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Everything posted by Vortex

  1. It would be nice to meet everyone. I have not voted you will have to give me a day and time first. I have been working alot. Also if you do bring a TV with a tape or DVD to it I can bring the rest of my old video so everyone can see it. You can ride all of the coasters in the park. Here are the list of coasters in the video Vortex, Best, Backwards Racer, King Cobra, Top Gun, and AE with all the effects when it opened. Also it has the old and first water works in it. Both tapes are about one hour and 30 sec. long. None of the coasters videos have sound to them. Just a Idea
  2. The Video is from the year the ride opened. You can see the bars in at the End of video when they change people. You will see it on the better verson
  3. From what I can tell from the Video most of the people are trying to get in the video in the crowd infront of Flight Commander. This happens alot in public when you have a camera and people know it will be on tv. As a camera man it drives you crazy because they mess up your work trying to get video of something with out anyone in the way. :cowboy:
  4. Hey guys!! Im' glad that you enjoyed my home park. It truely is one of the best Six Flags parks out there, and all rides are deserving of a great rank. It's too bad you missed Demon, Eagle, Whizzer, and Iron Wolf. They are all great rides(yes, even Iron Wolf if you know how to ride it ) Now, The Snapper, consider yourself extremely lucky that you got a ride on Deja Vu. I have been to that park probably 25 times since it was added in 2001, and I've only ridden it twice. IMO, Face/Off beats Deja Vu any day. And don't worry about Shockwave. Even though it was bigger than Vortex, Vortex is 100 times better than Shockwave could ever be. Glad you had a great time!!
  5. I can see the PKI making the front of the Kids park is HB land and the back in all Nick Toons for the just a little old kids like 7 or 10. Two kid lands is better for the hole family it gives all ages something to do.
  6. Your Welcome for the Flight Commander Video it looks better on TV. I thought everyone would like to see something in that area of the park. The only other older ride that I have is Water Works. Its a walk around when it frist opened but its kinda boring to watch. I will have to talk to Dane about putting that on and Winter Fest 1985 video. I will try to get some screen clips for you in the mean time.
  7. Is it me for are alot of the ideas lame? Who whats to ride Mean Girls the Ride or Snow Day the Ride? Paramount has alot of good movies to use so why are they picking the worst. I do think in 2006 you will see more Nick Zone with SB and Nicktoon wash and HB getting smaller and smaller.
  8. I just took the survey I think that the best 3 things on it was the Nick sit down place to eat, SBSP boatride, and the Nicktoon car wash. The other where ok not the best they could think of . I don't like how they had Disney World or Disneyland for as high as you could go for a theme park. Sure Disneyland is about the same size of Kings Island, but Disney World has 4 parks not one and 2 water parks. :cowboy:
  9. Does anyone know if PKI will post off season pictures like they did for Scooby Doo in the past?
  10. Don't goto Walt Disney World or IOA during cheerleader week. I bet PKI was very bad with long lines.
  11. I like to see what it looks like. That area in the park is going to look different. I see more cars than I thought the park had.
  12. Ugh. John.K (Ren & Stimpy) only produced two Yogi Bear shorts. There not going to be new show. Sorry. John just did those cartoons for a special for Cartoon Network. He is currently working on the new Ren & Stimpy episodes for Spike TV at his studio, Spumco. If it make you feel better, Huckberry Hound showed up on Johnny Bravo this past Friday. P.S. Warner Brothers is going to release the Flintstones Season 2, Top Cat: The complete series, and the Man Called Flintstone on DVD this fall. http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/newsitem.cfm?NewsID=2149
  13. The thing that have to understand is, that the Hanna-Barbara are owned by Warner Brothers now. Viacom, the parent company of Paramont has no ownership in them. Viacom owns all of the Nicktoons, so it would make sense to use the characters that you own. It not that I don't like the Hanna-Barbera characters, I love them but you got to face the facts. Any way most of the H-B characters on Cartoon Network are Dexter, Johny Bravo, and the Powerpuff Girls not Yogi, Fred, & Huckberry. These characters are on Boomrang. Which less people get. A majority of Cartoon Network's rating come from Justice League Unlimited, Dragon Ball Z, Kids Next Door, Adult Swim, Teen Titians, and other popular new shows. As a final word, I think that the H-B theme park future lays in the crazy world of Six Flags. Kings Island and Paramount will proably covert the existing H-B Land areas into a larger Nick Central. Here is a H-B site, if your interested http://www.hbshows.com/
  14. I was at Kennywood this summer and the park was open till 2 in the morning. I got to ride also all the rides but when it got late alot of people come from work to the park. The park is different that you have to buy tickets or a all day pass to ride the rides. Its cheep just to get into and the people are very nice. The coaster are great but small. The longest coaster line was for the Jack Rabbit that day. I think Kings Island should have some of the rides in the park. It was nice to ride Ski Lab again and also the Tumble Bug. They have some very nice flats like 360 you guys would like it.
  15. I see alot of people also me talking about the park who did you think did a better job
  16. Ummm No! I have already found out where to spend my money and see HB characters ...Six Flags.Yup there gone because of Nicktoon characters I understand why I was mad because PKI thinks kids dont know who they are and ya know what THEY DO KNOW WHO THEY ARE! I think that is a shame I have to goto Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom to see Yogi and the others. When Kings Island has a HB Land. I am sorry that just does sound right to me. Does anyone from high up read these boards at Kings Island?????
  17. Kings Island at one time was going to be a park theme just to Hanna-Barbara park. I bet PKI did the poll with teens and not kids and parents. Okay so you got Nick toons that are already out dated. The Rugarts are now Teens ,and the only new shows on Nick Toons that they are still making are spongebob and Jimmy Neutron. As someone said before you will see a Hanna-Barbara returning with Yogi Bear movie and on other cartoons such as Johnny Bravo and Power Puff girls. :cowboy:
  18. Does anyone know when the old fashion cars track and stations will come down and start to see track going up? I guess they are going to wait till the year is over so no one goes in the old cars area. I just hope they don't rush build the ride which would be bad for the park. I am not sure this is just me, but do you think they rushed building SOB and not taking their time.
  19. Well way back when Kings Island had a good sound system in the lines. The Beast used to have the best music playing before QTV. I think PKI justed tried something new and it did not work and its still not working. When in line you don't have time to watch tv if the line is moving. Most of the music was on a loop from CDs you could hear the music in the hole park no matter where you went. I hope one day that Kings Island will return to just playing music and forget about QTV. AE had the theme music playing when you got in line now days you hear QTV before you get the station and hear the music.
  20. What would it take for PKI to win any other golden tickets. I am glad they got the Best Childrens Area. What I think is funny that Islands of Adventures won some golden tickets but have not added anything new to the park for years. Islands of Adventures is a great themed small park with not to many rides and no shows other than the super heros walking around and the Toons.
  21. I think you will start to see PCW IJ frist the land is ready from some pictures I have saw on other web-sites, Plus the coaster cars are already in the parking lot of PCW.
  22. Vortex

    Ferris Wheel

    I liked the Ferris Wheel in the park, yes it was slow but you could relax after you ate some food or went on a spinning ride. Now days I ride the train to relax and sit. I know allot of people what coaster on this site, but don't you think it would be nice to have a ride you could site and relax on. I wish PKI would get a big Ferris Wheel like SFK so you could see the hole park while ridding.
  23. Also with Timer Warner gettting Boomrang in the Cincinnati area in the past mounth kids mite start know who the Hanna-Barbera characters are. I would like to see Yogi Beer and Fred Flinstone in the park walking around with the Nicktoons.
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