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Everything posted by Delirium13

  1. I remember that commercial on their main page... sorry to say I can't answer any of the other questions.
  2. I would say so, it was added in 1995 by Paramount
  3. Thanks for all the comments, and thank you for recognizing it as constructive criticism and not bashing. I love Kings Island and want it to succeed and have the best Halloween event possible, but unfortunately they didn't deliver. All these comments are meant to help in improving the event. I did go on less crowded day, but with much less time and here is what I did: Short Trip Report Once again, I don't mean to sound negative but Halloween Haunt was very overhyped. And telling a member of the General Public that had a bad experience in a haunted attraction that it was probably the time they went through is not going to appease them. They waited in a long line and they are going to expect everyone to be on the top of their game. I seriously think that Kings Island could definately benefit by reducing the number of mazes at Halloween Haunt until they have enough scareacters to fill them and fill them well. Get rid of the long dead spots. Raise the quality of the scares, theming, etc. Remember once again: Quality Over Quantity. A guest is not going to have a good time simply because something is a big event. But they will have a good time if it is a quality event. If you can get both of those elements together and create a large high quality event, such as Universal's Halloween Horror Nights, then you are going to have a great event. At the moment though, Kings Island only has a large Halloween event. Not a quality one. I hope they can make the necessary changes for next year, because what they have this year isn't really at the level that an upcharged Halloween event should be. I have high confidence that Kings Island can do this, but until then they are only going to have the quantity, not the quality.
  4. So, me and a group of friends decided to head up to Kings Island for Halloween Haunt, this was going to be my first Halloween Haunt experience and after all the hype I was pretty excited. We arrived at about 6:15ish, at which point the park was already crowded, which I had expected because it was a Saturday, and the park looked great, not too much of an improvement from FearFest last year in terms of decorating (the biggest improvement being that the whole park is a lot more thoroughly decorated from the CarnEvil (area, not maze) in Coney Maul to the Wasteland in the Action Zone, everything looked good), but it still looked nice. The bad thing about the theming this year is that some of it seemed cheaper to me than in years past, or at least cheaper than decorations at an event touted as being Bigger, Badder, and Better - the doll house by dorothy and thie wicked witch comes to mind, not mention the overuse of skeletons in old halloween costumes throughout the park. There were a few higher quality decorations, such as the big red alien thing under the water tower in the Action Zone. - Overall the park looked great, but there still were things I would change and I don't think that the decorations were worth a name change, sure they were an improvement over last year. But last years FearFest was an improvement over the year before and 2005 was better than 2004 and so on, so to me this just seemed like a continuation of FearFest with a new name rather than a whole new Halloween event. Now onto the Haunts: First up was Club Blood: We went straight to the line right when we walked in so the wait wasn't to long once they finally opened it up and started sending people through at 7. Overall I would say that this is a pretty good haunt, especially in terms of theming in the maze, it only made me jump a few times though. I did feel welcome inside though, as that seemed to be the phrase of choice everytime someone jumped out. Most of the scareacters would jump out, say "Welcome" and hide again. And in my opinion, the hospital part towards the end was weird and pointless, I thought it was a club. 6/10 - Good theming but the scareacters could be better. It's also too short. Next we decided on CarnEvil. This is when I found out for myself how inconvenient the way they do the Scare Zones is. It takes a lot longer to navigate the park with the lines for the scarezones and the the fact that they are one way. This is something I would like to see changed next year, it hurts traffic flow throughout the park they aren't really worth too long of a wait. Once we finally reached CarnEvil we got into a line that was backed up past Chick-Fil-A, this is where I must agree with skjackson or whatever his name is when he says that the lines are unorganized. I saw several people ask what a few lines were for. The line did move surprisingly fast though. I had been looking forward to CarnEvil since I had had a good time in it last year, unfortunately I was pretty bored this time around. I was last in the group and none of the scares were aimed at me, which makes for a pretty boring maze. 3/10 - I was extremely let down, I didn't jump at all and there were a lot of dead spots. Next up was Trail of Terror, where we encountered the insult witch lady, who apparently took most of her insults from Chucky's Insult Emporium at Universal's Halloween Horror Nights, reworded them and made them less funny. The funniest part for me was watching the people she was making fun of because a lot of them were taking it personally. Me and my friends decided to have some fun with it so put my hood up and stood right in front of the house thing she was in, while my friend filmed it on his phone. She called me emo and told me to commit suicide, which I found funny but some others may not. I think a better way to do the insult thing is to do it like Universal does, I mean they've already taken most of the jokes from there so they may as well finish the job, and make it a show, with show times and in a separate area, and maybe let people know that they are going to be insulted. I'm all for Halloween Haunt being more edgy but there is a better way to do some of the things. If they did it like a little show where you know you are going to be insulted, and come up with more insults instead of a 5 minute loop of jokes which always ended in the lady saying a joke she had just said not too long ago, someone from the crowd yelling, "You've already said that, to which the lady always responded by saying something like how the person has no life because they've been standing there that long. It wasn't the funniest. If you want funny go to YouTube and find Chucky's Insult Emporium that is funny stuff, it's a lot more inappropriate than the witch lady at King Island (so if you think she is bad you probably shouldn't watch the video), but it is a lot better done and if you listen you'll hear some of the jokes that the lady stole, only they'll be funny. Anyways onto Trail of Terror: another let down filled with dead spots. They were doing a continuous conga line which made matters worse. 1/10 - Not scary, but at least I didn't have to wait long for it. After that it was getting late so we decided to go through at least one more haunted house before leaving, so we made our way through the crowd of very inconsiderate people who apparently had no idea how to walk and saw that the WorkSite had no line so we decided it would be a good shortcut. We went through, there weren't many people and the people that were there were just pushing barrels and scraping shovels. 3/10 - It scared some of the girls in our group a few times. (In defense of the WorkSite, it was 10x better when I went through it the next week) Last, but definately not least, Red Beard's Revenge: Cowboy Carnage with pirates is the quickest way to sum things up. That actually isn't a bad thing because I enjoyed Cowboy Carnage last year and this year was just as good, if not a little better. Not much changed though. 8/10 - Highlight of the night. Observations: The new host wasn't as good as the Undertaker. He needed a stage or something. The crowds were almost unbearable, and before anyone says it, YES I KNEW I WAS GOING ON A SATURDAY. It wasn't much of an improvement over FearFest, in fact I had a better time at FearFest last year (mostly because I went on Fridays) But it definately didn't need a name change because it was completely different and a lot more scary. I did see part of Dead Awakening (When they were doing Thnks fr th Mmrs) and it seemed pretty good. As much as many people will disagree with me, I'm happy that Kings Island is making Halloween Haunt more suggestive, it definately lived up to the "Badder" part of the Bigger, Badder, Better logo. I can't wait till it's an upcharge next year. What needs to be changed: The scarezones need to be open, with no lines and go both ways. They need new haunted houses, and until they can fill out all the dead spots in the number they have, they need less haunted houses. I would rather there be fewer, higher quality, packed with scares, than the number they have now. Quality over Quantity. The greeters outside of the Haunts didn't seem as into it this year, with the exception of the traffic cop outside of the WorkSite. The whole set up of the insult thing, as mentioned above. And once again I can't wait till it's an upcharge next year. Hopefully it'll be a less crowded, higher quality event. Although this whole report may seem negative, I have confidence that these comments can be taken and help turn Halloween Haunt into a premier event. At least I hope so because I love Halloween events. Maybe next year Halloween Haunt will earn its new name instead of being another FearFest as I feel this event was. Thanks for reading.
  5. I feel more for the people who are living with a wildfire right outside of their houses, not to mentions those who have seen their houses burn down already. Like others have said, With so many people and houses in the area, an amusement park should be a lot lower on the list of worries.
  6. Maybe KD is just the staging site before they move it to another park... Anyways I'm happy for Kings Dominion they needed it. And as for it being a nice fit for Kings Island, I'd rather have a new, built for Kings Island B & M, rather than another used roller coaster. I think the next roller coaster we get needs to be long and have a custom layout, and not one built in the parking lot as Dominator is being predicted to at KD (if that's true, the track will be staying in the parking a lot longer than X-Flight/Firehawk's track did ). We haven't gotten a roller coaster like that since Son of Beast.
  7. I was there last night to and only got to do three things, which was mostly because I got there late, but I got a night ride on The Beast which made it all worth it. I haven't done that in a few years and forgot how much more fun it is at night. Here's what I did last night: Massacre Manor: A usual favorite of mine, I was extremely let down by the lack of scareacters, and the fact that the ones that were in there all went for the lady leading our group, which got to be annoying because everytime she got scared she would stop and hold up our group. I wanted to be scared and I wasn't which makes for a not so fun haunteed house experience. 2/10 - Themed nicely and the girl rising above the bed was something I've never noticed before, is it new? (The only problem with that is because the room she's in is so lit up, it was easy to see the two metal arms below her, pushing her up.) The Beast at night: As I said, I haven't ridden it at night for a few years, and I really forgot how great it is! 10/10 - the hour and a half wait was worth it, although it didn't really help my lack of time situation. The Worksite: Very much improved over last week (I'll post a trip report of that later since I was able to do more on that day). I'm pretty sure that there was no caution tape blocking the view of the rest of the area last week, and it really helped. Smaller groups, more scareacters -and they were actually jumping out to scare you, instead of pushing barrels and staring at you. This one really scared the girls in our group, and made me jump a couple of times, the best part was at the end when the lady with the chainsaw chased part of our group all the way out of the Worksite. 6/10 - much improved over last week, and it has great theming and everything, but still not the best. That was my fun but short night at Kings Island. I went for Halloween Haunt, but The Beast stole the spotlight and was the highlight of the night. Overall it was a good night.
  8. I heard the theme from Psycho twice while walking by Wings. So it can't all be Beyonce, Evanesence, and Eminem, I think that is only back by Flight of Fear at the weird stage with the guy that stands there and talks.
  9. Too bad we can't keep Regular and Cherry Coke and get Mt. Dew and Gatorade too.
  10. It's called Great America, not Knott's Great America, I don't know when or why people started calling it Knott's Great America, RCDB even did for a while, but it was never renamed. Sorry it just kind of bothers me that people call it that.
  11. I also would rather have Coke stay at the park, I prefer regular Coke over Pepsi, and Mountain Dew, Pepsi's best drink in my opinion, is just ok.
  12. I really wish someone would tackle and pepper spray you then teach you some spelling and grammar. Your a moron if you think all cops abuse THEIR (not "they're") powers. Although I agree that the angryemobeaver has no idea what he's talking about, I think that if you're going to criticize someone's grammar, then you should use the correct form of your next time. What you were looking for is you're a moron, as in you are a moron, not your a moron. Back on topic though, it sounds as if the police were doing what they were supposed to do and the kid got what he deserved.
  13. ^Same here, if there is a department at Kings Island I have a problem with during my visits, its usually always the food employees. It's been that way for a few years.
  14. Actually the three you just named, The Cemetery, The Worksite, and CornStalkers are billed as scare zones, but you have to wait in line for them, instead of walking right through. Which I can uderstand from one end, but from what I remember last year, and hear from this year it makes getting around this year pretty tough. Although I will say the quality of theming drastically improved when they added the lines, instead of just walking through, namely on The Worksite.
  15. Thanks for the report, I can't wait to see the pictures from tonight once they are up. I probably won't get out to Halloween Haunt until the 13th, but I'm looking forward to it.
  16. Incredibly unlikely, for next year at least.
  17. I voted for general atmosphere because I love the feeling of the event and couldn't think of one favorite haunted attraction. Off-Topic -- Has anyone else watched the video 'running scared' on the Halloween Haunt website? They used the wrong form of meet. They said, "Something you would never want to meat". Just thought I'd point that out.
  18. 5 minutes sounds really short for a haunted house. I know KI's aren't usually as long as haunted houses outside of the park, but they are usually about 15 minutes, 10 at the shortest. I hope this is just because it was a rehearsal type night. Anyways, sorry to sound negative. That being said, I can't wait for The Haunt! Edit - I have a quick question (sorry if it's been asked) On the HH Hearse's myspace there is a video and at the end it says there will be 3 shows this year (which makes more sense since they have been saying 13 attractions and so far we only know of 11), what are the other two shows?
  19. ^Spelling obviously wasn't one of them.
  20. Anybody notice the CarnEvil picture? CarnEvil Edit--You have to log in to see it. And if I'm not the first person to point out that they've changed Circus of Horrors feel free to let me know.
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