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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I remember the ride op that year apologizing to people as they left. It was a constant, "Sorry guys... sorry... enjoy the rest of your night.. I'm sorry..." It was actually kind of funny, but yeah.. BAD bad video.
  2. Sit tight... that part of Kings Island is really only going to get better and better. I'm sorry they didn't like the Ice Show, but same argument goes for what I told Delirium_Guy about Hot Island.. the show went over VERY well. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see the hot sun of an endless summer again next year. I found a lot of the girls in the ice show attractive, but it doesn't mean that I sat there and made comments about them. In fact, a lot of the KIC members got to meet them at KIC day and they can tell you that they're very kind and interesting people. My point is, don't blame the spectacle on the spectators. Granted, the show is sexy, clearly they were going for that. It doesn't mean that when Kevin wrote it he intended for the lady to be insulted. The costumes for Endless Summer were every bit as revealing as the ones for Dead Awakening, but since it's typical of ice skating, no one seemed to care or notice. I don't want any of you to think that I don't respect or value your opinions, because I really do. I'm just trying to prove a point here. Going in this new direction they're walking a thin line between what some would call bad taste and what others would call progress. When in a situation like that, in someone's eyes, you will always fail. I have no doubt that a lot of people agree with the concerns that some of you are having, but I can assure you that the changes have been well-received and will likely continue. It comes down to understanding what that "adult content" warning means with Halloween Haunt (as opposed to what it did for FearFest). Some people may enjoy it, others may not. We can all agree that the vast majority of Halloween Haunt is innocent Halloween stuff that we've seen for years, so even if you want to avoid the adult themes, there is still a lot to do.
  3. Now is the absolute best time to purchase a 2008 Kings Island season pass. Buy a 2008 season pass now and get free season-long parking, a free Cedar Fair VIP jacket and one free visit this fall. Use your free visit to experience the all-new Halloween Haunt on Fridays and Saturdays! Free visit may be redeemed at the admissions window upon visiting. This offer is limited to the individual who purchased the season pass and may not be transfered. Don't forget that that there are several different options for season passes this year including the Platinum Pass, which will get you into ALL Cedar Fair properties including our friendly neighbor to the north, Cedar Point: America's Rockin' Roller Coast, and Geauga Lake's Wildwater Kingdom in Aurora, Ohio! Click here to be taken to PKI.com's Season Pass Center where you can get more information and purchase your 2008 season pass! It’s Cincinnati Cyclones Day at Kings Island Sunday, October 21, as the entire 2007-08 Cyclones hockey team will be at the park signing autographs and posing for photographs for visitors. The Cyclones, the ECHL affiliate for the National Hockey League’s Montreal Canadiens and Nashville Predators, will sign autographs in front of the Paramount Theatre on International Street from 1-3 p.m. All autographs are free to park visitors. Kings Island opens at 11 a.m. October 21. Fans who wear visible Cyclones gear on October 21st can receive a special discount on admission tickets at the ticket window. These tickets are good for October 21st and include all day admission to Kings Island as well as Nick-or-Treat in Kings Island's seven time award winning kids area Nickelodeon Universe. Click here for more information including discount prices. Halloween Haunt will include graphic scenes, suggestive themes and intense imagery and is intended for mature audiences. Parents, please be advised. The time has finally come as Kings Island unveils its new Halloween Haunt. From twice the number of monsters and a longer haunt time until 1 a.m. to new highly-intense and terrifying attractions, the all-new Halloween Haunt at Kings Island opened to rave reviews September 28-29. “Halloween Haunt was a fantastic Halloween event,” park guest Charles Infosino said. “There were so many offerings that I probably enjoyed no more than half of them. My favorite was Club Blood. I will be back at the park at least two more times this season for Halloween Haunt and Nick or Treat.” Jim Massie from Ohio Valley Haunts noted, "Creatures come crawling, sliding and roaming from all directions at the most unexpected moments. Eight uniquely haunted mazes, three differently themed fear zones and live attractions, combined with nearly a dozen of the world’s best thrill rides result in a night of Halloween entertainment that’s possibly unsurpassed." At this new event, you can visit Club Blood, where anyone can get in, but not many can get out. Climb aboard the pirate ship, but look out for ol Red Beard. Red Beards Revenge lets you come aboard, but can you make it past the swashbucklers and make it out alive? Enter the dark carnival of CarnEVIL and pass by demented clowns and 3D passages in this circus-gone-mad. Learn an all new meaning of the word TORTURE in Death Row, travel through the haunted woods of the Trail of Terror, find out what's wrong with that house on the hill that has rumors of strange inhabitants in Massacre Manor, and much much more!! Click here to see general photos of Halloween Haunt! You can see a video tribute to Halloween Haunt by clicking . The highlight of the new Halloween Haunt event is the entertainment lineup, including the Torture Chamber where you can see the Great Baldini walk on glass, lay on a bed of nails, hang weights from his eyes, and more! Paramount Theatre Fri & Sat, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 12:00 The must see event of Halloween Haunt is the new Dead Awakening show. Do you ever have strange dreams? Do you ever dream of dying? Have you ever wondered what would happen if your imagination got the best of you? This show is clearly one of the best shows that Kings Island has offered in the past decade, and was produced in house by the entertainment department. A visit to Halloween Haunt is not complete without seeing Dead Awakening! International Showplace Fri & Sat, 8:30. 9:30, 11:30, 12:30 Gates to the underworld for Halloween Haunt are open from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. every Friday and Saturday night through October 27 and daily from 7 p.m. to midnight October 28-31. Ghoulishly great online deals are available at www.pki.com/haunt. Special discounts apply when you purchase your tickets online. If all of this talk about blood and guts makes you hungry make sure you check out the Fright Feast. Look down on International Street from the International Restaurant as you are served an all-you-can-eat meal of southern fried chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, potato salad, fudge brownies and fountain drinks. Not strong enough for you? The International Restaurant also features a cash bar. On top of that, you will be escorted to be the first to experience the all new Club Blood before it opens to the public! Click here to preorder your meal tickets to Fright Feast! Please note that a meal ticket does not get admission to Halloween Haunt. You must have a season pass or admission ticket to enjoy the haunts and thrills! Also it is suggested that you purchase your meal tickets early in the week. This event has been known to sell out!! Are you an avid Kings Island fan or do you casually visit once a year? No Matter! KICentral.com is the site for you. Why not register on the forums of KICentral and tell us about your thoughts and experiences involving Kings Island! Registration is fast, FREE, and easy. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  4. I will agree to that. They have a hell of a show on their hands from what I've seen.....much better than anything that played at the Park this summer. Now, I did not see the ice show, but come on......the rest of the entertainment was a joke, especially the Island Rhythm or whatever it was in front of the Eiffel Tower. Sheesh. Still, certain things will not fly. Despite you saying the show has gone over well, there were apparently enough complaints to justify changing certain things. They may have changed them back (which I give them major kudos for), but they DID change them. I do wish the Park the best of luck with turning Haunt into something that does rival the best of the best. - Todd I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Hot Island Rhythms, but that also went over rather well. I mean, what more could you expect out of a stage in the middle of I-Street? It's not like they could really integrate theatrics into it. Wouldn't surprise me if that was back next year. It drew some serious crowds for the evening shows.
  5. I agree with you. The clientele that the park is attracting sure is a lot different than before I left Ohio. And I know what I am talking about...my job at KI puts me on the front line, and just this year I have noticed the public becoming more and more belligerent. It is not uncommon for me to get cussed at almost nightly now, and it gets old. Ryan, I respect you..but pull your head out of the sand. Go watch a porn flick and see the similarities between DA and that..I mean, bondage, grinding and dirty dancing have nothing to do with scaring people-there is a different place for that. I know this is what sells...maybe I am just from a different era. But if KI promotes that type of filth, the clientele that comes through the gate is going to reflect that. It's all about entertainment... if you take it for more than that, anything can be offensive. Actually, the show has gone over very well. One thing that you'll notice about conservatives and conservative cities is that it's not a matter of stomping out things that are risque', but rather there's a time and place for different things. Some may feel as though KI, under any and all circumstances, is NOT the proper place for a show like that, while others have been warned and take it for what it's worth. People have made comments about how it's not family-friendly, but I don't think that could have been an honest mistake considering all of the signage and warnings. Let me ask you this: why does it all have to be about the way the girl dresses? Why isn't anyone giving props to Kevin Brunck (who we will be hearing more from soon) for writing, producing, designing, conceptualizing, and choosing the soundtrack to the show? The fact that the show was written in-house is nothing short of amazing. Or let's talk about Adam Hayward, and how he was able to take a typically boring looking venue like the Showplace and transform it into an amazing rockshow-like feel with his incredible technical and lighting abilities, or the people who choreographed the show, or the endless list of talented performers who do the show every Friday and Saturday night five times. Personally, I'm not willing to look past all of that simply because the blond girl happens to wear something skimpy.
  6. If you go on the 21st, don't forget to stop by and meet the Cyclones!
  7. It was a joke -- and it wasn't even directed towards you!! They couldn't have made it more clear about the whole 'adult oriented' thing with Halloween Haunt, it was on PKI.com, on this site (thus in our 8 affiliate newspapers), in every press release and everywhere else you might hear about the Haunt. In fact, they even warn you AGAIN when announcing the show times for Dead Awakening.. as you hear the announcement (and thus are warned) you pass by ANOTHER sign outside of the venue warning you again. If you don't like Dead Awakening, then that's fine, but if you have a problem with the content, then... I don't know what to tell you... I mean, if you're not going to listen to countless newspapers, tons of announcements, and some huge signs, you're certainly not going to listen to me. It was sexy, then they toned it down then the big wigs came in and decided that they were bringin' sexy back. Go CF! So yeah, she's skimpy again. You make an interesting comment about park shows. People getting up and leaving is expected at these shows. It's not like when you walk out of a movie or a political speech in protest. It just takes one person in a group to want to leave for a group of 4 or 5 to get up and walk out. Not to mention that there is a LOT to do at HH, so asking people to sit for 30 minutes is kind of a lofty request. Why will this be your last show? I can understand your thoughts about DA, but what about Endless Summer on Ice? Dora's Sing-a-Long? Twistin' to the 60s? Hot Island Rhythms? All of which were incredible shows. Were they really so below par to you that you don't want to give the ent department a chance next year? Ryan
  8. I'd have to agree with you....I found it embarrassing as well. I don't have a problem with others appreciating it, just not something I was comfortable watching with strangers. The content was similar to something that should be seen in the privacy of your home...... You need to get your mind out of the gutter.
  9. I was looking for some off-beat food options at KI when I went to the Haunt last night and noticed they were selling turkey legs along International Street... I must admit that I KNEW they had sold them all season but hadn't tried them, so I figured I'd give them a try. I'm telling you what, it's one of the best food options in the park. The thing is HUGE and it cost only $5.75! Have you guys ever tried them? Remember, it's really coming down to it... a little more than TWO WEEKS left in the season, so give the good 'ol turkey legs a shot and let us know what you thought.
  10. As a minor update to the 2008 season lineup, Kings Island is now offering free parking for the 2008 season to ANYONE who purchases a 2008 season passes, both new purchases and renewals!
  11. Odd -- I remember last April when every radio station around was giving out Cincinnati Reds opening day tickets... and that's sold out for what? The past 80 years? I also remember radio stations giving out tickets to the releases of the new Star Wars movies... were those flops? Giving away tickets was nothing more than a promotion which in this case is basically free advertising for Kings Island. Give a radio station 4 tickets to the Haunt and they talk about Kings Island on the radio as they give them away. It's almost like an advertising spot that cost the park next to nothing. If any of you have been to Halloween Haunt this year you clearly know that it's an excellent value, incredible experience, and an obvious huge success. Don't think that giving away a few tickets here and there takes anything away from that.
  12. 2008 SEASON PASS OFFER – ONE FREE VISIT THIS FALL A new perk has been added to the list of reasons to purchase a 2008 Season Pass before the fall deadline of November 11, 2007. All 2008 Passholders are now allowed to visit any one (1) day during the 2007 season for free. Anyone that purchased a 2008 pass is entitled to this benefit and need only to visit any admission ticket window to receive their free one-day ticket. SEASON PASS BRING-A-FRIEND DISCOUNT OFFER Kings Island 2007 and 2008 Season Passholders can bring a friend to the park any day the rest of this season for a special discounted price: - Friday Nights - $14.95 - Saturdays - $19.95 - Sundays - $14.95 As is standard with most coupon offers, this discount has a limit of six (6) per person and may not be used in conjunction with any other offer.
  13. First, welcome to KIC! 1) Halloween Haunt is NOT in effect on Sundays, however if you're brining the kids along, Nick or Treat will be in full swing at Nickelodeon Universe. 2) Discount tickets are available by visiting pki.com. 3) Gates open at 11am as stated. Not sure if you can get into I-Street early or not. Can anyone help him out on that one? However, the rides and other attractions don't open until 11am.
  14. With the goldmine that KI is, it would have been bought up by a destination competitor a long time ago.... if it were year round.
  15. When I saw the Stargate film at the SFKK one, the only 4D effect that they had was fans that would blow on you. Of course, it would have been a neat effect except for the fact that the fans would kick on at the appropriate time, but the cool air would actually reach you after the event was over.
  16. You are entirely correct. The fact that Kings Island people can now visit CP on their pass and vice versa is an absolute gold mine. Kinzel has ALWAYS wanted Kings Island, and went through great lengths to get it.
  17. Exactly! I certainly see the Villain's trains, but I see no evidence in the photos that they're AT Kings Island.
  18. The lines for a lot of the haunts get really long pretty quickly. I do agree that Club Blood is the one to see first because it's all new and you don't want to miss it. Also, don't forget to check out Dead Awakening in the International Showplace, which is arguably the best show Kings Island has had in over 10 years.
  19. I'd choose to get nothing over Villain. I don't even want to be half-tempted to ride that thing again.
  20. Elvira and Funhouse are really good too. I'd check 'em out.
  21. 3 possibilities: Fire was set by the park or fire department. (unlikely since deconstruction isn't finished) Fire was a result of a construction mishap. (most likely) Fire was set by a crazy enthusiast. (you're all suspects!!!)
  22. I agree with you entirely. However, I also think that parents should know what they're getting into before making a decision like that.
  23. Why pay us? We got to get dressed up like monsters and ride Flight of Fear! There isn't much better to do on a day when KI is closed!
  24. It certainly is a discount... just happens to be the same discounted amount as you mentioned.
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