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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. That brings up an interesting question, was SoB ever operating enough (or reliable enough) to be considered a "flagship" ride?
  2. On a per year basis, wood coasters cost more to maintain. If/ when steel coaster track needs to be replaced, the cost is enormous. Rust is the worst "disease" a steel coaster can encounter & does not just stay in one area, but spreads like wildfire & cannot be easily replaced as in the case of a wood coaster rotting board. KC was removed for a handful of reasons, the poor steel used being one of them.
  3. There is a good chance they don't even use chlorine, but the less abrasive bromine.Either way, the chemical(s) used in pools/ spas is strictly overseen by the Warren Co. Health Dept. That includes overusing the chemical as well which can be more harmful than inadequate amounts. http://www.wcchd.com/environmental-public-swimming-pools.aspx
  4. ^ If Vortex commented, he would have sunk to a new low.
  5. See, you learn something new everyday at KIC!I always thought his name was AZ Kinda Guy. I did not know it was Richard! (btw, you forgot a comma! just sayin')
  6. Who could have imagined a watered-down party could be old & crusty?It is refreshing to know that the political race is now over, the old has been removed, and we don't have to listen to them anymore!
  7. Ask AZ Kinda Guy Brian-If anyone started a "flame war" it was you. He said you were wrong, and look at your reaction.
  8. Political spins make me sick..... Thus- I will not vote for the Teacup party.
  9. ^ What influenced your conclusion more? The line or the cheeseburger?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w9xk4hUKoQ
  11. Yes, it will be retired soon. Vortex is still sinking......
  12. All husbands & wives love each other?
  13. Father of CoasterBob63, son of CoasterBob61 & husband to CoasterRoberta17.
  14. There will certainly be an investigation, and if they find that this tragedy was premeditated, she should be dropped in the same enclosure.
  15. This isn't a parent that left a 6 year old at home alone to go out and drink, or a parent who left their kids in a car on a hot summer day. Those are most certainly prime examples of failing to attentively care for a child. This is a parent that lifted thier child at the zoo to see the animals better and accidentally dropped her child.This type of action resembles most parents/ guardians at any zoo, including my own actions many years ago. Shouldn't I be put in jail too? Or because I didn't drop my kid it is ok? This mother does not have to go to jail, and she is most certainly not getting off "scot-free". She has already began serving a life sentence knowing her actions ended the life of her child.
  16. ^^ She made a terrible mistake, one that she will live with the rest of her life. Sending her to jail accomplishes nothing. Use jail for the real criminals.
  17. They can use large lift trucks to move the track into position in the station & then use a crane on either side to lift the track into position.
  18. Your punishment: "You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc." "In his belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over a thousand years."
  19. Hindsight is always 20/20. Consider this: (from people that do this not only for a living, but have been doing it WORLDWIDE for many decades) http://editorial.autos.msn.com/10-largest-auto-recalls-in-history
  20. ^At least the misspellings were kept to a minimum. CF already shut all the rides down and there were no injuries, you really believe an injury with a lawsuit will sway the decision to stay or go?This WS issue is a PR nightmare for CF that spans North America. The publicity already received from these incidents makes CF look incompetent, anymore bad press surrounding WS & the rumor mongering WILL include injuries & fatalities when in reality, none ever existed. Mondial has to guarantee similar recovery times have been eliminated. Anything less & all WS will be removed.
  21. I feel the same way about my car tires.One went flat once. I am never getting in a car again.
  22. IMO the true issue is timing for seasonal parks. Halloween events can only take place for about 6-7 weekends/ year. Staffing issues prevent the parks from being open during the week. Bad weather prevents every weekend to be an optimal weather-wise. So when good weather hits on one of the 6 weekends, guests will be clamoring to take advantage. Increasing the price will only stop a small handful of guests for the same reason above. Guests want to get out of the house in good weather before winter hits. Planning for these events is a nightmare for the park.
  23. That would be myself.I never even heard of it before I Googled it. 'Rat Race' has now peaked my interest. Any good?
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