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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Ashley, Do you have a particular position within the church or are you just a member? Ryan
  2. Oddly it was. It's not on the list to be open for Bare Bones, so don't assume it is. They probably just talked enough of the crew into staying. It was just too cold to ride it.
  3. Visit the park tonight. It was very VERY cold, but still fun as always. Rides: Delirium: 10 minute wait Flight of Fear: Walk On Firehawk: 1/2 hour Italiam Job: Walk On The Beast: Walk On If you guys are looking to get your last haunts and rides in, remember the park is open from 7pm until 12am Monday through Wednesday. The lines aren't bad at all and you can still catch some of your favorite haunts. Special discounts are available at pki.com/haunt.
  4. Calling All Performers! Kings Island Begins Entertainer Auditions For 2008 Season November 2-12 Kings Island, Ohio – Kings Island will hold auditions in search of trained, talented and versatile actors, singers, dancers, variety artists, characters, character cohorts, musicians, theatre attendants, technicians, costumers, stage managers and supervisors for the 2008 entertainment season at the park. The auditions begin November 2 at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana and end November 12 at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Auditions at Kings Island will be held on the following dates: November 8, November 9, November 10 and November 11. Interested performers should prepare the following: Singers: Prepare at least one up-tempo and one ballad in a pop style. Singers may not sing a cappella; an accompanist will be provided. Singers should bring sheet music in the proper key or prerecorded instrumental tracks (without lead vocal) on CD. Singers may be asked to read a brief monologue and to dance, so they should bring appropriate clothes and shoes for movement. Singers need to bring a current photo and a one-page resume. Dancers: Kings Island is looking for energetic, technically trained dancers experienced in jazz, ballet, hip-hop and acrobatics for an exciting new production. Dancers will be taught a combination during the audition. If dancers sing, they should bring music as specified above. Dances should come prepared in comfortable and appropriate clothing and shoes. Dances need to bring a current photo and a one-page resume. Actors: Kings Island is casting hosts for a variety of show products. Actors should prepare a humorous, family-oriented monologue of no longer than two minutes in length that displays their personality, comedic ability and announcing style. Actors need to bring a current photo and a one-page resume. Variety Artists: Kings Island is looking for unique and creative acts. For individuals that are an experienced performance artist with an awesome approach to entertainment, please prepare a montage of your best work no longer than four minutes in length. Variety artists also need to bring a current photo and a one-page resume. Show Characters: Kings Island is looking for energetic and animated dancers for productions featuring costumed characters. Auditionees must be 4’10” to 5’6” for Nickelodeon characters. Come prepared in comfortable and appropriate clothing and shoes for a movement audition. Auditionees need to bring a current photo and a one-page resume. Musicians: Kings Island is looking for all instruments. You must be able to play a variety of styles. Please prepare two contrasting pieces, with one piece being in a pop style. Drummers must bring their own set at audition locations outside of the park. The park will audition individuals as well as existing bands. Meet and Greet Characters: Kings Island is looking for enthusiastic individuals to portray Nickelodeon characters. Auditionees must be 4’10” to 5”6” for Nickelodeon characters. Please bring a current photo and a one-page resume. An interview and movement audition will be conducted. Technicians and Costumers: Interviews will be conducted for experienced sound operators, lighting operators, follow spot operators, stage crew and costumer positions. Interviews will be held on Audition Dates on a first come, first served basis. Please bring a one-page resume with references. Stage Managers and Supervisors: Kings Island is looking for experienced Stage Managers, skilled costume supervisors with administrative and construction experience, and character supervisors to manage a variety of show products. Interested applicants must submit a resume with references for consideration to Kings Island, 6300 Kings Island Drive, Kings Island, Ohio, 45034, and Attention: Entertainment Department, no later than November 15, 2007. Only qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. Character Cohort: Kings Island is looking for enthusiastic individuals to provide assistance to characters during their walks. Please bring a current photo and a one-page resume. Audition Schedule Please note: The times listed below are registration times. Auditionees must be at least 15 years of age to audition and/or interview. The audition procedure may take a long time. Please be prepared to wait. Kings Island strongly encourages participation from all cultural backgrounds. Friday, November 2 Ball State University (Korsguard Dance Studio/Ball Gym Room 213) 2000 W. University Avenue Muncie, Indiana 47306 5:30pm – Vocalists, Actors, Musicians, Characters and Technicians (Percussionists must bring their own drum set) 7:30pm – Dancers Thursday, November 8 Kings Island 6300 Kings Island Drive Kings Island, Ohio 45034 5:00pm – Vocalists, Actors, Musicians, Characters and Technicians (Drum set provided) 7:30pm – Dancers Friday, November 9 Kings Island 6300 Kings Island Drive Kings Island, Ohio 45034 5:00pm – Vocalists, Actors, Musicians, Characters and Technicians (Drum set provided) 7:30pm – Dancers Saturday, November 10 Kings Island 6300 Kings Island Drive Kings Island, Ohio 45034 10:00am – Vocalists, Actors, Musicians, Characters and Technicians (Drum set provided) 2:00pm – Dancers Sunday, November 11 Kings Island 6300 Kings Island Drive Kings Island, Ohio 45034 10:00am – Vocalists, Actors, Musicians, Characters and Technicians (Drum set provided) 2:00pm – Dancers Monday, November 12 Indiana University (Indiana Memorial Union Georgian Room) 900 E. 7th Street Bloomington, Indiana 47405 5:30pm – Vocalists, Actors, Musicians, Characters and Technicians (Percussionists must bring their own drum set) 7:30pm – Dancers
  5. Halloween Haunt will include graphic scenes, suggestive themes and intense imagery and is intended for mature audiences. Parents, please be advised. This is your absolute last chance to visit Kings Island for the 2007 season! For the first time in Kings Island history, Halloween Haunt will be open for four extra nights! Park operating hours will be Sunday, October 28th to the 31st from 7pm until 12am. These Bare Bones Nights will be limited in operation but unlimited in horrific thrills! The five most popular indoor mazes, CarnEVIL, Club Blood, Death Row, Masscare Manor and Red Beard’s Revenge, will be open each night as well as six of the most popular Kings Island rides including The Beast, Firehawk, Drop Zone, Flight of Fear, Delirium and the Italian Job. Dead Awakening will be blacked out from Sunday night through Tuesday night but will make its final horrific run on Halloween night for one last series of performances! Killer deals are available for Halloween Haunt, Nick or Treat and Bare Bones Nights by visiting pki.com. You can visit Halloween Haunt for FREE! By purchasing any 2008 season pass you are entitled to a FREE visit to Halloween Haunt in the Fall! Also don't forget that if you purchase or renew your season pass by November 11th, you get FREE parking through the 2008 season and a FREE Cedar Fair VIP jacket. Visit PKI.com's season pass center for more information and to purchase your 2008 season pass! Kings Island will be open for 2008 season pass sales and Cedar Fair VIP jacket distribution Monday, November 5 through Sunday, November 11 from 10am to 4pm. Are you the next big thing? Kings Island wants to hear from you! 2008 entertainment auditions will begin almost immediately after the end of the season. Next year Kings Island is looking for singers, actors, variety artists, show characters, musicians, meet and greet characters, technicians and costumers, stage managers and supervisors, and character cohorts. Auditions will be November 2nd through the 12th at various locations. Click here for details. Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? No Matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  6. Sure can! It's a limit of 6 per day, though. Remember it's valid for BOTH 2007 and 2008 passes.
  7. Yeah, where they had KC cars last year they have the old Son of Beast cars this year.
  8. Excellent tool for this is Archive.org: History of KICentral.com History of PKICentral.com
  9. Again, Cedar Fair is in a transitional period so there is a lot of guess and test going on. The jacket thing is likely something that's out of Cedar Fair's hands. I'm sure they'd want nothing more than to get you your jacket at your convenience. Trust me, Cedar Fair has some big big big plans for the future. Just you wait.
  10. It seems like it was just yesterday that Kings Island was getting ready to debut the 2007 season, but the summertime goes by quickly when you're a Kings Island fan. Fortunately, things aren't quite over yet! Halloween Haunt will include graphic scenes, suggestive themes and intense imagery and is intended for mature audiences. Parents, please be advised. This weekend will be the last weekend of the newest, bloodiest, goriest event that Kings Island has ever had: Halloween Haunt! The last weekend of operation for Kings Island, Halloween Haunt and Nick or Treat begins Friday, October 26th. Halloween Haunt will be open Friday, October 26 and Saturday, October 27 from 7pm to 1am. Nick or Treat will take place for the final times this season Saturday, October 27 and Sunday, October 28, from noon to 5:30 p.m. in the seven-time, award-winning Nickelodeon Universe kids’ area. But we're not quite finished yet! For the first time in Kings Island history, Halloween Haunt will be open for four extra nights! Park operating hours will be Sunday, October 28th to the 31st from 7pm until 12am. These Bare Bones Nights will be limited in operation but unlimited in horrific thrills! The five most popular indoor mazes, CarnEVIL, Club Blood, Death Row, Masscare Manor and Red Beard’s Revenge, will be open each night as well as six of the most popular Kings Island rides including The Beast, Firehawk, Drop Zone, Flight of Fear, Delirium and the Italian Job. Dead Awakening will be blacked out from Sunday night through Tuesday night but will make its final horrific run on Halloween night for one last series of performances! Killer deals are available for Halloween Haunt, Nick or Treat and Bare Bones Nights by visiting pki.com. You can visit Halloween Haunt for FREE! By purchasing any 2008 season pass you are entitled to a FREE visit to Halloween Haunt in the Fall! Also don't forget that if you purchase or renew your season pass by November 11th, you get FREE parking through the 2008 season and a FREE Cedar Fair VIP jacket. Visit PKI.com's season pass center for more information and to purchase your 2008 season pass! Anyone who has attended Kings Island's shows, or most recently Halloween Haunt must admit that the entertainment department puts on quite a spectacle to say the least. Kings Island is very fortunate to have an endless list of actors, singers, dancers, cast and crew that makes their entertainment department one of the most memorable in the country. The mastermind behind all this: Kevin Brunck. Recently we had privileged of having a chat with Mr. Brunck and asked him about Halloween Haunt, Dead Awakening, the future of the entertainment department at Kings Island and more. Click here to read the exclusive interview brought to you by KICentral.com! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? No Matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  11. Last Chance to Experience Halloween Haunt and Nick or Treat This Weekend at Kings Island Park to end 2007 season with Bare Bones Nights October28-31 Kings Island, Ohio – The last chance to experience the blood curdling horror of the all-new Halloween Haunt and the family-friendly Nick or Treat is this weekend at Kings Island. Halloween Haunt, which has received rave reviews from park visitors in its debut season, will be open Friday, October 26 and Saturday, October 27 from 7pm to 1am. Nick or Treat will take place for the final times this season Saturday, October 27 and Sunday, October 28, from noon to 5:30 p.m. in the seven-time, award-winning Nickelodeon Universe kids’ area. The all-new Halloween Haunt was such a scream that Kings Island has decided to extend the goriest parts of the blood curdling event for four more nights by introducing Halloween Haunt Bare Bones Nights, which will be open daily from Sunday, October 28 through Wednesday, October 31, from 7pm to midnight. During Bare Bones Nights, the five most gruesome indoor mazes (CarnEVIL, Club Blood, Death Row, Masscare Manor and Red Beard’s Revenge) and six of the most hair-raising rides on the planet (Beast, Delirium, Drop Zone, Firehawk, Flight of Fear and Italian Job) will be open for park visitors to enjoy one final time before the park closes for the year. Killer discounts on tickets are available at www.pki.com for the final two days of Halloween Haunt and Nick or Treat, and Bare Bones Nights. Park visitors can buy a 2008 Season Pass and get into the park for Halloween Haunt, Nick or Treat or one Bare Bones Night for free, plus receive free season-long parking next year.
  12. The Undertaker was originally hired to work at Halloween Haunt and even did commercial shoots as you mentioned, however due to his rigorous work schedule at his other job, he had to part ways with the Haunt... at least for this year.
  13. Jackets have always been for everyone purchasing a season pass before the deadline of November 11th, 2007.
  14. My take on ACE: ACE is a good-hearted organization with a very small percentage of members who have effectively drug the club's reputation through the mud.
  15. I have to admit. It peaked my interest. You may see me at Camden next year to check it out.
  16. ^ If you read a lot of people's posts, they attack ACE and the Golden Ticket thing, but not you personally.
  17. I hate to see churches waste money when it should go to the poor... Things Like this.. Touchdown!
  18. ^ You're absolutely right. Plus if they add more activities to the church, it could bring people in and make them more active.
  19. Anyone who has attended Kings Island's shows, or most recently Halloween Haunt must admit that the entertainment department puts on quite a spectacle to say the least. Kings Island is very fortunate to have an endless list of actors, singers, dancers, cast and crew that makes their entertainment department one of the most memorable in the country. The mastermind behind all this: Kevin Brunck. Recently we had privileged of having a chat with Mr. Brunck and asked him about Halloween Haunt, Dead Awakening, the future of the entertainment department at Kings Island and more. Click here to read the exclusive interview brought to you by KICentral.com! Forget everything you know about Kings Island only being open on weekends in October as Kings Island brings you Bare Bones Nights. Come enjoy some of your favorite Halloween Haunt attractions as well as a few of your favorite rides Sunday Night through Wednesday, October 31st! The remaining hours of operation for Kings Island's 2007 season are Friday 7pm until 1am, Saturday 12pm until 1am, Sunday 11am until 12am, and Monday through Wednesday 7pm until 12am. Click here for details and special discount offers. Please be advised that Bare Bones Nights are nights of limited operation. Halloween Haunt will include graphic scenes, suggestive themes and intense imagery and is intended for mature audiences. Parents, please be advised. Time is ticking away! The deadline for purchasing your 2008 season pass, Gold Pass, or Platinum Pass with special benefits is November 11th! These benefits include, FREE parking for the entire 2008 season, one FREE visit during the Fall of 2007, and a FREE Cedar Fair VIP jacket! Click here to be taken to PKI.com's season pass center. Please note that the free 2007 ticket offer is limited to the purchaser of the 2008 pass and is non-transferable. ++This Is your Last Chance to Enjoy Fright Feast!!++ If all of this talk about blood and guts makes you hungry make sure you check out the Fright Feast. Look down on International Street from the International Restaurant as you are served an all-you-can-eat meal of southern fried chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, potato salad, fudge brownies and fountain drinks. Not strong enough for you? The International Restaurant also features a cash bar. On top of that, you will be escorted to be the first to experience the all new Club Blood before it opens to the public! Click here to preorder your meal tickets to Fright Feast! Please note that a meal ticket does not get admission to Halloween Haunt. You must have a season pass or admission ticket to enjoy the haunts and thrills! Also it is suggested that you purchase your meal tickets early in the week. This event has been known to sell out!! Get your tickets now!! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? No Matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  20. For those of you who have been living in a cave the past month or so (or at least not reading the forums very closely) Kevin Brunck is the head of entertainment at Kings Island. Of course you may know him as the mastermind behind Hot Island Rhythms or the evil genius behind Dead Awakening. Recently we were able to have a chat with Kevin Brunck and this is what he had to say about the entertainment department at Kings Island. How does the new Halloween Haunt differ from the Fear Fest events of the past? Halloween Haunt, was originated at Knotts Berry Farm where it has been the number one Halloween attraction in the country for several years and for good reason. Halloween Haunt is bigger, edgier, bloodier and is more of an overall experience compared to the traditional FearFest event. There’s nothing traditional about Halloween Haunt. Why did you choose to take this new direction, and what has the general reaction been to the "nothing is off limits" direction of Halloween Haunt? When Cedar Fair acquired Kings Island last year, they evaluated the product we had and while they thought it was good, they felt it had the potential to be even better. The overall reaction has been great. I think the message is loud and clear that Cedar Fair is committed to expanding and offering more than the guests expect from a traditional Halloween attraction. One of the biggest, and most controversial, improvements to the Halloween event this year is the “Dead Awakening” show. Tell us about the story line of the show. The story line to “Dead Awakening” is actually fairly simple and intentionally vague. A young woman is having a nightmare and wakes up within the nightmare. Kind of like a dream within a dream. It is there that she expresses her inner fears, frustrations and desires. It’s not until near the end of the show that we realize that a love triangle has triggered what we are seeing. Like real dreams and nightmares the story can be interrupted in several ways. What was your role in the creation of Dead Awakening? I served as the Producer for the show. With that responsibility, I created the concept, designed the set and oversaw all the creative elements with a very talented and supportive group of individuals working with me. No one person can take credit for any theatrical work. So many people come together to create the final production. “Dead Awakening” was no exception. How long did you work on it? We got the “green light” to proceed in mid-July. From that point I started listening to tons of music day and night. I actually got the idea for the concept on the way to work one day. “Waiting For Tonight” by Jennifer Lopez was playing on the radio. I had heard the song a hundred times before but never really paid much attention to the lyrics other than the chorus. The song is all about longing and anticipation but we never really know for sure if she was dreaming or was it real? Fall Out Boy’s “Thnks Fr Th Mmrs” was an appropriately dark response to the Lopez song within the framework of the concept. The concept really started with those two songs (which would become the finale) and dictated what would happen in the rest of the show. The major challenge was finding the right combination of songs to get us to the end. From that point I talked to the cast from “Twistin’ to the 60’s” and explained what the show was going to be. There was a lot of talent in that cast and we needed them if this was going to work. They were excited from the start. I asked them to create a list of songs that fit into a certain criteria……dark, fun and a little twisted. I wanted them to part of the process from the beginning and to have a sense of ownership with the project. Between their list, my list and others I had asked, I had about 125 songs to consider. The most challenging part was choosing songs that were mostly contemporary and had an element that would fit into the concept. Once I narrowed the songs down to about 30, I met with the choreographer to discuss the dance-ability of the songs. From that point we met with the vocal director to discuss the arrangements and flow of the music with the concept. The final cut has 18 songs. The whole process came together pretty quickly. We started recording the music in early August and started rehearsals the last week of August. The cast was rehearsing “Dead Awakening” in the mornings and then performing “Twistin’ to the 60’s” and “Hot Island Rhythms” in the afternoon and evenings. They were putting in some long days and never complained. They’re a great group! How similar did the final product turn out to what you originally envisioned? What I envisioned and what ended up on stage are very close to the same. The choreographer (Jody Mangino) actually added an element that surpassed what I thought we’d get. Her choreography is edgy throughout and adds a whole different level to the show. She did a great job. Adam Hayward (Lighting Designer) and I have worked together on several shows outside of Kings Island. He and I usually know what the other is going for without even asking. As always, he did an outstanding job. What is the process you follow in order to find performers for “Dead Awakening” and other Kings Island shows, and what advice would you give aspiring performers that would be interested in working for Kings Island's entertainment department? The process for casting “Dead Awakening” was a little different than our traditional process. Over half the cast is from our summer shows or has worked for us in the past. Four of the five dancers auditioned at one of the Haunt auditions in early August. Since we were putting this show together fairly quickly, it was best to offer our current performers first choice at being in the show. The process for our summer shows has been the same for years. We have an annual Audition Tour in November where we hold open auditions for anyone 16 years or older. Vocalists are asked to bring two songs, one up-tempo and one ballad in a pop style. We basically listen for style and vocal range and the way the performer sells the song. Dancers are taught a combination by our choreographer. They are then broken down into groups of four where they get to perform the combination twice for the audition panel. Again, style, technique and sell are the main components we’re looking for. Actors are asked to bring a family friendly monologue that shows off their acting range. Nickelodeon Characters go through a brief movement audition to show characterization. After the last audition date in mid-November, the choreographer, vocal director and myself review all those that auditioned and start casting the shows accordingly. Some offers are made as early as December, while others can be as late as early spring. There are a lot of factors that go into the final casting and it can be a long process. My best advice to those auditioning is to be prepared. Have your music or monologue picked out in advance and have it memorized. My other advice would be to RELAX! Everyone on the audition panel has been on the other end of it. We know how nerve-wracking auditions can be. It’s natural to be nervous and we understand. What is in store for the future Entertainment Department at Kings Island? We are currently in the process of working on the 2008 program and will begin the audition process in November. Like all of Cedar Fair parks, Kings Island is committed to bringing the highest quality entertainment possible to their guests. Look for family-friendly shows in the summer months and “Nothing is off limits” shows for Halloween Haunt! ------ A special thank you goes out to Kevin Brunck for taking the time to answer our questions. Dead Awakening shows on Friday and Saturday in the International Showplace at 8:30, 9:30, 11:30, 12:30. The show will be BLACKED OUT Sunday through Tuesday but will make its amazing Halloween return for one last night on Wednesday, October 31st with showtimes at 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00. Click here to see KIC's photos of Dead Awakening. Pleased be advised that Dead Awakening, and all of Halloween Haunt for that matter, is intended for MATURE AUDIENCES.
  21. Here's the lowdown for Sunday: If you purchase a daily ticket, it's good day through night. Best deal is $24.95 on PKI.com, barring other possible discounts. However, if you purchase the discounted Bare Bones ticket, it doesn't activate until 7pm.
  22. The old discount applies to Friday and Saturday. Bare Bones has its own discount.
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