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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Yeah. Absence creates ethicalness. That makes sense....
  2. C'mon Ty, you photoshopped it.... we know....
  3. If this is for SoB (which is still a very big IF), given that TG rehab was $10,000,000, a contract negotiated by CF for $9,000,000 would be a heck of an accomplishment.
  4. He has done a great job of teasing us- just look at this thread and how it's grown since 3/9 in relation to when the "footprint" was released as well as when the "map" was released. Even after the puzzle pieces have been put together, some still insist it is not what it seems. Creating this type of intrest & specualtion for an exhibit that other venues have had is a job well done.
  5. ^ I bet Don has him on speed dial eliminating the media. But that does leave the door open of: Why should we believe him? Posting that information would be the same thing as what other members have done.
  6. It appears Empire deals with steel more than anything else. What steel ride is in need of re-working?
  7. So you won't believe the media, and you won't believe what another poster states. Exactly what does it take for you to believe something? Not everything has to have a spin on it, as occasionally, it is exactly how it looks.
  8. Why does it matter if the thread stays open or not? If you don't want to read it, don't open it.
  9. ^ That is not impossible, I just don't think it is likely. For one of those cars to be moved (or moving as the article states) there would have to of been power to move the car off of the chain system and into a free moving state. Now it is possible that one of the cars was at the MCBR (I don't remember if PW has one, but I assume there is), but even then, in a powered down state, the brakes in in a "closed" state. I would like to have more detailed information, but I doubt any will be released.
  10. There is no way proper LOTO was followed.... Unless another worker cut off the victim's lock, it is actually his fault for not locking out the power source prior to entering the ride area.
  11. http://mason-deerfieldtownship.fox19.com/news/news/kings-island-announce-major-new-attraction-2011-friday/66385
  12. Using the 'Tiques would be great. I just don't see the justification in the cost of cement/ blacktop & land clearing involved for an "exhibit". Now if there are long term plans for this area, using the 'Tiques, it's possible.
  13. It was the gravy!

  14. I couldn't agree more. It would be MUCH longer than Trail of Terror. And those people walking through the woods would not be spending nickles..... Edit: IF those lines represent the actual path.......... They could be spending money. A trail that long can have many drink vendors.... And the Port-a-Johns could be a pay-per-ride....
  15. You mean the parking lot T-Rex is not a clear indicator that SoB's loop is coming back?
  16. And we can "dress" up "Mr. T": http://www.google.com/#q=dinosaur+in+gold+chains&hl=en&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbs=shop:1&tbo=u&ei=gmWBTbetIIqugQfC87CCCA&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=image&resnum=3&sqi=2&ved=0CEMQzAMwAg&biw=1259&bih=853&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=4bc4d96e154bbdb2
  17. ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yFSpml8oSw
  18. ^ You are forgiven. Next time though, it's 100 laps on SoB!
  19. Yes. But I was actually hoping he missed the correct date for his b-day as well!
  20. C'mon, give the kid a break. Threads that are almost 1000 posts long are easily missed....
  21. I am glad someone else sees it for what it is. After all the complaints (some legitimate, others- a joke) about how CF is running the park, significant changes are being made. Perhaps not what people want, or with the speed they want- but the changes that are being made improve the park as a whole.
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