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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Don't forget about what XGatorhead mentioned: This story could be just the common disgruntled employee(s). And his TR was back from 6/1/08. From the article: After thinking about this for awhile, there are some things that just don't make sense. If you wanted to work at KI for the summer, wouldn't you know how much money you would be making? So if it costs (assuming that the figures the report are true) $3000 for travel, and another $1200/ month for living quarters, you would need to make at least 4X that to make ends meet, make some money, and have extra cash in your pocket just so it would be worthwhile. I also have a difficult time believing that the apartment costs $1200/ pp/ month. If you are living with 4 other people that would be a $4800/ month apartment. All I have to say about that is, are they commuting from Manhatten? Now the article does not specifically say that each are paying $1200 or if that the $1200 is shared between the 4 roommates, but that is proof of how some of these "I" team investigations like to put a spin on things. But let's guess that the $1200 is split between the 4 roommates. That would be about $4000 for travel to the US and a roof over your head for 3 months. And at (guessing) $8/ hour, even if you worked 40 hours for 13 weeks, that comes to just above $4000. Why would it be worth it to come? I used VERY rough numbers. But even at that, why would any intelligent person agree to that type of pay, along with cost of living and trvel expenses to begin with? Unless, we have not heard the full story. And I am going to assume we have not.
  2. Only $50,000? Either this guy was doing something unsafe that caused his accident, or her attornies need to find a new career.
  3. GE Transportation in Erie, PA.
  4. Wow. Another case of summer workers not happy with their job! Imagine that! I know when I was in college that when the summer started I loved my barely above minimum wage job. How dare CP give these kids employment, housing, food, and free admisson to the park all summer long. When the alternative would be living at mommy & daddy's house all summer and working at the local Whippy Dip after living on your own at the college dorm for the last 9 months. Bottom line, with the exception of the international students (as long as the story has not been grossley exaggerated), if a college student does not like their job, go somewhere else. There are enough glory stories of working at CP to equal the horror stories. If you can make more money somewhere else and have a better experience, then why did you even bother of applying at CP?
  5. http://www.wcpo.com/news/local/story.aspx?...2a-f8b5321418d1 While some of the story does seem disturbing, the first thing it reminded me of is living in a college dorm for the first 2 years before I got an apartment. This is the part that got me. If these kids had it so bad, and I'm not saying they don't, then how could they not speak up and say something? What would be the worst that happened? They get fired and have to go back home? All things considered, that may have been their best choice.
  6. If there was a contract made how do you know that it wasn't and adjustable contract to flux with the price of steel or were you there when they made the deal? I'm sure that the contracts are drawn up where the cost of materials is open-ended that suits the park as well as B & M. Also, when it comes down to purchasing the materials, once the contracts are signed between B & M and the park for the coaster, then B & M will come to an agreement and sign a contract with steel supplier and lock in a certain price. I have to deal with this type of thing everyday since the cost of materials where I work have skyrocketed. It is a double edged sword. In many cases, there are only one or two suppliers for a certain product. And our supplier has a contract with us for a certain amount of product, for a certain amount of time, for a certain cost. Now if the cost of the material has skyrocketed (i.e. aluminum, copper, steel etc.) someone has to swallow that cost. Now it could be the supplier since we have the contract with them. But now the downside of that is, my company can push the issue and keep the cost where the contract dictates. But now that puts the burden of cost on our supplier. If they can't handle the cost, that could put them into bankruptcy. If that happens, not only will the contract we have with the supplier become potentially void, if they do happen to go out of business, we then only have one other supplier to turn to. And the last thing you want is to have a single possible supplier. If they have the monopoly and know it, then they can kill you with the cost of materials.
  7. It does have that possibility. As quote from a UV Education professor: Exactly. So why give ideas when it is not necessary?
  8. And what about those that don't have criminal intentions, but then find information laid out in front of them with a bow on top? And, no offense, exactly how can you assure us what people are gathering or not gathering from the local media? Copycat crimes happen all the time. Now, how do you believe the people that mimic others' crimes find out about them? http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nationwor...0,1498402.story http://www.bsu.edu/news/article/0,1370,-1019-652,00.html
  9. So why did you not inform us of the policy change back then? We had to rely on a media outlet? Thanks alot!
  10. And along with that, how people handle their money really does crack me up. Money is one of the dirtiest things a person can handle. Just think about all the people that handled the dollar bill in your pocket, and where it could have possibly have been. Now think about the last time you paid for that Cheese Coney, slice of pizza, or any type of finger food. Did you wash your hands before putting that food in your mouth? Scary thought huh?
  11. I failed to mention that the policy change is a good idea. I just wonder why it happened mid-season. Keeping the handicap/ parent swap policies the same is a good idea. It should ease the confusion for the guests and the ride operators. This will also clear out the exit areas of the rides. And if you do go with a group and one of your friends is in a wheelchair, one of you can stay with you friend, and the group can wait in line, and then all ride together.
  12. "I know for a fact this policy has been abused in the past," Schmidt said. "There are people who will rent wheelchairs and fake handicaps to avoid waiting in line, but this way those guests who are in need will still benefit." Sigh..... He knows for a fact but fails to give examples. Perhaps he did give examples, but the paper chose not to print it, or, there was no need to give examples since the article was not based on how people used/ abused the system, but it was how the system has now changed. And also, why give people ideas by giving examples? Just like when USA Today explained in the paper how Timothy McVeigh made the bomb used in the Oklahoma City bombing. Although much more drastic of an example, you get the idea.
  13. There are many things we don't know. Does KI even have the international program at all? What kind of specifics does a work visa have? If the international worker wants to quit KI, is there any kind of repurcussion? (i.e. do they have to pay their own way home?, do they owe money for the room they have been staying in? etc.) If some of those things would prevent them from leaving the park, I can see why they would feel like a prisoner. Granted, it would be by their own decision, but people can feel trapped if the options are limited.
  14. I know that CP still has their International Program. What that means for KI, I have no idea. But I can assume that housing would be KI's biggest hurdle. If there is no housing for the international students, it would be very difficult to have the program.
  15. Whoa! A teenager that is working during the summer doesn't like their job? Now that is an exclusive!
  16. I can remember years (1986 or 1988) ago when the park would shut Beast's line down at 9:00pm (or close to 9:00pm it might have been 8:30pm) so that there would be no line after the fireworks. Now THAT was a big disappointment. It was truely a great day when that policy was no longer in effect.
  17. Please note that this was a ERT for ACE in 1994: http://www.groupsrv.com/hobby/about33104-0-asc-0.html
  18. Again, that video I provided was during The Beast's initial test runs before the park was even open in 1979. How can you possibly see, or even try to guess, what happened after the video was filmed? Even in that video, the helix tunnel is not there, as matter of fact, the roof is still being built. But we all know the tunnel to be there now. So please explain to me how the roof is not present in the video, just like the brakes, but it is there now? Well if you feel that way, why would you claim this? That, like your opinion, makes no sense. You have never had a trimless ride on Beast. So exactly what are you basing your opinion on? It can't be other people's word for it. You said it yourself, you are not naive enough to take a person's word for it, unless you have seen it. And since your first ride on Beast was probably in 1992, what have you exactly seen? And even if people did happen to have a unique trimless ride at one time, how does that constitute that the brakes are not necessary? Do you actually believe that the engineers that designed Beast wanted to slow it down? Since they are the ones that designed it, and then they determined that the brakes were necessary, are you finding fault in their design? What qualifications do you have to dispute their work? Then why not call it Scooby Doo? Or do you have a difficult time handling things you cannot control?
  19. Living in PA.... KI should have a BROWNS PRIDE NIGHT!
  20. I suppose you need to read better. I have no idea what is in KI's maintenance department, I can only speculate. Just like the speculation that Beast would be better trimless. Do you have anything to back up your claim? Please IM me.
  21. But since the trims have always been there, and people still rank it in the top 10, what is the point? It is almost a 30 year old coaster, and it still cracks the top 10? That speaks volumes. If they removed the trims and made the ride unbearable to most it probably would not get ranked at all.
  22. From the glass is half-full theory: At least they were all wearing their seatbelts. If not, there could have very well been a fatality.
  23. All that information can be supported how? It certainly is not from your "favorite" list on another site: I find it difficult to believe that for such a coaster enthusiast you would have AE as a number 5 coaster compared to some of the steel coasters in Florida. And as far as The Beast being ranked in the Golden tickets. That poll is about as valable as a used piece of paper. But if you think about it; Beast is by far the oldest on that list, and with the exception of Phoenix (1985) is the only coaster not built in the modern era (1995- present). And it still made the list? And with the trims? So does that mean Beast is better than all the wooden coasters out there in the World, except the 7 above them on the list? That really sounds like that is the point you are trying to get across.
  24. It does not appear that Mason's mayor is looking at the big picture. Sure it may be difficult for KI to go back to Deerfield Twp. But what kind of message are you sending to potential entertainment venues considering Mason? If Mason is growing at such an alarming rate, why would you even consider biting the hand that feeds you? Also, does this tax include all admission priced entertainment? Or is it just KI and The Beach?
  25. Please tell me that was meant to be a joke....
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