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Everything posted by Delirium13

  1. Just like Pepsi felt compelled to copy Vanilla Coke, Cherry Coke, and Coke with Lime? Vault is better Mountain Dew, but regular Coke is the best. Long Live Coke.
  2. Kings Island had a Slime Time Show a few years back, it was pretty good and got the crowd involved.
  3. Great update guys! I'm happy to hear that they are getting closer to finishing up Son of Beast and the 5 shows will definitely be welcome addition. The fact that Coca-Cola is staying this year makes me really happy as well!
  4. I like these kinds of stories so I'd like to hear the rest of your stories that you have.
  5. Very cool. I love the new design. Keep up the great work guys!
  6. I kind of remember that show. I don't really remember if it was any good or not but it definately was better than a plain water tower sitting in the middle of the path.
  7. Is that because they 'rnt' at Geauga Lake anymore?
  8. Just looking through the media center when I found these pictures of Kings Island covered in snow. Click here to see them! And also some nice pictures of construction progress on Firehawk! Firehawk Construction
  9. Some of the people in line can be kind of creepy too.
  10. I like the front but I usually just go for whatever has the shortest line.
  11. The top's too plain, instead of just rides and hills and a couple of flags it needs somethings that are from the park. Like the Eiffel Tower, Drop Zone, Delirium, and a few more rollercoasters. But it is nice to see the websites finally change. Also, if you click on Rides & Attractions on the left-hand side you'll see an advertisement for a 2006 Gold Pass with the old logo and everything (well at least thats what comes up for me). That's probably a sign that they are still doing some work on it.
  12. The only problem I see with removing the water tower is that the are would look way too plain. It would be almost like a parking lot, they would need to put something in the there to replace the tower, or else we'll just have a big slab of concrete more so than now.
  13. Still it's a classic wooden coaster, which would in no way give the feeling of a B-52 Bomber, that I think a lot of people would have a problem with them retheming. And relocating a bunch of rides would be a huge mess and cost millions of dollars.
  14. Do you mean relocate Top Gun? And what would you want Racer's theming to be changed to?
  15. For some reason I think a lot of people would have a problem with them changing The Racer to Top Gun. The Racer has always been called The Racer, it was the parks first rollercoaster and is one of the first things that comes to mind when I think of the Coney Mall. It really adds to that old time amusement park feel that the Coney Mall has. Changing The Racer theming would be a very bad decision, I doubt that even CBS would've even done that. And an out-and-back racing wooden rollercoaster doesn't really give that Top Gun feel.
  16. I found a link to this website on Kings Island's website to Huntington Banks website. It's got POVs of a few roller coasters and a white water canyon game.
  17. There's a direct link to the Firehawk press release on the front page of Kings Island's website now. It's down under announcements.
  18. ^How many people do you suppose we'll need to push the track over to line it up? But seriously, I agree that a tunnel would be really cool there.
  19. If they gave it a generic adventure theme there are still references to the movie in there, some of which were actually used in the movie, but change the name and remove those things and you'd be alright. I love the theming on Tomb Raider, the only thing is, I don't like the building it's in, it doesn't look good at all. They should've done something to make it look kind of like some kind of temple or cave. But instead they have a good themed entrance leading into a building that resembles a warehouse. If they gave it a generic adventure theme there are still references to the movie in there, some of which were actually used in the movie, but change the name and remove those things and you'd be alright. I love the theming on Tomb Raider, the only thing is, I don't like the building it's in, it doesn't look good at all. They should've done something to make it look kind of like some kind of temple or cave. But instead they have a good themed entrance leading into a building that resembles a warehouse.
  20. I agree, the fron is a completely different ride than the other seats.
  21. Unfortunately, none of those rides are at the park any longer.
  22. Ahhh, must be early drinking on the SuperBowl Holiday. LOL, I just remember someone telling me something like that a while ago. #600
  23. Oh well I knew that there was something like that under there. For some reason I remember something about animatronics.
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