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Everything posted by Vortex

  1. Hello Everyone, I was wondering if you can use your season pass at a different Paramount Park, Star Trek: The Experience to be exact? My brother and I are going to Las Vegas in November, and we want to go to this attraction, we just want to make sure that it is covered under the season pass since it is a Paramount park.
  2. With all the rides going in one season this feals like the 80's all over again.
  3. Well the Ride has been in Coeny Island and Kings Island for 70 years. Its one of those rides that everyone grows up with in this area. I don't know of to many rides that have been around that long. Coasters come and go like the King Cobra. Do I think this new coaster will be fun sure. Do I think they should remove the oldest ride in the park no.
  4. Looks like Kings Island already took the Flyers off the web-site.
  5. I just don't think PKI or Paramount Parks care anymore. If they did PKI would have tould use when they close the old fashion cars down. I would hate to see a new set on Flyers in the Flight Commander area next season. Unless we got to keep the tubs and Carowinds just got the part the spins.
  6. I say keep them in till next year. We could start another page Rides of the Past and list the facts with them.
  7. I take the old fashion cars and flyer any day over a lame coaster in the middle of the park. Their is more room in Coney Mall for a coaster and get to keep the rides. Plus the Flyers don't take up that much room at all. Get ride of Laster tag that thing is 10 years old who plays laster tag any more?????
  8. I just hope Italian Job Stunt Track lives up to its name. In 2 years all the themeing that makes the coaters will be gone and we will have a coaster that goes 40 mph wow. Funny they are taking all of the good flats out of the park like in the 80's and they give us cake. Bad showing Kings Island and Paramount Parks. :censored: :censored:
  9. I don't Kings Island what to let them go some how Paramount Parks tould them to move them to Carowinds. I am not sure how to get a hold of Paramount Parks.
  10. I don't think that will work. Over at Coasterbuzz they what to start save the flyers e-mail. I can see Paramount sold the Flyers to Carowinds so its not like they are coming back to Kings Island in the park. All this does it make the park look very bad and get alot of people unhappy way to go Paramounts Kings Island.
  11. Well looks like Carowinds gets are Flyers. As for people running PKI what are you thinking????? You take out all of the good flats over the years and add that dumb IJSC bad move. :stupid:
  12. I don't think they will let anyone in the front of the park with IJSC going up behind the tower. To many cranes and thinks to get hurt on while walking around. From the pictures it looks like they have to move alot of dirt out of the front of the park to get this coaster ready for openning day.
  13. Alot of you have e-mail me asking if I could make a copy or sell you a copy of my old tape from Kings Island. Well sorry but at this time I can not make any copys for anyone, but I will share them with PKIcentral.com for everyone. Also I can not sell the tape at all do to the fact that Paramount still has a copy right on both tapes. I posted the same thing in Yahoo Group History of Kings. Yahoo will not let me put videos on the group so don't look on their it will be on PKICentral.
  14. It would be nice if PKI put the Flyers back to the spot when the park opened in 1972 at Coney Mall/Coney Island. I don't think that will happen at all, but who knows no one from the park is talking.
  15. If you can tell me the day and time of the off season meeting I will been. I will show the media tape from Kings Island. So if you got the off season blues you can ride some coasters and flats in the video. Also be on the look out for the return of Winter Fest at PKICentral on Video. List of Coasters on the Video Vortex The Beast Top Gun Backwords Racer AE King Cobra List of Flats on the Video Flight Commander Water Works slides Days of Thunder Other Winter Fest Walking around the park Paramounts Parks Walking around Water Works
  16. What about pictures from last season???
  17. Winter Fest could be coming back next year. When Fear Fest is over I hope me and Dane can get the 1985 Winter Fest Video up. :offtopic: Fear Fest was ok last year just to long of lines for the Fear Fest rides. The other rides in the park where walk ons.
  18. I was looking at this page http://www.sixflags.com/FrightFest.asp The Video looks great Six Flags as a run down theme can't get much better than this.
  19. Well some great pictures and Videos keep up the good work. When did the Fall Freak out take place? If it was this past weekend I was sick so I was at home all weekend. If they do move the Flyers I see they still have some work getting the old Flight Commander spot ready. I am sure it will not take much time to move the ride if it gets moved.
  20. Vortex

    PKIC Meeting Day

    I will be working both days. Well have fun at PKI :cowboy:
  21. The Scooby-Doo movie did not do so well for the 2nd time around. If the DVD sales do not pick up WB will not make the 3rd movie at all. I guess Spongebob will do well from what I have read about the moive.
  22. Well seeing as Spongebob is the only one getting new cartoons made right now along with the movie I do think you will see more of him in the park. I am not to sure on the other Nick Toons. From what I have heard they are all on repeats and kids and adults don't know that they have stop making or have not aired them.
  23. I don't have a season pass, but I know for a fact that Paramount uses the same Mailer with some different pictures and text. Does PKIs mailer have the Flyers on it for this year?
  24. I see that people who got a season pass to Paramounts Carowinds got a mailer with a picture of the Flying Scooters on it. Does anyone know if PKI sold their flyer or will move it to another area? I just hope that Carowinds is getting a new one and not PKIs. Anyone know more about this?
  25. Ok the King Cobra never Killed anyone. When it first opened it hurt some people because the bars where not lowered right. I rode the ride from 1984 to the last day it ran in the park. NO ONE GOT KILLED ON IT. :censored: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry:
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