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Everything posted by Vortex

  1. Did they tell you where it would be in the park?
  2. Short story Paramount lost the rights to use the name The Outer Limits.
  3. I see that the Floral Clock at one time was in The Happy Land Of Hanna-Barbera across from Lost Parents. Does anyone know what happened to the Fed Flintstone Floral Face that was next to that animation station? I am looking at a map from 1981 and 1974.
  4. Thats what I was going to say. If you ever go to Top Gun after it rans hard it is flooded under the ride all the time.
  5. Yes the Smurfs are making a comeback, but you will not see them in a Paramount Park.
  6. I see that PCW and PKI will both tell what their new rides will be on the 12th. I think PCw is a flat or floorless coaster. So the old cars are coming out of their spot at the end of this year. Does anyone know if Kings Island will save the flower clock or get rid of it like PC did when they added Borg? I see that Kings Island at one time had alot of flower areas theme in different spots of the park.
  7. This is a hard one. I would also say SOB but that ride can be fixed. The Worst Investment has to be all of the pay for rides they take up so much room and its a be waste of land and investment for the park down the road.
  8. I am sure they can. But the also built Son of Beast with very bad cars so as long as I don't get hurt putting the bar down I will be happy.
  9. Well I have to go with The Beast on this one. The coaster was build with out any computer help and is still the longest wooden coaster in the world. The Beast has changed a little over the years with the breaks and taking out of the lake. Also The Beast started out with different trains.
  10. Sorry back then I did not go into Splat City.
  11. Last year they had the train set up as the kids ride for the fest of 2003. I am not sure what you did on it as it had a 5 hour wait and not that many cars on both trains. I think they got a pumpkin and get the color on it. I saw alot of little kids with pumpkins and candy.
  12. Kings Island will never be a Disney or Universal park so don't get to pumped. I just don't see them spending that much money on a ride that will be open for half a year or less. Plus the new ride will be out of place in coney mall. I just hope they keep the clock some where around the tower. I saw what Carwonds did with their flower clock and I was not so happy. Some times I think Paramount Parks forgets that the parks had a theme at one time and they just rip the park a part. Kings Island was a theme park in 1972 till 1992 things changed. Sometimes I wish the people running the park would look at the old pictures and maps and themes and see what they lost.
  13. :jerry: :jerry: :jerry: :jerry:
  14. A Kings Island museum was set up during the 20 season where Ski-Lab sat. It started in 1972 and had pictures and maps also some old props and signs up to 1992. Some of the props they had was a head of The Bat car and some old pictures of the park during different years. All the props, maps, and pictures where behind class outside with out a cover. If Paramount Kings Island would do this now it would be great for 35 years in a building. If anyone works for the park why don't you ask or tell them about this.
  15. I have just posted a new web-page. I run the History of Kings Island yahoo group. I have found a 1974 book that was posted a long time ago that I just got to put on its own page. Please do not take the pictures off of this site. I am still working on it so each page will have a page and it is not so long. http://groups.msn.com/PKIHistoryPictures/h...ingsisland.msnw P.S. I also run the History of Kings Island page on geocities it was closed by yahoo if anyone whats to know. I have not had time to fix it so i just put that one page up. have fun :cowboy:
  16. I got on all the rides that where not in Fearfest last year as a walk on. I see they are hiring for Fearfest right now at www.pki.com.
  17. I voted for Kings Island. The reason I did is because the Son of Beast is one of the worst wooden coaster. The cars are why to small to fit in with out getting hurt by the lap bar. If Kings Island could get new cars for Son of Beast this ride would turn around and be a top 10. Just like what happened to Flight of Fear from bad to good.
  18. Can anyone tell me about Wonderland Sydney that was build by Kings Entertainment and it closed this year.
  19. Wounder why Dane got a folder??? What is in the folder Dane? :cowboy:
  20. Well here is the big Announcement http://www.geocities.com/aeilerman/fposter.jpg
  21. I think that if a Fast Pass/Freeway systems is used it should be open to all just not those who have a Gold Pass. If you go to any park that has a pass system its open to all.
  22. Does anyone know how many seats will be open? I know the press will take up alot of room with cameras, mics, and reporters. Also do you think they will post it on the web some time after the Announcement for those who mite not be their?
  23. Sounds fun glad they invited the public to a press announcement. So if this is a big ride or something else. Where are they going to put it? I know the camp grounds are closing. Also if we go can you take video or pictures? I think their will be alot of press their I am not sure on how much room their will be for the public. Is anyone going? :cowboy:
  24. I know their is a exclusive entrance for Boomerang Bay. The old Season Pass exclusive entrance in front has not been used in years.
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