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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. With all due respect, how do you know it's not popular enough? People on here have their own apprehensions about the ride, but KIC certainly does not represent the general public. If you look at some of the most ridden rides in the park, ie Adventure Express, they never have a line. It's all about capacity. It's really common to think that rides like The Beast aren't nearly as popular as they were, while in fact they are. The reason why lines are shorter now is because Kings Island offers a lot more and allows crowds to disburse. There were some days when I'd go to the park during the peak season and the place looked a lot like it had Geauga Lake crowds. At that people, it's easy to forget that there are probably 20-30k people in Boomerang Bay. Just remember -- in this industry, perception is reality... except here.
  2. Not saying that the photo isn't real, but it TOTALLY looks photoshoped. It's just amazing how that bright of a coaster contrasts the dark, gloomy background.
  3. Go China's route: PKI = The People's republic of Kings Island.
  4. The site URL is "PKI.com" and all of the people with email addresses have the extension, --@ParamountParks.com. I bet that'll be expensive to change over.
  5. I don't know for sure that Sticker's owns enough land for the Big Dipper. On top of that, I don't know that they have a big enough maintenance department to take care of it. Coney would be a much better option.
  6. The $50,000 isn't bad, but where are you going to get the 2 million it'll take to deconstruct, transport, and construct it?
  7. Think we should have an unofficial KIC meetup at Holiday Fest?
  8. Makes me curious as to how it will affect some of the coaster clubs that are more expensive. One costs $60 and another costs $20. If you're just in it for the events, the decision is clear.
  10. Granted, I work for Cox Ohio Publishing and not Cedar Fair, but I've found them to be more than accommodating for running this site. I was really worried about how they'd feel about KIC when they took over, but the company as a whole, and some very good-hearted individuals within, have really taken us under their wing.
  11. Several Six Flags parks are adding a holiday event. Maybe they'll be successful and CF will follow suit.
  12. How GOOD an event is has nothing to do with how profitable it is. Winterfest was EXPENSIVE to put on, which is why it had to cost some cash. Holiday Fest is thrown together and very inexpensive to produce, therefore very profitable.
  13. Here's a little history of Holiday Fest: They had it for a few years and it went... meh... Then KI launched the failed Winterfest, which ultimately HELPED The Beach. All of the advertising for Winterfest caused a spark of interest in Holiday Events, which lead to a big increase in attendance for Holiday Fest. The next year when KI canceled Winterfest, The Beach used this as an opportunity to beef up their event, which worked rather well. Unfortunately, now we're to the point of arrogance in which the Beach is charging for everything. I'll go to this thing if I get bored, but it certainly not worth any $64.
  14. Kings Island's Buy Now, Pay Later special is back, and better than ever! Right now if you purchase any Kings Island season pass and pay NOTHING until April! Still not enough? If you purchase now, you will get a FREE Gold Upgrade and FREE parking for the entire 2008 season! Purchase your 2008 season pass now by visiting Kings Island's new official home page, VisitKingsIsland.com! Also while you're around, check out Kings Island Central's tribute to Kings Island's mother park, Coney Island Central! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? No Matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  15. I've heard that rumor as well. I wonder how they'll do it since it's typically the day after Coastermania at Cedar Point. I bet they either change the day or make it an evening-only event.
  16. Since Kings Island, for the first time in a long time, had a very entertaining, extensive, and impressive show lineup this past year, what was your favorite show?
  17. Oh, I know you understand. I was trying to stop the rumor mill before it starts.
  18. The margin made off of concerts isn't nearly what you think it is. As with any show, there are a LOT of people, companies, and equipment that go into a production which take a big chunk of the money. The profit from shows comes from bringing unique visitors into the park. You're $20 is an understatement (per person). The per capita spending for CF parks has been over $40 all year.
  19. Unlikely? Yes. Impossible? No. However, it'd be a difficult sell to get people to go in and watch a movie after paying an upcharge.
  20. This announcement is no indication of Kings Island, so don't be mislead.
  21. The TV advertisements are going to be interesting next year without having to focus on a new ride.
  22. "Thrill seekers would pay a few dollars to zip along the Big Dipper's half-mile of up-and-down fun. The money would go to preserve the attraction and keep it rolling. A few smaller rides could be added to expand upon the theme." Why not just rebuild Geauga Lake? Lofty concept, but unlikely.
  23. Don't forget that we're in a different boat here. The Cedar Fair people are park people. They do what they can to improve the guest's experience. I can see that mentality under Paramount, but I really think that CF would do it just if they thought it was a good idea rather than only installing it if they feel as though they can make a good basis for a TV commercial out of it.
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