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Everything posted by YoungStud

  1. Since CF looks at our boards lets please give a honest reaction to your Gatekeeper experiences.
  2. With 8 cars/train we have a chance of having a forcefull ride in the back. with 7 cars/train we have no chance in hell.
  3. This site will turn into point/coaster buzz where there is only one consensus opinion that is allowed to be stated. That sounds very boring.
  4. Its funny that I joined in 2005......
  5. low 50's and low 40 mph is very different bro.
  6. Its another diversion bro, the diversions are getting old IMO.
  7. If you are getting steamed at peoples opinions, I feel sorry for you.
  8. I would love for a 500' rocket to be built over the top of the fountain and the top hat be over the Eiffel Tower.
  9. Rides with Cable lifts, hydraulic launches, LIM/LSM launches will have more downtime than a ride with chain lift only. More working/moving parts = downtime.
  10. Why do we have to keep going round and round. Yes, B&M makes reliable rides that offer nothing new. Yes, Intamin makes innovative rides that offer something new with downtime.
  11. I have no attacked a single member on here ever, yet I am getting flamed, a person bringing my child into it, etc. It makes no sense.
  12. Dane Posted 25 June 2013 - 04:38 PM Administrator Admin 3,182 posts I am on everyday reviewing the "reported post" section. Do you not see my replies or when I mark the as "Under Review"? As for new users being trolls, I installed a ban button that shows up right on everyones posts. All because I don't put online that I have banned XYZ, YZX, and ZYX today doesn't mean its not happening. I also do go through they IP addresses and ban those as well. As for your concerns "KI Man" I go through the posts of people you report and when you read those, none of which seems like "trolling" just replies that disagree with yours.
  13. Unfortunately there was a young girl that passed away on Raging Bull.
  14. Innovation leads to downtime. I can compare a less innovative Intamin coaster( jr. Gemini) to a less innovative B&M( any coaster) and its reliability is equal to or greater than the b&m.
  15. YoungStud is trolling again, making new user names. Your trolling here bro making ridiculous accusations!
  16. I think the haters of intamin on here prefer b&m cause their restraints favor larger guests.
  17. have you met youngstud? you two will be the best of friends! I'm sure they are posting from the same basement...wearing identical Star Trek Underroos. Dude, Youngstud does not do star trek or any thing sci fi for that matter!
  18. Why all the hate for new members???? I welcome you Intaminis#1!
  19. So it is going to be a lame world record? A tall & fast b&m invert requires lenght to draw out the elements to make them forceless. Unless the world record breaking elements are tallest, fastest, most inversions, the world record will be lame IMO.
  20. All these diversions is like a girl playing games. Whenever a girl thought about playing me, I would date their friend. I play the games.
  21. I have lost all interest in this new ride. Like a previous poster stated a great ride will stand on its own. A overhyped ride with everything built around the announcement is to make it more than it is.
  22. Mercury grand marquee = b&m Ferrari = Intamin
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