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Everything posted by kjkjkj

  1. Like I said, there are things to be upset about with current management. I didn't say the park was perfect. All I am saying is, enjoy the good parts of the park, and don't focus on the bad. You'll never enjoy yourself at Kings Island if you do! P.S. I didn't mean for the last sentence of my other post to be a pun in any way! haha
  2. I think we all need to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective. What do you go to Kings Island for? It's to have fun right? How can you have fun at one of your favorite amusement parks by picking everything apart all the time. Just enjoy the park instead of worrying about the littlest things all the time. You're guaranteed to have a better time! Sure, the Backlot cars could look better, but you will still have a nice time on the ride even if they don't look perfect. Just take a step back and enjoy Kings Island for what it has now. Not what it had, or what you want it to be. Just have FUN!
  3. I think this is also sort of bashing Paramount a little bit too . He is saying that had Paramount spent more money on the steel used for the ride, instead of the MINI copyright then maybe the splashdown could have stayed there. Since that is why it was drained, because it was really making the track rust. I definitely agree with Kings Island on this one!
  4. I got Stricker's Grove's Flying Scooters snapping really good when I went their last year. We got a KIC cycle on there and we were all snapping until we got told not to snap them
  5. If you still have a pair of paper 3D glasses from Haunt, the clear ones used for CarnEvil. Dig them out from wherever you put them and put them on and look through the pictures of Boo Blasters on Boo Hill. The glasses really do help to make the colors pop out and almost look 3D. I imagine this effect would work even better in real life.
  6. I still have my paper Haunt glasses from CarnEvil 3D. They are the exact same thing. I doubt I'm going to bring my saved glasses from haunt to the park though, I'll just ride it without the 3D.
  7. I'm almost positive they will. Why get rid of the equipment they already have.
  8. Name- 7/10 Themeing- 9/10 I like it
  9. Boo Blasters on Boo Hill is not that bad of a name. It's cartoon-y, and kids will probably like it. It's just a name, that honestly, the GP won't care about. At least that's my opinion
  10. By the looks of that last picture, we will have the same ending as boo blasters, where it "magically" changes from an Evil forest, to a good one!
  11. I am pretty impressed! It actually looks like things will pop out from behind the trees, and it seems "darker" and scarier than before! I like it!
  12. There are 4 pictures of it on KI's Facebook though! I think it looks pretty good so far! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5267574&id=155893938367#!/photo.php?pid=5267574&id=155893938367&fbid=426635618367 EDIT: Whoops I guess I was beat in another topic
  13. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=380211536948 So it sounds like we'll be getting information on the new darkride in tomorrow's newsletter! Also it sounds like the new website with multiple webcams could be up by April 7th.....
  14. No, they were 1.99 last year.....
  15. I really like how the quality of the answers has improved a lot. It actually gives me a little hope for a slight improvement to The Crypt
  16. Even if those doors were returned, it wouldn't help the ride experience very much, since it still has no good theming, and the program sucks.
  17. I'm most looking forward to: Kings Island Summer Parties Going to the pool Going camping Hiking Biking Spending long days outside relaxing Hanging out with friends and family Making 2010 the best year ever
  18. Maybe after kids get to know Snoopy in the park, they will ask their parents to get some of the Peanuts movies/specials, and if these are sold in the park, then i'm sure the park would make some money off of it! Since the parents also grew up with Snoopy, I'm sure they wouldn't mind buying a Peanuts movie for their kids, while they're in the park.
  19. We only got you on Son of Beast in the blue train becasue you were drunk
  20. Hmmm.... I have quiet a few! haha Sound- The buzzing sound on The Racer or Beast when the lapbars are released. The sound of a chainlift. Diamondback's roar, just to name a few. Smell- Adventure Express' mildewy smell in the tunnels. Hot asphalt. Food along the midway. Taste- Blue Ice cream! Touch- Diamondback. Sight- The royal fountains and international street. The Eiffel Tower. Coney Mall. The whole park from atop the Eiffel Tower!
  21. I'm not seeing any pictures of the new Outer Hanks facade in any Facebook galleries...
  22. I liked Son of Beast and I am mad that it is closed, but you won't see me whining and complaining. Although Son of Beast is one of my favorite rides at Kings Island, there are tons of other great rides and attractions at the park. I would never stop going to Kings Island because of a rides removal, that's just stupid. I also will never get my fill of Son of Beast. I could ride it again and again.
  23. I got an entire mouthful of gnats on Mean Streak, because they were just in giant clouds all over the track
  24. Byt the looks of the Joe Cool's Dodgem School picture, those cement blocks in the foreground make me think we will be getting an entry plaza thing similar to CP
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