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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. You knew of two possible opening days? Now that IS intresting inside information!
  2. I cannot think of one situation where a parent or gaurdian intentionally leaves a child alone and they are considered falsely accused.
  3. Although not nearly on the same scale, but with a great ending.... Back in 2000, MF was hit by lightning on a Friday night in the middle of summer. The head of CP maintenance took the red-eye to Switzerland to get a replacement part for the computer, came back to CP Saturday night to start operation at 9:45pm. CP kept operating MF till 2:00am to satisfy as many guests as possible. Also, 2012 will be a leap year, not 2011.
  4. Alrighty, then....no need for a trial...you see, it has been determined with certainty that in situations like these, people are not arrested for a miscommunication error or an innocent mistake...I see. It just does not happen. The police are always right.... Terp....speechless When did I say the police are always right? Again, in situations like this, like when a parent leaves a child alone for an extended amount of time, parents are not arrested for innocent mistakes or miscommunication. Like some, I chose my words carefully with the intention they would be read with that same meaning....
  5. Like most businesses that are always open, Disney will reduce staffing & close rides based upon attendance at the park. I didn't like that answer either when I asked about the same thing. Since KI is only open for about 1/3 of the year, it is more critical that the guest experience ends when the park closes.
  6. I am always reluctant to believe the media, but in this situation, she was arrested by the authorities. In situations like this (i.e. leaving a young child home alone or leaving a child in a car alone), people are not arrested for a miscommunication error or an innocent mistake. I have "lost" my daughter at KI. I certainly didn't joke about it when she was found, nor would I have ever requested she not be looked at by paramedics.
  7. My daughter was diagnosed with autism at 14 months, so I have been there. Yes, it has been a strain, but, she is still my daughter and I have no problem playing the hand dealt to me and making the most of the situation. There were many times it would have been much easier to throw the towel in, but that would have just hurt my daughter, and my family, in the long run. I am confused on how what happened a century ago has anything to do with the decisions made today. Just because things were handled differently then, does not justify a bad decision today. And yes, some people have been falsely accused for things. But again, what does that have to do with a mother leaving her son alone in a theme park, and then lie about it?
  8. So after all these years, she just happened to crack at a theme park, but still had sense of mind to lie about it? I'm sorry, but that is pretty thin.
  9. Stories like this make me sick. If this *person* (mother or lady is too nice) is able to leave her disabled son like this in a public element, imagine the type of care she provides (or doesn't provide) behind closed doors. I still believe (and I am not joking) people should have to get a license to have children because of things just like this.
  10. When pushing the envelope of creating thrilling rides, there are things that just cannot be anticipated with a computer during the design stage. If that means a design change that eliminates the trims added to keep I305, fantastic. Enthusiasts know all too well about the trim arguement. I applaud both KD and Intamin for working together, as it benefits everyone.
  11. No offense to Mr. Koch, but, I believe anyone in the industry would have felt they could do better- smart or not....
  12. And yet you still try to explain to every SoB fanboy that's posts about re-opening the ride and/or adding the loop back in that it is a bad idea Great. Another person besides my wife to call me insane.
  13. I did understand what you were getting at, I just don't understand why you would suggest re-opening a closed wound. Comparing TG and SoB is apples and oranges. TG, at one time, was one of the most popular wood coasters. It also has not had the negative issues SoB has had. The amusement park industry is a copy cat industry. If the wooden looping coaster concept was feasible, someone else surely would have learned from SoB's mistakes, and built one themselves. It speaks volumes that not only has another park not tried out an improved concept, KI is having difficulty finding a firm to solve SoB's engineering issues or be able to purchase newer model trains. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein Suggesting that KI re-invent SoB does have the potential of putting KI on the map, but that map has a very small percentage of leading the park in the right direction.
  14. http://www.sixflags....TexasGiant.aspx Where is the looping part?
  15. The truthful comments about SoB makes things worse? You really believe that?
  16. I am completely shocked anyone would rate DB as a "miss" for any reason. Not only did the ride fill a hole in KI's coaster line-up, it also brought: a B & M to the park, smooth ride, fast ride, airtime, fast line, etc. All that with no inversions & no gimmicks. Reading back through numerous threads, this was the exact type of ride most wanted to see. Two things are certain: everyone is entitled to their opinion & you can't please everybody.
  17. I personally have nothing against the ride, just the location.
  18. I also believe a "miss" would be the location of IJ. IMO, the removal of: trees, rides, and aesthetic areas is acceptable, provided the addition is worth-while.
  19. There were numerous attempts to keep the water circulating, but due to the constant garbage, the pumps were always clogged.
  20. You gave two choices, and I took the second choice. If you don't like the answer, you really shouldn't give choices. Where did I ever mention Disney was a better park? Guests spend money to enter the park and enjoy the rides. If rides are continuously removed for these games, the park has less to offer. Only a fool would spend money to enter the park, then spend more money just to show off "skills" and not enjoy the rides offered. Kudos to your friend and his success. The story sounds like a Hallmark made-for-TV movie. KI was made popular not by the carnival-type games you and your friend have the obvious skill for, but for the rides and attractions it provides. If KI were to remove all the rides for the carnival games you covet, I really don't see how it would be a draw for people to enjoy. And from a financial standpoint, that would be stupid.
  21. If another incident, even if it's not a park/ design issue (i.e. pre-existing medical condition, some moron looking for a payday claiming an injury etc.), would absolutely kill the "rehab" effort thus the ROI would be totally lost and the park would suffer another black eye in terms of safety. TG, at one time, was considered one of the better wood coasters. The same cannot be said for SoB (although some will vehemently disagree with me). As was mentioned, the bugs caused from the stagnant water were terrible as was the smell from all the garbage people would throw in the water. Disney, for instance, does not have the carnival-type games- and the park is much better off for it. So to answer your question: I would rather have something that costs money to operate as I paid money to enjoy the rides.
  22. I would be surprised if the $500,000 donation was not already planned in the CF budget. Donations like this keep everyone happy, and also keep investors encouraged that the planned direction is still moving forward. If the debt(s) CF has were not being paid, donations like this would not happen.
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