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Everything posted by DegenRider

  1. Maybe thats why it was taken down. They decided to use what worked for the other rides.
  2. Problem with that is we all the know The Beast and Vortex are an Item. So mama beast is Vortex. Scooby doo got the conjoined racer twins drunk and they had The orginal beast.
  3. I am thinking KC was cannabilsed for the other 2 standups myself.
  4. Arrows are reliable safe and fun. Vortex is no exception. Its going to stay.
  5. Don't know what crack your smoking. I love SOB and I thought Chang was rough. I could throw out another SFKK classic or 2 such as The Vekoma Lawn Ordiment(SP) Quake. MAYBE the 1st SLC in America T^2. But thats not the issue. SFKK does not do a good job maintaining there rides. Heck there "new" Coaster still had Viper on the control panel. This isnt New for 2004 so keep speculation there. KC also had the honor of being the only Portable standup ever also. It was put up and tested without footers at the Togo plant in Japan. Also Togo's US offices were infact in Cincinnati.
  6. Actually there is no reasoning that "Those Sucker" will last longer than any Togo one did. B&M as a company is just a little over 10 years old. Go ride Chang at SFKK. Some B&M's don't age well when not maintained(just like Arrows) Plus B&M hasn't sold a standup since 1998. Its not wanted anymore. I will take what we got over KC in its last years of operaton anyday.
  7. If Lesordsville(Americania)ever opens back up that ride would be great for that park. They have an outanding wood coaster that puts alot of coasters bigger than it to shame. Plus somthing needs to replace that Galaxy coaster they have. Last time I was on it it felt like it was going to fall down. It would take up less space and be able to run more than 4 people at a time!
  8. no such chance. They expectations are for this to be a very stormy winter, and some have said that we could get 20-30 inches of snow. This particular meteorologist is known for being right, almost all the time. Oh well, I guess PNS will have to do for fun until spring comes. Maybe last winter but this year has normal crappy Cincinnati winter written all over it.
  9. I was attempting to make fun of CP. Come on folks you give it a try!
  10. Actually theres a better chance that you will be driving KC. I should also mention Togo was purchased and the company that purchased them does not support Togo's old rides.
  11. King Cobra is nolonger listed for sale On here Either its been sold but more likely its getting melted down.
  12. Yeah I did it in another post and since I am great moderator/writer pat here it is AGAIN!
  13. I have them on my pc......somewhere.
  14. Looks to me like the domain expired and guy didnt want to renew it.
  15. Also you need would have to actually have some sort tax ID and stuff so the goverment gets there share. Setting up a pay server is harder than it looks for the passworded section you would have to have security in place so people don't get it for free. Plus a database of people who are put to the adfree site or the reg version. You would also have to expand your userbase. Plus you would have to have a privacy policy (required by law in some states now) and also you would have to be able to accept credit cards. Paypal doesn't exactly do the trick all the time. You would have to do ALOT of work to do it. It would require extensive perl and PHP coding or ASP(.net)to function properly. Coasterbuzz club was able to happen cause Jeff was already working for himself and had everything setup. Plus the guy has extensive knowlage of the systems (plus he custom wrote the software he uses). If you want to go for it do it. Be warned Screw up and it can be a MAJOR screw up. If you even try to make a profit the IRS will want there cut. Research it alot more. If you take all the steps you will be fine. I think its a GREAT idea but watch out and be careful. (plus you cannot use anything from PKI Including photos you took to make a profit. The agreement is just as long as your not making money on them that they allow it.)
  16. I cannot see why a ride like TTD would be copied. I could think of alot better things to do with $25Mil 12 small flat rides 11 new shows 10 new shops 9 animatronic figures 8. HB characters 7 ice cream stands 6 Bird hunters(for those days on Congo when the bird population needs thinning) 5 GOLDEN TRAINS 4 new trains for racer 3 new chicken meals 2 new S&S rides and The partridge in a steel coaster longer than 15 seconds!
  17. Okay we all know about drop zone I think its time this came to a close.
  18. Joe thats a lie. They can turn the currents off if you cannot get out lol.
  19. Tonight Aaron is putting in the order to the tshirt company for the tshirts... these are garaunteed to be at your doorstep by Christmas. We will be taking more orders before christmas, but we cannot garauntee that they will be shipped in time, it depends on whether or not we meet our quota. If you want one for Christmas then ORDER TODAY! If you want a tshirt garaunteed by christmas, your order must be placed by 10 PM tonight, all orders after are not garaunteed to be shipped by Christmas. Orders will ship in 1-2 weeks if placed today!!!!
  20. Half the time the sensor doen't work or its disabled so its not a big deal
  21. 10.Racer 9. Scrambler 8. Drop Zone 7. Face/Off 6. Ghoster coaster 5. Tower 4 Carousel 3. Top/Gun 2. SOB 1. SCREW PAINTING AND REPAVE THE PARKING LOT (Including employee lot)!
  22. Traffic is bad enough in the morning. They NEED to keep the bridge open.
  23. Ok I can go up and take photos from the employee area. There nice though. Doesn't really show anything "ground breaking"
  24. Yeah sparky I have to agree with you there. There nothing but trouble and there leadership is somewhat lacking. Now Skyflyer theres a crew with some great leadership!
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