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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. The park has rebounded nicely since the aquisition. Customer service is better, as is the overall park atmosphere. The rides & cleanliness are also certainly MUCH better. Now they need to work on some of the little things, especially pricing- but every entertainment venue needs to do that.
  2. Provided from the same source: Added for emphasis.
  3. Wow. This is where the back & forth bickering starts. Information has been provided from an extremely legitimate source completely eliminating your theory, and for some strange reason, you ignore it.
  4. I wonder if Disney is using GWL as a promotion for their own employees....
  5. This is an excellent example of why many internet forums have done away with the number of posts being so visible.
  6. I've been holding my tounge about this off-topic/ topic since I am in no way innocent of back & forth bickering, but there were some comments about the discussions back in the day that got me thinking. What has changed from when I first became a member in 2003 vs. today? Perhaps my answer/ idea is all wrong, but, the biggest change is the ownership change from Paramount to CF. Now most of the "younger" members do not know KI other than under the Paramount tag so they will be more passionate to the way it was before CF, just like I am more passionate to KI prior to Paramount's ownership. This same theory can be attribute to how some feel about SoB (being their first coaster), or KI vs. CP (since KI is their "home" park) etc. Being passionate about something leads to personal feelings. When someone does not agree with something that I feel to have a personal connection with I am more apt to have a closed mind. Those same feelings will sometimes carry over to numerous discussions and inflate a petty issue into a heated exchange. But we all also have to understand, this is an internet discussion forum- disagreeing is nature of The Beast. We all have many opinions, and some of us are more vocal about them than others (except me ). Some of the back & forth activity does bring out the best of information as each party will bring up evidence supporting their claim. That "evidence" can open many doors to information that is normally not discussed. The one thing that is certain: we all love KI, and have nothing but the best intentions for the future of the park. And in the spirit of staying on trend with this topic: I'll wait to form an opinion on the paint job until I can see it in person.
  7. ^ I'm too old to hold my breath.
  8. No, it is not my suggestion that many, many pieces fell onto the track. The items appear to be pieces of safety glasses that fell off a previous rider and were then hit by the next train. A train that heavy going that speed is not going to slow down or shudder when hitting a piece of plastic, paper or any other light material. The train would have ceratinly broken the glasses into many pieces, which does appear to happen. And speaking of laws of physics, it is intresting & amazing what can be balanced given the right conditions: If the objects were metal pieces, the train would have slowed and shuddered as you suggested, which in the video, clearly did not happen. Also, the ride would have been shut down as a safety precaution if there were metal pieces, or sharp pieces, breaking off the train or track. The ride is still in operation and has not been shut down. Sometimes the easist answer is the actual answer. Not everything needs to have a dramatic spin to it.
  9. And what about the previous riders that could have had items fall out? Many people, including myself, have complained about the limitation bringing items on rides (and thus charging an arm and a leg for lockers). This video could be the poster-boy of why the parks have initiated these rules.
  10. I always have marshmallows fall out of my pocket when I go to parks.
  11. I am willing to bet this is on Intamin's dime. A change this drastic, this fast, has been in the works for sometime. The "greying out" forces upon the guest are probably higher than Intamin anticipated for and higher than KD wanted. This sounds very similar to the heartline roll issue on Maverick. Computers do an amazing job with engineering rides like this, but they lack reality & human element, thus, changes have to be made. Simply put: a vendor sold a product to a customer that was inconsistant with the selling contract. Chances are, it will be a win/ win as the ride will actually be more enjoyable for more people and include less trims. This is also the reason why no information will be released until the ride can be tested & approved. There is no 100% way of knowing the changes will work, or if more modifications to this change are coming in the future. And with a change like this, the ride will have to go through all the same tests as if it were brand new.
  12. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/11/22/earlyshow/living/parenting/main7078309.shtml I have SO many issues with this....
  13. I'm sure KD will provide a press release once the modifications are completed & tested. There really is no advantage of talking about what is going at the present time since the ride will be unavailable for guests until spring of next year.
  14. What is your obsession with not being questioned that it must be arguing on my part? Moving on: In the video captured from the Knott's incident, the metal pieces came directly at the riders. Even in the TTD incident, the metal shards came directly at the riders. In this video, they clearly do not as the pieces are off to the side of the train. To me: the objects in question are simply pieces of safety glasses and other debris that fell off a previous rider that were hit by the train itself. And most importantly: If they were metal pieces, wouldn't the ride would be shut down as a safety precaution?
  15. Ain't that the truth.... as in, $3.00 more/ day to a total of $83.45 after taxes. http://www.tampabay.com/news/business/retail/busch-gardens-raises-full-price-admission-3-barrels-past-80/1135250 I'm sorry, but that seems a bit much for a one day ticket.
  16. ^ ^But it's the enthusiasts that want the buzz. Many here (enthusiasts) are critical of the park for not giving enough information. Now the park is suppling what we ask for, and since some don't like the color, it's just the park is creating hype? No matter what the park does, they can't win....
  17. ^How did they create hype? It seems to me the enthusiasts create hype over things like this.
  18. ^ I would absolutely love to, but, I unfortunately do not have a scanner.
  19. Actually Ty, The Bat was not removed until 1985. Bat was removed in 1984. No, it sat as SBNO during the entire 1984 season. It was dismantled during the 1985 season. I have pics of it being dismantled from the Eiffel Tower in 1985. I was there! I was there as well and also have pictures of it being dismantled in 1984. It was not finished being dismantled until 1985. Also, see here: http://www.rcdb.com/627.htm
  20. Actually Ty, The Bat was not removed until 1985. Bat was removed in 1984.
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