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Everything posted by Delirium13

  1. As I said it wasn't working at all 2 weeks ago, nor was it working this past Monday when I visited. Also of note is the fact that there are a couple scenes that are completely dark, no black lights at all. It's all in the area of fog effect, that whole are is looking bad. I really hope that it is fixed soon because without it the ride doesn't have much redeeming quality it separate it from Scooby Doo. As much as I like Scooby Doo, Compared to Phantom Theater, Haunted Castle and Boo Blasters are both epic fails. Bring back Phantom Theater!
  2. Notice the apostrophe. Well of course because they definitely wouldn't have approved that sign after their very long thought out renaming process, or opened up an "all-new dark ride experience" if those hadn't been intentional... I heard the Tower Gardens were intentionally themed to a drought.
  3. And that precisely is my biggest gripe with Cedar Fair thus far. The little details that seem to be neglected. The Bavarian clock looks as if someone pulled the plug while it was in mid operation. On my last visit Flight of Fear's queue area was only being lit by flood lights with the TVs off, only playing the pre-show audio. No "show lighting" in the queue at all (UFO lights, various other lights on the queue walls, etc.), the ride itself is a different story though. Just a few other lack of attention to detail I've noticed around the park is: -The Tower Gardens area as a whole -ESPN playing in The Beast's station, I mean I like sports as much as the next guy, but does this bother anyone else? Or am I the only one? I did like when Cedar Fair first took over and played music videos on the queue TVs. -And probably my biggest pet peeve at the park currently - The music. I really wish they'd bring back area/theme specific music, especially on International Street. It just makes the park atmosphere a bit more generic, and Kings Island is better than that. I hate complaining like this and had a wonderful visit this past Monday, I only point these things out because the park is very special to me, as I'm sure it is to everyone here on this site, and I hope these problems are resolved. If I'm not mistaken, Cedar Fair took control of the Paramount Parks immediately after the purchase, and Italian Job was under their control for most of the 2006 season. Not placing all the blame on them, just saying.
  4. I feel like they still made the records very well known when the ride was open. They were mentioned in every description of the ride.
  5. Yeah I'm not sure how that could be either, but I ride the log flume fairly often and was caught off guard at how bumpy it was this year as we were just riding on the wheels of the logs.
  6. Sorry for the accidental double post...
  7. I'll keep this brief as it's a ridiculous time of night to be typing this, but I can't fall asleep so I decided I'd go ahead and type this, hoping that I'll be tired enough when I'm done... I made my 4th trip out to the park this year on Monday, and I'd have to say it was my best trip so far this year. I was with a couple family members from out of town who hadn't been to the park in almost 10 years, so I was very interested to see what their take on it would be this time around. When we got to the park there were dark clouds all around, but we ended up lucking out and not having any rain at all. We got rides in on Flight Deck, Xtreme Skyflyer, Drop Tower, Flight of Fear, Adventure Express, Invertigo, Scrambler, the Monster, Racer, Diamondback x2, The Beast x2, Race for Your Life..., Zephyr, and Boo Blasters. Overall my uncle and cousin were extremely happy with their visit. We all had a great time, I always enjoy going to the park with people who haven't been in a long time and are riding many of the rides for their first time, my cousin just got over her fear of roller coasters so almost all of them were new to her, she especially like The Beast, Diamondback, and Flight of Fear. Now onto things I noticed, I'll start with the good... Good: -The landscaping around the park continues to look great, my uncle even noticed and made a comment, the park looks fantastic this year. -My uncle was also surprised at how much cleaner the park was than the last time he visited. -All of the rides were running great on Monday, I even enjoyed my ride on Invertigo, which I usually skip. -Our food from Skyline on International Street was delicious. -Every employee we encountered was extremely friendly. -It was by far my best visit to the park this year. Now the not so good/peculiar things I noticed: -Diamondback's waterfall was not running any of the times I saw it. -Boo Blasters (as I mentioned already in another thread) has a few scenes that are no longer lit, and the fog effect was not working. I encountered the exact same problems 2 weeks prior to this visit. -Flight of Fear only had audio from the pre-show and only the big flood lights were on in the queue line... -The clock over the Festhaus is no longer working and looks terrible. -I still miss the area specific music. -The Living Liberty Bell's holder could use some TLC. -Tower Gardens is still in bad shape and waterless... I did not let any of those last points bother me or ruin my day, as I said I had a fantastic visit and my family members were very impressed with the park. It was my best visit to the park this year! Thanks to Kings Island for a fantastic day -- On a side note, is it just me or do the water rides seem to be running on shallow water this year? I do not seem to remember my log riding on the ground as much ever, as it seems to do this year. And I'm pretty sure my raft on Whitewater Canyon scraped the bottom on my last visit. Has anyone else noticed this? Now it's time for sleep... Thanks for reading!
  8. The past 2 times I've visited the park and ridden Boo Blasters, about 2 weeks apart, I've noticed that certain scenes are not lit up at all by black lights anymore and that the fog effect is no longer working. I really hope that something is done about this soon, especially with the holiday weekend coming up...
  9. Very very cool story, thanks for sharing! I too wish I could go back to that magical first time riding, but got to somewhat relive it as I was with my cousin on Monday who was riding for her first time. She also had an amazing time on what is truly a unique coaster in modern times, they just don't build them spread out and hidden from view any more, and that truly is part of what adds The Beasts greatness. And also why The Beast remains so popular after all these years. Glad you enjoyed your ride and I wish you many more happy rides in the future.
  10. Cedar Fair is quite fond of the color red, but so am I, so it's fine with me. Now if only they'd paint a certain suspended coaster on the outskirts of KI that used to be red...
  11. Just watched a POV video of Time Warp (originally Tomb Raider: The Ride) on YouTube and was wondering: What on Earth made them think that that ride was a good ride to "theme" after Tomb Raider?! Yikes.
  12. Iron Dragon at Cedar Point and Vortex at Canada's Wonderland still use the same swinging trains. And don't get me started on the name changes... On a side note, last time I rode the Flight Deck sticker was peeling off. Gave the ride a nice cheap feel. Took a ride on the go karts at King's Island to help me forget... yep at King's Island. Sorry from time to time I have relapses of my displeasure over the new ride names
  13. I find it interesting that some of the people commenting on the status update are complaining that there aren't enough thrills at Cedar Point. Really? Having the most roller coasters isn't enough? There are some people that you'll never please... I for one would love for a ride similar to Shoot the Rapids at Kings Island, though I suppose I should wait to see how the ride is first. I would love to have a "big" log flume in the park again, as I greatly miss Kenton Cove Keelboat Canal But this is exciting news that they are finally getting it open, I hope everything goes smoothly!
  14. I'll have to take a look next time I'm there then. That's interesting...
  15. Yeah it's probably from the old theming, signs, queue TVs, etc.
  16. I think that's what they're saying. They'd rather have Paramount because they do not like Charlie Brown (I'm guessing the whole Peanuts gang as a whole), which was put into the park by Cedar Fair.
  17. I'm guessing I was about 3 when I first rode the Scooby Zoom (Great Pumpkin Coaster), I loved every ride on it, eventually moved onto The Beastie, and have been hooked ever since. My first 'big' coaster was The Beast and my first looping coaster was Vortex.
  18. I agree his ignorant posts are getting annoying, BUT you do realize Kings Island is in Warren County, right? Therefore a tornado warning for Warren County would apply to Kings Island... Edit - I stand corrected.
  19. Where is The Beast's outhouse thing located? Can't say I've ever seen, which is very surprising to me! Great pictures by the way! Edit -- The more I think about it, the more I think maybe I have seen it... Is it in the exit?
  20. I figured that was the reason, and you can't really blame them. The station is almost completely gray and that ride does seem to be forgotten, it is so far on the outskirts of the park. And now this year with all the Top Gun theming taken out (I know there wasn't much, but still) and Son of Beast being closed it must be no fun. It just seems so cut off from the park, it needs some care because it's really a fun ride.
  21. ^ That would make sense to me. ^^ And as I was waiting in line at the LaRosa's I was looking back in the kitchen area and it looked fairly similar to the kitchen of the LaRosa's I work at. I also think it had the same instruction sheets on the walls, which tell how much cheese, sauce, etc. goes on the pizza. And LaRosa's does have people who go to locations, such as Kings Island or Great American Ball Park, to make sure they are making the food to the company's standards.
  22. I finally bought my pass this past week, and after only getting to visit once last year because of not having one, I was itching to get to the park, even just for a little bit. So yesterday I decided I go up to get my pass processed and walk around for a little bit. I left for the park around 11 and got there about a half hour later and saw an empty parking lot, which made me extremely excited... until I noticed the huge mess of school buses in the far end of the lot. I was then quickly reminded that it was a Math and Science day, but I wouldn't let that get me down. I got my pass processed, quickly and painlessly, but did notice that the people next to me were having a problem, and the worker couldn't find a supervisor to fix the problem. The people were in there before I was and I was gone before the problem was resolved so I don't know how that ended. Just seems like there should be a supervisor there at all times. But I got my pass and headed into the park. International Street looked fantastic with the new pavers, only thing missing was the music. I also liked how the flags looked as well. I decided to head towards Diamondback, but walked through Planet Snoopy first, it looks great! Far exceeded my expectations, and the kids seemed to really be enjoying themselves. Once I got to Diamondback I decided I take advantage of the Single-Rider line since I had the chance to, went straight passed a long line and right up to the station, I was on in about 10-15 minutes. I sat in the back row of the second last train. The ride was absolutely amazing, I can only imagine what it's like in the very back. Seemed like I was out of my seat for the majority of the ride. It was nice to be back riding roller coasters! Next I made my way to BLSC, mainly out of curiosity since I hadn't ridden since the name change, and to see the trains. While waiting in line, a group of kids cut through the grass by the bathrooms and tried to cut into line, I was happy to see that no one let them in and they gave up and left, still it's just really irritating that people can be that self-centered. I also noticed that the speed limit sign that says 100 something (For a Mini) is still there despite the licensing problems. I overheard a kid talking to his friend about the splashdown, and when they got to the point in line where they could see that there was no water, the kid assumed they were going to fill it up later in the season. I however noticed that the old things that shot out the water to make the "splash" were removed basically solidifying the fact that the water won't be coming back, which is sad. People do notice that these effects that used to be there are now gone and it's just a shame that they don't even fill up the water, something so small that made a difference for that ride. The trains looked bad, but not as bad as they did in the pictures I had seen. Onto the ride, the launch on that thing sure does pack a punch for being only 40 miles per hour, it was very fun. As we drove through, the police car lights weren't working, which wasn't all that big of a deal, but things got worse. The helicopter scene was completely off. We sat there for how long it would've taken and all we could do is look around at what was once the best part of the ride. The second launch was good once again and the tunnel was great. I don't know if it was just the day, but I really hope that that isn't how the ride is going to be all season, it was bad. On a positive note, the crew was doing a good job of keeping the line moving. After Backlot, I decided to cheer myself up by going to the ride that people have been did see it's theming improve, Adventure Express. By then it began to rain and I got on the last train they sent out of the station. Adventure Express was running great and the final tunnel was fantastic! Kudos to Kings Island on giving the ride some much needed love, it's great. Now only if they could give BLSC's theming the same treatment. (I'd say the same about the Crypt, but that's a lost cause) When I got off, all the outdoor rides had closed down so I decided to try out Boo Blasters. Other than the queue area, the ride is a great improvement (I rode without 3D glasses, but a lot of people did seem to be buying them). The skeleton part was creepy but I liked it, and driving through Boocifer was really cool as well. I miss Scooby, but this is an improvement! A great ride. The rain had let up by then so I decided to give Diamondback another ride. This time around I encountered a few problems in the single rider. First, there were a lot of groups, large groups. Then there was a group of kids who were line jumping to get to their friends in the front of the line, someone finally stopped them and after they tried arguing with the guy, they gave up and started asking people in the regular line, who had been waiting for a long time to get to the point they were in line, if they could cut in front of them. Everyone they asked said no and the kids finally left. But the problems didn't end. When the employee working the line needed a single rider, two of the girls that were in front of me went and got in line for a row together, when only one should've left. The employee walked over to them like he was going to do something but didn't. I felt bad for the employee though because of all the people he had to deal with, he did stop two kids from doing the same thing a few people before the two girls, so he was doing a good job, just let those two slip through the cracks. Another great ride on Diamondback though. By then it was getting to be around 3:00 and I had to leave the park soon, but I decided to get a ride on Flight Deck first. A very short wait, but the ride really does look forgotten, the employees working the ride also seemed very bored, it's a pretty bad atmosphere in the rides station, but the ride was running great as usual. The Son of Beast Perimeter Surveillance or whatever it was logo has been removed from the tunnel in the queue line/ exit as well, I'm not sure if this was done when the new trains were put on or what, just thought it was worth mentioning. I left Flight Deck and headed for LaRosa's on International Street to get something to eat before leaving. The staff was friendly up until I got to the cash register. The girl working the register just stared at me when I set my food down, and said nothing. She just kind of sat, didn't start ringing it in or anything so I said "This is all". She then began to look around the counter to see if I was hiding anything, I held up my hands, showing they were empty, but I was insulted. She finally actually said something to me to inform me that my 2 pieces of pizza and my drink were going to cost me $10.20, ridiculous. I took my food and ate it by the fountains. The pizza tasted great, just as good as it would've at a LaRosa's outside the park, maybe a little better I think. It had more sauce, more cheese, and the pepperonis where on top (all things you can order at LaRosa's, but not how the pizzas usually come. I'm not sure why I like my pepperonis better on top of the cheese than below, I just do ). A few observations/conclusions I've made during the day: -I'm probably going to avoid Math and Science Days in the future, it was crowded and all the line jumping and a few other instances of questionable behavior I saw, were all by kids on their field trip. -I'm really excited to see how Starlight Experience turns out, they were working on it the whole time I was there. Not sure I'm a fan of how all the lights and stuff look during the day, but I'm sure it'll all be worth it at night. -All the employees, except the one at the register in LaRosa's were friendly and doing a great job. -Adventure Express looks great, Backlot Stunt Coaster and Flight Deck do not. -The park was very clean. -I miss area-specific music in the park. The same music playing throughout the park and in most of the ride's lines (Adventure Express being one of the exceptions, just doesn't work well for me. I'm not positive but I think the music in Planet Snoopy was different which is good, but still the music playing in line for Top Gun Flight Deck and in the Action Zone should not be playing on International Street. Overall it was a great first visit to the park, I can't wait to get back a lot more this year! Edit - Just noticed I called Flight Deck, Top Gun... Just a Freudian Slip
  23. I loved KCKC, I'd certainly take it over the Crypt!
  24. Oh cool, thank you! Thinking back, I think I can remember hearing that every time I'd ride, always seemed to stand out. Seeing that video brings back memories...
  25. Oh, I miss that so much! Seeing that video just shows how much potential is going to waste with that ride right now. I rode the Crypt when it had it's "amazing" ride cycle, and while it was fun, I enjoyed TR:TR, so much more. I haven't ridden since it got it's new, tame cycle but I think, after all I've heard, I only will if I don't see a line. Just a shame to see the ride in its current state. The immersive experience is gone, in exchange for a ride that is tame and just a shell of its former self. I try not to be negative about things, but I always had a soft spot for Tomb Raider: The Ride, because it was hands down, the best themed ride in the park, and now it is just a ride in a dark garage. As has been stated before, Kings Dominion's got to keep its theming, why didn't we? Edit - Question: I thought I had read once on here that some of the screams on Tomb Raider were actually part of the rides soundtrack, can anybody confirm if this is true or not?
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