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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. ^ If the other WS operate, and another has the same issue in the next few days, imagine the type of press CF will endure. With any luck, the KBF WS is an isolated incident, but given the trend for the 2012 season, it is difficult to imagine.
  2. It could be, but I recall a POV of the prototype w/ corkscrew in this pic:
  3. Revenge is a dish best served cold!!! HAH! I GET IT! cuz... your snowman.... and snowmen are.. cold......thats funny. your not serious right...... lol Silly me....I thought it was some obscure joke about the food being served in Festhaus....
  4. There is video somewhere of the suspended corkscrew prototype in action. It drives me nuts that I can't find it.......
  5. Now that OSHA is investigating, and these incidents are making national news, something will change.
  6. I have been known to live in my own little World. but this CRACKS me up! Thanks for making me remember it!
  7. At what point does that disclaimer become irrelevant? Is it meant for unique issues normally not caused by the park or is meant for a known issue that continues to happen? Please use Son of Beast as an example when asking the question.....
  8. You are absolutely correct and I'm willing to bet those are EXACTLY the biggest concerns for CF when discussions with Mondial have occured.When it comes to safety procedures, what appears to have no rhyme or reason on the surface always has a significant reason underneath. An example off the top of my head: Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are required per OSHA for most businesses. Normally, MSDS training occurs when you are first hired, and quickly forgotten. MSDS will explain in EXTREME detail the hazards of the material/ solution. Water (H2O) has an MSDS. It would seem crazy on the surface that water could be considered life threatening or hazardous, but it can be as it could react with another solution and become a hazardous situation. That maybe a bad example, but the point is, they don't come up with a procedure just for the sake of coming up with a procedure. There is a method to the madness when it comes to safety, even if the procedure appears crazy.
  9. ^^ I don't know the exact details of how WS works, but I believe the explanation of why it take 3 hours is a "standard" homing out issue: When a malfunction occurs, the machine needs to be reset manually. Certain things need to occur for the machine to reset & for auto cycle to be restored. In this case, WS needs to complete it's cycle to the top manually, engage a safety (or process) switch, and then manually lowered- and when using a hand crank, for a device that is 300' in the air, and weighs quite a bit, it is gonna take a good amount of time. It's gonna sound funny, but I am led to believe this entire process is in the spirit of safety. Hopefully, these occurances will be solved in the near future (I give it one year) for the process to be improved where it does not take as long to reset. If not, I can't imagine these rides surviving. It also would not surprise me to hear about lawsuits being filed in the hopes of taking the blame of these incidents off the shoulders of the parks and pinning it on the manufacturer, but even that course of action is a double edged sword for the park(s).
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjCwm4ryvYs
  11. I wonder how long it's gonna take for the rumors to start about a fatal injury associated with these ride malfunctions.
  12. http://www.labusinessjournal.com/news/2012/sep/18/disney-refinance-joint-venture-theme-park-paris/
  13. http://www.experiencethepoint.com/features/howthingswork1.asp
  14. That is too bad. I suggest to many to read some of the posts from last year- no magic 8-Balls here.
  15. They don't try to compete, they do compete.The new Fantasyland is a direct answer to WWoHP. While IoA does provide thrills, they also have family attractions. Disney provides family attratcion, and also has thrills. Don't be fooled, each compete for $$. I beg to differ. To me, Avatar is the respond to Harry Potter. Remember how rushed the announcement was? Not even a snippet of concept art. Disney Execs: "Ope! Islands of Adventure did his new Perry Hotter thing and now we need to do sumtin! Oo let's do Avatar!" The announcement was not very Disney-like. Any other ideas about Disney's answer to WWoHP?
  16. There were not "some" but "many" standards that were not followed. I'm not sure if you know this: SoB's accident was not caused from swaying or loose bolts.
  17. ^ Well said. It is a terrible subject, but it is reality. Sharing stories like this may leave a bad taste in your mouth, but it also can inform many how to handle such unique things.
  18. This could go in a few topics, but seems appropriate here:
  19. ^ We will be able to seperate the men from the boys with that one.
  20. I saw two enthusiasts fighting over who was getting the gravy first, not at KI though......
  21. ^^ I believe Transformers will be using the land Jaws was on. The presser Universal came out with mentioned a "couple" attractions for the area.
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