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Everything posted by secondson

  1. Oh, please don't tell me we're going to start arguing about the definition of "several"....? What is the obsession with exact words in this forum? Can't people simply express their opinions and thoughts without having everything picked apart and analyzed?
  2. Then don't tell people their opinions are wrong. You said you want a giga because KI doesn't have a coaster over 300'. So what?? Is that the only reason you want one...just to say KI has one? The park also doesn't have a strata. Should we plop one in just because everything we currently have is under 230'? Sheesh....I'm in a bad mood, so I'm going to leave you guys alone.
  3. You know, I totally agree with you. I don't think people are that stupid that they wouldn't be able to figure out that a new wood coaster was not SOB, particularly since almost everyone knows SOB was torn down. It's not like everyone looked at Vortex and said "Oh, gee, isn't that where The Bat used to be? That must be the same coaster with a new name. I don't want to ride it".
  4. *sigh* This zoo keeps getting wilder and wilder. Must be the heat.
  5. You guys are nuts. We don't want Banshee finding out who her real daddy was. Ooops. Did I say too much? Let's just say there's another reason that loop was removed, and leave it at that.
  6. All the more reason to use cash. I refuse to use credit unless it's an emergency, or for an urgent major purchase to replace an appliance or make repairs.
  7. It was named "Beastie" at one time, and they changed it. Didn't they? Right? Okay then. So let it go. "GrandSon of Beast" sounds ridiculously stupid. What would be next...Daughter of Beast? It's stupid to keep carrying on with the same "Beast" family theme.
  8. Apparently, according to this news story from Fox 19, KI is asking affected guests to contact them one of several ways...including on their Facebook page.
  9. I mean the "son of" part....as in Son of Beast, or GrandSon of Beast. The original Beast should remain the only ride in the park containing the word "beast" in its name. JMHO.
  10. Um..... Let the name stay dead, along with the coaster. The original Beast, as it stands in Rivertown, is enough.
  11. But I'm not talking about arranged/guided tours of the property, or a situation where you get the plant's permission to look around outside. What I'm saying is you can't simply drive by the plant and tell whether or not there is track laying out. So all this talk of "the plant hasn't started making the track yet" is nonsense if all you're doing is looking at the property from the road.
  12. Let's clear up the speculation about whether or not CSF has even started working on the new track. Look at this bird's eye view of the CSF plant. As you can tell, there are other places on the property where track can be stored out of view from the public eye (unless, of course, you want to hire a helicopter and fly over the place). Unless you want to trespass on CSF's property, you have no idea what may or may not be lying on the ground outside the plant, and thus have no idea whether or not they've started making the track for what we assume will be a B&M coaster. So let's get past all this nonsense already, huh?
  13. ^Yep. Check out the first link in my OP. Interesting video of it, too.
  14. It would be interesting if they could build a loop on the outside of the tower to add to the thrill factor.
  15. Already a thread discussing this here: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/27572-polercoaster/
  16. I thought I'd put my popcorn down for a minute and post a little somthing based on your post... Thought it would also be a good example just in case Kings Island did install an B&M inverted coaster for the 2014 season because OzIris is the newest B&M invert to date. (This does Not mean I think KI will get an Invert for 2014, I have not made my prediction, Yet.) If something like this were at Kings Island it might even make you scream like a Banshee! If KI's invert (yes, I can't help but believe that's what we're getting when you look at the parallel footers that have been put in place) is as nice, or nicer, than OzIris, then it will have been well worth the wait for us getting one.
  17. Yep. It tells me KI has been woefully slow in getting one, and is finally catching up.
  18. I gotcha now. Thanks for the explanation.
  19. Okay, help me out....what's the difference between fun and FUN?
  20. Ohhh...well, I suppose that's a good point. Then you guys are probably right. I know they can put elements under the lifthill itself, but from the pictures we're seeing it seems that would make it go right over Adventure Express - which that seems like an odd thing to do when all the old SOB footprint is available for which they could have created a different layout. It would really make it easier if we had an overhead shot of the park with SOB removed. Google needs to update their satellite imagery.
  21. Don't feel bad, so am I. But I think it's a concert that takes place next to a roller coaster queue...?
  22. Beast1979 did a really good job explaining it for me. If you take a look at the pictures in his post, pay attention to the last one and notice how he pointed out the parallel footers. It only makes sense that the lift hill will start out heading northeast into the ravine area. I don't think there's room to extend the lift hill in the direction of AE. The abundance of footers being constructed just to the north of Slingshot suggests a number of elements will be constructed near the end of the ride before the trains end at a brake run, then curve right as they go back into the station.
  23. Looking forward to it....although I tend to think the lift hill will head out in the other direction. But I'd still like to see what you come up with.
  24. I don't know. Some people may be okay with coasters that are 200'-300' high, but not okay with anything higher. Just curious to see what people thought about this. I wish they had a POV animation to show what it would be like. Imagine riding around the outside of a tower that's almost as high as Cincinnati's tallest building.
  25. Check out what they're wanting to build in Las Vegas: http://www.usthrillrides.com/products/polercoaster/ http://www.vegasinc.com/news/2013/jun/18/move-over-ny-ny-roller-coaster-another-roller-coas/ Any thoughts? Would you guys ride it?
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