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Everything posted by Delirium13

  1. So much for the monsters not touching you.... Terpy, who can see some real problems with this situation. . . Yeah, I think they would be best advised to remove the bungee scare completely because in the event that the person actually caused a serious injury, especially in the case of someone older going through the maze, Kings Island could have a mess on their hands.
  2. I went Friday and only got into two haunts, luckily I was very impressed with both haunts. They were well themed and well staffed (something that I've always thought Halloween Haunt/Fear Fest has had problems with in the past). The two mazes were Urgent Scare and Tombstone Terror-Tory. I voted for Urgent Scare because I was impressed with the amount of detail and scareacters. I thought it was a pretty creative concept. That being said, I was the leader and got most of the scares, some of the others in the group enjoyed it but weren't as impressed. Tombstone Terror-Tory, which I hadn't been through since its first year as Headless Hollow(?). That first year I must say I was not impressed at all and in all the following years I just laughed when I saw the huge line for it and never wanted to waste my time. This time around I caught the last train of the night, no wait, and every aspect of the maze has been improved. From the person talking to you on the train to the number of scares and detail in the maze, everything is much better. The actor on the train was much more convincing than the person in the regular employee uniform the first year, and even tricked two people in our group who apparantly actually thought it was a train ride and weren't very happy because it had took some convincing even to get them in line as it was quarter till 1 and they were tired and had wanted to leave. But after going through and being scared several times they perked up a little bit. It was a great end to a fun night, and actually now that I think of it a little bit more I would give Tombstone Terror-Tory the edge over Urgent Scare because they were almost equal and because of one big problem I just remembered... I think they should remove the bungee cord scare in Urgent Scare because, although I'm a fan of the bungee cord thing when it's used correctly [for example the first time I saw it used on Trail of Terror (still Psycho Path at the time, I believe... It was 2006) and you cannot see it at all and there is plenty of room for it] but in Urgent Scare, the room is too small, the bungee person is completely visible the whole time and didn't startle anyone in our group and actually ended up coming down and kicking a girl in our group in the leg... not the best experience. Other than that one gripe I thoroughly enjoyed both mazes.
  3. Unpredicted changes in cost and availaility of basic materials needed because of the downturn in the economy are blamed for the delay. Some pretty interesting news...
  4. Every bit of progress on this ride has me more and more excited for next April, I can't wait to get out to Halloween Haunt to see this thing in person. Thanks to Don Helbig for keeping us updated! I had the pleasure of meeting him last year and he truly is a class act and an all around nice guy.
  5. Once again, as with the past two years, Halloween Haunt 2008 sounds as if it could be the best year yet, but it'll be interesting to see how things really are when the event actually begins and the park is filled to capacity on Saturdays and it becomes hard to even find the scareacters (at least that was what my experience was like last year on a Saturday, I actually enjoyed Fear Fest 2006 more than Halloween Haunt 2007, which wasn't all that different to tell the truth.) But I'll try and remain optimistic since Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year and I love going out to Kings Island for Fear Fest/Halloween Haunt. I can't wait for this weekend! Edit: I just hope that they have the staffing levels they need to have a successful event, that seems to be where they ahve been lacking in years past. And before anyone asks me to supply a source on the official count of people they hire for HH, I don't have one but from a guest's standpoint some of the houses have seemed a bit... dead, and no matter what the staff numbers are, if a haunt seems understaffed to a guest, then it is understaffed. Just my two cents.
  6. Coasters I have blacked out on: BLST - the helix gets me everytime Invertigo - in the cobra roll(?) Definately not my favorite coaster at Kings Island. And also Shockwave and Titan at SFOT, I don't remember the specific spot, but they are both great rides.
  7. I think the price for the hot dog is the worst one there to tell the truth. $6.69 for ONE hot dog? Edit- My bad I put $6.29 at first, and we all know that that is waaaay to reasonable.
  8. I thought so too, and I also don't like how you can see the black metal stands holding up the demon-looking things in this picture. I can't wait to see it in person and am to see they made an effort to retheme it, but the new theming does look lower quality and out of place (seems more suitable for a haunted house),but I'll wait to check it out in person before I give a final judgement. That being said, I can't wait to try the new program and the continuing construction of the 2009 attraction has got me very excited! Nice pictures!
  9. Well they did leave those 3 Christmas trees on swan lake for few years after Winterfest... so unfortunately Kings Island is guilty of leaving a Christmas tree up year round.
  10. 2004 back when everyone was talking about Boomerang Bay.
  11. ^I'll second that Big Dipper recommendation. If you are in the area definately set some time aside for it, you'll be happy you did!
  12. Do you really expect cartoons to be realistic?
  13. I'm no expert, but couldn't they put the turns at a steeper bank and reduce stress on the track and lessen or eliminate the need for the trims?
  14. I really wouldn't expect the logos to appear on the website anytime soon, you'll probably have to wait to see them at the park this spring. I could be wrong but from how thorough they've been in removing the old names I wouldn't expect much change. (The description under thrill rides still refers to Drop Tower as Drop Zone, as does the second mention of the rides name in the description. To see the rest of the old names, one must only go to the photos section in the media center )
  15. Yes it is, here's some proof if you really need it... it's a pretty common word actually, I'm surprised you've never heard of it... Cheapened Sorry to ruin your attempt to make me seem dumb.
  16. Great! Right as the new names were beginning to grow on me (maybe not Flight Deck just yet), Cedar Fair comes out with their latest naming masterpiece: Drop Tower. Geez, what a great idea, they should rename all rides to a description of the ride itself. Beast - Wood Coaster Vortex - Twisty Steel Track White Water Canyon - Rafts on Rough Water Adventure Express - Mine Train Racer - Side-by-side Coaster Firehawk - Flying Coaster Eiffel Tower - 1/3 Replica of the real Eiffel Tower Oh man with names like that I should be head of whatever department they have in charge of naming the rides at Cedar Fair, I have their strategy down! Drop Tower is by far the worst name they could've come up with, it seems like they couldn't care less. And Browntggr, you say it doesn't matter what the ride is named because it is still the same ride. I have kinda picked up on the fact that one of the big problems most people had about Paramount was not the rides they added, because most were pretty good, but the fact that they let the atmosphere of the park go to waste. I don't know about you but for me ride names add somewhat to the atmosphere of the park and generic, unimaginative ride names kind of give the impression that they were afterthoughts and that Cedar Fair could care less. Not exactly the kind of image you want, and I I just hope that if we do get the coaster in 2009 that many people believe we are, I hope they spend more than 5 minutes naming it, I would rather not have to hear New in 2009, HyperCoaster! Just my 2 cents. Edit -- v I changed it.
  17. Please let this be the name and logo they decide on for us!
  18. Oh man... there's actually a hint of creativity in that name! Cedar Fair please change our Flight Deck to Afterburn as well!!! PLEASE!
  19. Yeah, the only difference I realy see is that instead of it redirecting to www3.cedarfair.com/ahjkhlr4303........ and all that stuff, it say www.visitkingsisland.com. Seems like good use of a few days of downtime to me...
  20. I have too much alleigance to creativity to enjoy these changes.
  21. Well they definately didn't stretch their own imaginations too far, that's for sure...
  22. You mean processed? And currently their calendar on their website doesn't mention either of those things. But I wouldn't doubt that they will have special days for pass processing, but I don't know for sure. You'll probably hear more about that in the coming month or so.
  23. ^No, because the person was posting for the sake of posting and I think it's a good thing that they are cracking down on this because over the past month or so I've noticed so many worthless posts in many of the topics that have made me less interested in coming to the site and reading the topics as often as I usually do because I get tired of sorting through the good posts, which there are still a lot of, and the posts for the sake of posting, which are cluttering the boards of this site. The fact that they don't allow posts like that on this site is one of the reasons it's so much better than most other coaster sites. (feek free to delete this post as it's off topic, but I just thought I'd throw that out there because I've been feeling that way for a while, you guys do a great job with the site so I hate to see so many pointless posts ruining the content)
  24. The last time I rode the backwards Racer it was rough, painful, and quite unenjoyable to tell the truth...
  25. You better not spend your hard earned money to come to Kings Island then... we have a lot of clones. (Not that Led Zeppelin is a clone, it's not)
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