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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. ^ nope Ok, another hint: "Are you going to use a 220 connection on that?" "220, 221, whatever it takes."
  2. ^ Sorry 'terp. Madison was the name of the Mermaid, but that movie did not have that quote.
  3. Ain't that the truth. Some members (myself included) really need to take a step back sometimes and understand all (or most ) of these discussions are centered around a park we have fun at. Being so serious about issues we have minimal knowledge of and have equal or less influence takes the pleasure away of why we are here. "Hey Madison Ave! Lighten up!" -If you can tell me who/ what this quote is from, you get the browntggrr prize of the day!
  4. I said it "appears" to be neglected. I am referring to those people that come to the park once or twice a year and wonder why nothing is happening with it. You and I understand why it is closed, but may not be the perception of the GP. From a GP perspective, the reaction is that it appears to be down rather than neglect. "Neglect" gives the notion that the ride is falling apart, which it clearly is not.
  5. Neglected? Really? The ride is closed due to safety concerns. And since that was announced, nothing else has happened, except, those who want to read into things rivaling National Enquirer. I would be more concerned if they were actually maintaining the ride, only to tear it down later.
  6. ^ Especially in Cincinnati where the term: "Don't you know who I am? I'm an NFL football player!" is tossed around frequently to police!
  7. Deleting (if it was actually deleted- I don't see how anyone could know it to be a fact, unless it was done themselves) does not mean anything is being covered up. The answer may be simple- why allow obvious (or vicious ) rumors to spread?
  8. Please tell me this is an inside joke... If it is not, REALLY? Seriously, calling someone out for being hateful, and then calling them ignorant in the same sentence is a joke. Heated discussions do not have to get personal.
  9. That should be an option for every poll when enthusiasts are involved...
  10. Besides the information found at KIC, do you have some sort of inside information that KI is not listening to the majority of their customers? Just because a park does not follow what enthusiasts want, does not mean they are not listening. If a park acted on everything they "listened" to there would be no direction at all. Again, just because an opinion is not acted upon, does not mean they didn't listen. The opinion was just not feasible to do. As a former business owner, I constantly had people telling me their opinions. Some good, most bad. I could not put my focus on one small group of people that only came to the bar during happy hour as they only came in for 2 hours a day, Monday through Friday. I still had to run my business 7 days a week from 11am - 2am. If I tried to make everyone happy, I would have been broke within 2 months. Now, if anyone did not see this coming, shame on them. I have been a season pass holder for numerous chains for many years. The decision KI has made is not at all surprising. WS is the new ride for 2011. Why is that ERT a surprise? Vortex is a coaster near WS. Why is that ERT a surprise? ERT decisions like this are typical. Now I'm sure there will be tons of naysayers that believe since the Gold Pass ERT was originally advertised as Beast & DB that the park should honor that. While you are not entirely incorrect, I believe when 2010 passes went on sale, that exact wording was used as well. And it does say, as the passes have always said, "subject to change". Honestly, i am looking forward to the ERT on WS & Vortex. When the park opens at 10am, that area will be very busy while I will be in Rivertown.
  11. ^ What would they be trying to cover up?
  12. http://www.bizjournals.com/columbus/morning_call/2011/02/dayton-needs-millions-to-house-shuttle.html
  13. I have been to CP on opening day numerous times where it has not only been cold, but rainy. Even w/o the precipatation, enjoying those rides in cold temperatures is a difficult task. Which brings me back to Winterfest. I'm sure if the revenue generated be Winterfest far outweighed the: planning, set-up, staffing, and cost it would still be around. The local Zoo had Zooluminations for a few weeks around Christmas years ago. It was a really fun event as the whole zoo was decorated in Christmas lights & seeing the animals in the winter time was a change of pace for most people. The event was cancelled due to lack of local intrest & difficulty in set-up. The effort far outweighed the revenue generated. It just wasn't worth the time to continue the event. I can see the same thing with Winterfest.
  14. I always got a chuckle out of that line. To this day, I still believe this is the more appropriate line: " Where the magic of advertising our movies is close to the hype of a lifetime in announcing a new ride." But that is just me....
  15. http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/business_tourism_aviation/2011/02/disney-outlines-first-details-of-1-billion-nextgen-initiative.html
  16. While it may not be a done deal, I really don't believe Boeing would annouce a donatation of $5M without having some inside information. The article contains too many specifics for a closed-door deal not to have already been decided.
  17. http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20110215/NEWS0103/102160335/Aquarium-adding-penguins?odyssey=mod%7Cnewswell%7Ctext%7CFRONTPAGE%7Cs
  18. http://www.aviationdayton.com/news/news-stories/news-stories_files/2011-2-17-Boeing-to-give-5M-for-USAF-Museum.php The space shuttle will be in Dayton! That is a great reason to visit again!
  19. ^ That really depends on the condition of the track. Typically, there will be some small rust spots which will need to be sandblasted and if the metal track is not too worn or damaged, it can be re-used.
  20. From my understanding, Beast's name came was determined by the "powers that be" from the roar of the train through the tunnels once the testing began. If i'm not mistaken, that information is found in one of these videos from Kings Island: Riding history to the limits: http://www.cetconnect.org/KingsIsland/index.aspx
  21. I'm sure changes will be made once it is apparent the venue can no longer be used. If it is still used on a regular basis, why change it?
  22. Nah, that is not the parent's responsibility, it's Disney's! My youngest daughter was burned by hot soup at home when she was 4 (which is why I am rather sensitive on this subject). My wife made the mistake of heating the soup for 2 minutes in the microwave and the soup spilled on my daughter's chest & stomach. Since her skin was so sensitive (due to her age) it blistered quickly. It appears to me, the nacho cheese incident falls along the same line. In a former life, I was a business that dealt with food & beverage. There is no good way to keep nacho cheese warm (hot enough) for both kids and adults, unless you have them microwave the cheese themselves- which will create numerous other issues. While I feel bad for the child, accidents like this happen. It just disgusts me that instead of the parents blaming themselves, they have to blame another party.
  23. As a parent, I still check the food my kids eat- and they are 8 & 9. But hey- it's Disney's responsibilty to feed kids, not a parent's, right? I also question a parent's decision to allow a 4 year old to eat nachos to begin with....
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