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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. You shold look more closely at the picture before your constant pessimism starts. The dinosaur display is not in the center of the fountain where a majority of picture are taken. Where, on Earth, do you get your information? The Earth itself is 3.8 to 3.9 billion years old.
  2. I believe the server error has to do with a new page KIC is coming out with announcing the 2011 opening of SoB.
  3. I don't believe that is their intention. The Star Tours vs. HP is simply the opinion of the author. Now the revamped Fantasyland in 2013 is a different story....
  4. Dave & Buster’s 4Q comps positive http://www.nrn.com/article/dave-buster%E2%80%99s-4q-comps-positive
  5. After Universal strikes gold with a wand, Disney pulls out a light saber http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2011-04-15/entertainment/os-disney-star-tours-20110415_1_disney-s-hollywood-studios-star-tours-theme-parks
  6. KI is not the only entertainment venue jumping on the dinosaur scale: http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2011/04/the-worlds-largest-dinosaurs/
  7. There is absolutely nothing wrong with flipping burgers, as I did it at 16, and later when I owned my business. The point was, there are numerous options to doing the hokey-pokey. Burgers is just one.
  8. http://www.iaapa.org...HumanResources/ If I were asked to "play the hokey pokey" during a job interview, I would first look for the hidden camera, then leave. Why? With jobs like KI, the employees are asked to do a variety of things. How they do it, and the manner it is done, has a HUGE impact on the guest experience. Having fun is part of the KI job. Either deal with it, or flip burgers.
  9. ^ I can understand that (especially the 20th for AE), but I still don't see how kids today will not get excited about seeing the rides on the current map. And let's face it, the park is about rides & entertainment. The color of track on a map or the lack of trees does not effect the park's entertainment value. The park also has guests that don't know where they are going and would only feel like Peanuts characters etc. only clutter the map discouraging their sense of direction. But you do bring up an intresting point. If the park would add Peanuts characters (and other like things) that would open the door for some to complain about how the park is over marketing their brand.
  10. The same reason why grocery stores put candy in the checkout lines. Kids are bound to want it simply by seeing it.
  11. So you don't believe this map will excite guests? What is the KI map missing compared to the maps that excited you when you were little?
  12. I have always related the ratings to the "shock" factor. With DT, you know exactly what you are getting. With AE, and other coasters, looks can be deceiving. I have heard many people talk on the midways about how coaster "x" does not look that fast. Ironically, they were talking about MF while walking through the tunnel.
  13. Would a tree hugger even like a map knowing that the majority of them cause the downfall of trees? That is a good question. What are the Park Map Tree Huggers more concerned with: -the lack of trees on the map -or- - the amount of trees used to make the maps
  14. Given that, those that are obsessed with park maps could be: * Park Map Geeks * Park Map Tree Huggers * Park Map Crayola Enforcers * Park Map Size Nazis * Park Map GPS Lovers * Park Map Comparitors * Park Map Tolerance Wizards I would have to say, all of our examples are not ridiculous in any way.
  15. The 49ers most certianly need a new stadium. While the product on the field may not be good, new NFL stadiums are not only to see a football game, but for a fan "experience". Candlestick, which is the 2nd oldest NFL stadium, does not provide fans with any "experience". There are many options for the new 49ers stadium, but only one is currently being considered. Behind closed doors, the NFL is pushing for a joint stadium between the 49ers & Raiders. Unfortunately that log jam is called Al Davis.
  16. We would find something to talk about. Perhaps the lack of trees on a map.....
  17. As a freshman in college, I worked for the student newspaper. My first article was literally torn to shreds by the editor for the way I wrote it. His advice stuck with me: "Write for anyone reading the paper not just the students."
  18. I applaud Paramount for having the testicular fortitude to make the decision on SoB; and if it had worked, they would be considered geniuses. Many parks would not pull the trigger on such a concept. Now if they would have only put forward the necessary resources for the project....
  19. ^ BUT, no official announcement has been made & he can still be found on the map....
  20. What motivation would they possibly have to unblock you?
  21. IMO- this is still the most disturbing fact about SoB:
  22. Isn't this official enough: (It should be obvious what was added for emphasis) http://news.cincinna...lears-Son-Beast
  23. The weekend has passed, and two things are certain: 1) SoB's status has not changed 2) One specific poster's denial has not changed But rest assured, combining Dinosaurs Alive! on the map & Easter on the calander, I'm sure there will be some type of SoB resurrection tie-in.
  24. But if they already agreed not to put it on the map, the decision has been made....
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