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Everything posted by YoungStud

  1. it says 9 hrs and change on my browser.
  2. Flight Deck pulls more g's than all the rides at KI besides Invertigo if you measured it IMO.
  3. It wasn't stupid. Its hard to report on something that your not familiar with. Its like one of us trying to report on a cricket match in england.
  4. Hangman was a very underrated slc at opryland.
  5. Have a vest restraint like Firehawk but you are in the vertical position.
  6. I will vote on this next year.
  7. This is why I am not attending the announcement.
  8. The future of the park is riding on the announcement.
  9. Everyone raved about the airtime especially the fifth drop but my rear end did not ever leave the seat.
  10. Congo falls and invertiblow in favor of a intamin aquatrax.
  11. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CDEQtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DLHAjuRYuhRk&ei=4iEDUsKCJaG2yAHuzIHwBg&usg=AFQjCNHxV2KjQ5luuRpAke42eKfGv8gDxQ
  12. A group of owls is a parliament. My prediction: Parliament: 4200' 198' high 180' drop 71mph 8 inversions.
  13. Six flags could sue saying a invert named The Bat is to similar to batman: the ride.
  14. I think they will announce a ride will be dismantled in the off season.
  15. Was the ride shut down for 4 hours?
  16. I wonder what time tonight/tomorrow the announcement will leak....
  17. I hope it dives into a trench cause my legs will get ripped off at the bottom of the drop.
  18. I will feel betrayed if the world record is not height, speed, or inversions on said coaster.
  19. I just want a LEGIT world record,
  20. I am staying out of the Inverted wing rider discussion One less thing to be accused of.
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