for 9 days I still managed to tune it out...
  2. Sure a person has the right to send a letter to whom ever they want. I could write the president if I chose to. But as someone who acts as though they are rather knowledgeable in the ins-and-outs of amusement parks I am baffled why you would not suggest to a patron to follow the appropriate chain of command, so to speak, in filing a complaint. Perhaps you could offer a suggestion of something else to do with a basketball...
  3. BavarianBeetle, You take my comment to the absolute extreme... however... How do you think organizations such as MADD, GLADD, PFLAG, AMFAR and so on and so on come to fruition?
  4. '"It is apparently management's philosophy at Kings Island NOT to confront those who misbehave." Its a good thing you say things on this message board in jest so often, otherwise people might think you actually believe that statement to be gospel truth. It seems interesting that topics like line jumping, smoking and other park policies come and go like the tide, or perhaps the swine flu. I could not disagree with "The Interpreter" more when suggesting a person writes to the CEO of Cedar Fair. To me, that says the patron feels they are more important than anyone else and furthermore will bypass the system of checks and balances the park has set up to handle and respond to guest inquiries and complaints. Line jumping is nothing new and it will never go away, unless you're in a chain gang (... im here all week) Since the current bandwagon is to moan and complain about the big nasty line jumpers that terrorize Kings Island, I figured I would share my most memorable line jumper story. While in line for The Beast, a young lady no older than 14 or 15 was passing through the line trying to catch up with a group of her friends. As someone who does not feel the need to say something I let the girl pass, as did many more in front of me. After the girl had moved significantly farther ahead an adult woman who was standing there with her young son said something and it ended with "... everyone is equal and we all have to learn to wait our turn". On so many different levels, to me, was that appropriate thing to say. Not said in spite or hate, just said very plainly and matter of fact like. The best part, she dropped it, as I did, immediately. So - to those from the park who read this, let me be the first to say thank you for making all of my visits this year, and in years past so enjoyable because of the things I never even see or notice! ...and what is with the capitalization of the word 'not' so much? as always, just my opinion...
  5. I wonder who opens mail addressed to him, because I'm willing to bet everything I own it is not him...
  6. I'm curious as to how long "little wait" is. Walk on? 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 minutes?
  7. oh and kifan.... i think it would be much more preferable for the "offenders" to just drop their pants and pee in the line. Dont you?
  8. ... sounds like some of you want Big Brother... Maybe I'm alone here, but I haven't noticed any line jumping, but that might be because I go to have a good time, and not to go out of my way to see what rules are being broken. I certainly don't mean to be rude, but it seems like some of the readers/posters in here, sure do get there panties in a twist over something so small and insignificant. And I'm sure there will be those that say one thing leads to another that leads to another and so on, and that may be true, but the park knows. People cut lines everywhere, amusement parks, the airport... been to an NYC subway station? If you want to be a line jumping police officer... go work at a park... or maybe even better, since some people feel so inclined to say something to line jumpers... maybe you could manufacture "line jumping is not a sporting event...." sandwich boards to parade around in at the park... serving as a friendly reminder. Oh well... just my opinion of course
  9. The original gray and red work for me...
  10. violakat, Does it bother you also that Universal and Disney have many similar or identical rides?
  11. "the interpreter", I see no blue in that picture. The original color of the Gun supports was always a deep slate gray. If we were judging by that picture alone, I could potentially argue that some of the supports gradiate from a dark gray to light gray bottom to top respectively. ... just throwing that out there
  12. you mean blue, as in sad because they needed painted? ... i ask since i cannot remember anytime a support on top gun was blue...
  13. lol more than likely! (maybe theres a topic to match up with every splashdown picture) :-D
  14. You know, this is totally random but the past 3 times I've gone to Universal they have had 'fruit carts' stocked with whole apples oranges bananas and bags of grapes. I'm not going to lie, I was thrilled when I saw this, especially the size of the bags of grapes. They had to be no less than a half pound if not more. The price was fantastic, if I remember correctly, i paid no more than 1.50 for the bag of grapes and an apple. Kroger pricing? Of course not but I was so glad to get a cold refreshing snack for a low cost.
  15. would it be considered audacious to request the ole' terp-o for some of that good old fashioned proof regarding that thousand?
  16. I believe it is called convergence.net, the company the powers their online ticketing site. My guess is that fee is charged to the park per transaction, which is then passed on to the consumer.
  17. The Beach charges as well... its not as uncommon as people may think... especially since some places outsource the 'online ticket purchasing'...
  18. the line will be open till the last minute of park operation, which has always been the policy... There wont be any random line closing... Im in no hurry to ride DB... It will be there all season, every day...
  19. There are new trains but the ride structure itself has been relocated.
  20. "but you MUST ask...it is almost never advertised" Actually thats an incorrect Interpretation. As someone who goes to Vegas annually I can attest the all day passes are advertised very much so, even before you go the webpages clearly attest to that. http://adventuredome.com/ http://www.stratospherehotel.com/thrills/ http://saharavegas.com/NASCAR While the NYNY site does not list specific prices for an individual ride, further details regarding "thrilling adventures" in Vegas are easily accessible at: http://shop.vegas.com/shows/showtimes2.jsp?show=948 Perhaps I'll save this for another post, but... no rollercoaster, anywhere, ever will come remotely close to the thrill of jumping out of an airplane over Vegas. But ... thats another story...
  21. Tranquil? Really? I seem to recall the sound of internal combustion engines and the smell of exhaust. I guess the inside of a parking garage could be tranquil to then? ... I suppose the argument could be made, if you want tranquility, go to the lake, or a state park. I'm not quite sure I would associate that word with good ole' Kings Island... and lets be real, Diamondback will be making more noise than IJ...
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