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Everything posted by kjkjkj

  1. Don't worry about it. They will give you a costume. They will show you the maze. You will have days to practice with other employees coming through your maze. You will know what "part" you are supposed to act!
  2. Most people for Haunt get hired on the spot (so that's probably why you got looked at like you were insane when you were confused lol)
  3. Go and get the sh*t scared out of you! that's what makes it fun for you and the scareactors lol
  4. Good luck interviewees! If you get the job PLEASE don't be one of the people that quits mid-season, or one of the people that just sits there and does nothing all night because they are "too tired, too sore, too lazy" it really ruins the guest experience when scareactors aren't giving it their all. Haunt is a difficult job, and physically demanding. The year I worked (2009) it was cold and raining almost every single weekend. You just have to learn with it and give it your all even if you feel like you have hypothermia! You will make a ton of friends, and it will be the best job you ever have!
  5. Lol I will give the options...they are *highlight for answer The Beach Waterpark and Coney Island
  6. We have to remember though that BEFORE it was BB it was generically called Waterworks
  7. So the new one will feature higher waves?
  8. Have you ever been to the waterpark on a 90 degree saturday?.....That's why we need a new wavepool lol
  9. So I am on a computer at NKU's library because I forgot my laptop, so I have no sound. So I get that they are renaming the waterpark, but what makes it "bigger. better. wetter."? Any new attractions, activities, slides??
  10. Why would they need a survey done to do a show for the park's 40th anniversary?...
  11. Hmmm he doesn't appear to be in the woods near Dinosaurs Alive, there is clearly a wide open area of grass in the background. lol I guess that doesn't mean much though, this picture was probably staged
  12. So according to the one CedarPointer posted, they wanted a refund too. If I went to Kings Island and got in trouble for say...smoking outside a designated area, then said that I was harassed and the park hates all smokers, then asked for a refund for my ticket? Why should I get a refund when I was warned a head of time that the park doesn't allow smoking outside designated areas... AND the park probably lost a ton of money thanks to them causing a ton of problems by making a scene and causing the park to close and offer refunds to all guests.
  13. OR they could just keep it free, and you could go on one of the first fridays of haunt when it isn't busy. It isn't my problem people don't go when it isn't crowded, why should I pay for Haunts to not wait in super long lines, when I can do it for free? I'm sorry, but I am just sick of people and the park suggesting that we pay extra for everything. Fast Lane...Haunt.....and previously rumored, the waterpark. Shouldn't buying a season pass be enough?
  14. Religious beliefs don't just allow you to break rules if they are there for the safety of you and others. If your beliefs prohibit you from riding, then don't ride. Don't try and just ride anyways and not expect there to be repercussions for breaking rules.
  15. Go to the interview dressed normally! You would look out of place if you went in a costume lol. Don't be nervous about the audition! I won't ruin any surprises about the interview/audition. Just go in and be yourself, and don't be nervous, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!
  16. I am probably in the minority here, but if Kings Island were to ever get a giga coaster, I would want an intamin. I like Intamin better than B&M!
  17. I think Leviathan looks fun, but it doesn't seem that ground breaking to me.
  18. Well, they could very well be selling out of the passes. I wouldn't make an assumption that just because people on here don't buy them, that nobody does. People on here go a lot more often than most general public people. Some people on KIC go at least once a week, if not more, so they wouldn't really need to purchase a fast pass. Unlike someone who might have a season pass that only goes 2 or 3 times a year, or someone from out of town that goes once a year. It really just varies from person to person, so the fast passes could indeed be selling out. Hope you guys have fun on your trip! Be sure to get an evening ride in on The Beast, and write up a report on this website how your trip went!
  19. Look, The Beast is a classic wooden coaster, it's meant to be a little bouncy. It's not a pre-fabricated, smooth as butter ride, and some of us like that it isn't! I would never call The Beast painfully rough, and I ride in the very last row of the train, and it still isn't rough to me.
  20. i tried to click the link off the homepage to look at the "Screechin Eagle has been demolished" topic, and a red screen saying malware was detected on this site, came up. Anybody else having this problem? It said:
  21. Although, I still do not agree with people on the idea of the Fast Lane system price being lowered, because it would just be used too much and defeat the purpose, i really don't like the idea of the Fast Lane system at all. I think it is being abused. It is being allowed on attractions it shouldn't be allowed on. If it were up to me, I would just do away with it completely....but it's not up to me.
  22. I believe what you are seeing is the area where they set off the fireworks, it's been there for years. Or at least that's the only thing I can think of off the top of my head, that I've seen over there. That would be cool if it was parts for a new ride though!
  23. When did everyone get stuck on the idea of an inverted impulse coaster? Isn't one low capacity inverted coaster, that can run only one train enough in the park??
  24. We need a unique flat ride that is thrilling. By unique, I don't necessarily mean a prototype, but we need something different that what Cedar Point has.
  25. If you don't like the idea of this attraction going in at Cedar Point, or if you don't like the idea of them removing Paddlewheel Excursion for this attraction, go to Cedar Point's website and contact them, and let them know how you feel!
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