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Everything posted by secondson

  1. It certainly wouldn't have been a family attraction. But not The Diamondback in Frontier City.
  2. I wish I knew how to interpret you.
  3. Welcome to the site. It's not going to be a wood coaster. There would be a lot more footers closer together than what we're seeing in the construction photos. But I agree with your desire to see another standup at KI. They should have replaced King Cobra years ago.
  4. Why am I suddenly reminded of what was said in this post.
  5. Shawn, I don't really think they removed a footer. I just don't think it's actually been poured yet. If you look at this photo by Oldiesmann, you'll see a triangular shape with what appears to be tie rods sticking up in the corners. It looks like they poured a triangle-shaped foundation in the ground. There's grass in the middle of it, but when you look at the most recent ones the grass is gone and it looks like the inside of the triangle has been dug out. To me, that simply indicates they are going to be filling it in soon with concrete.
  6. I saw those posts, too, but I'm referring to the parallel rectangular ones I circled in that picture. Sorry if I confused you.
  7. ^Shawn, why would they build new footers...then turn around and remove them? Okay, thanks. I honestly wasn't sure. Any idea why they would build parallel rectangular footers like that?
  8. FoF96", I really hope you don't mind that I snagged a screenshot of your photo, but it's the best one I can find to use for my question. If you don't want me to use it, please let me know and I'll be happy to edit this comment and remove it. So here's my question: In the area I've circled, is it safe to assume these two rectangular footers could be at the base of the lifthill where the lift's motor would be mounted?
  9. I thought we already did the Screamscape thing? It's since been changed, and we all noted it. Or am I missing something? See, now Terp has me all flustered because Jackson doesn't curse....but I do, and now I'm embarrassed and should be ashamed of myself, because... Oh, screw it.
  10. I know one in a old Six park.... OUCH! Terp, gasping. Dude, you're slippin'. Beast1979 spelled "dammed" wrong (should be damned) - and you missed it. tsk tsk tsk.
  11. Okkkkkkk.....you just joined yesterday, and now after only 5 posts you're already being a little assertive. Calm down and go with the flow. Sorry.... Just a bit anxious I guess! Can we get some Hot or Cold hints from Don please.... It's okay, I understand. We're all anxious, but I'm not sure there's a lot of decoding we can do until more footers are placed. So until then, we all just talk about different things until some new tidbit of information is introduced into the discussion. It won't be long until we know what's going on.
  12. Okkkkkkk.....you just joined yesterday, and now after only 5 posts you're already being a little assertive. Calm down and go with the flow.
  13. Hmmm....interesting layout. After the first drop, you just go back into the woods and presumably that's where the track ends. The trains just go flying off the end, and - well....I'm sure the park will be going through a LOT of trains. OR.... It's the "Neverending Coaster". The track doesn't reconnect to the station, so once you board you don't come back. You just keep going and going and going and....wait, where's the bunny?
  14. Well, I can't tell you how stoked I am about this. I mean, a campground built on those footers? How AWESOME will that be! I'm going to be dreaming of tents and bonfires tonight, baby! Next year at KI is going to be the best year EVER!
  15. Go to this site: http://yoursmiles.org/ Look through the categories. When you find one you want, make sure you check where it says "URL" and copy the link, then post it as a regular image in your comment.
  16. Don't worry, buddy....we won't attack you. As long as you make interesting comments and/or reasonable posts, you'll be fine. Welcome to the site!
  17. Whoa! I know what it's going to be now. There's going to be a zip line from the top of the Eiffel Tower to the station of the new coaster! No? Well, it was worth a guess.
  18. I too have a feel for the layout. Okay, for the idiot among us (referring to myself), can someone point out what the layout is - or draw a diagram. I don't see it. Please? Yep, yep, uh huh...that would be great!
  19. Ohhhhhhh. That must be why when I first saw Vortex in 1987, all I could say was "That's an incredible roller coaster! " I just stood there and stared at it in amazement. At the time it was built, it was the tallest full-circuit steel roller coaster in the world...with the highest drop for a steel coaster, and it was the first roller coaster to have six inversions. Silly me. I didn't realize it was such an inferior, puny POS.
  20. Yeah, you're probably right. Never mind. The triangle bases on Skyflyer are oriented differently. Sorry...my bad. Of course, that's assuming the new triangular footers aren't for the coaster.
  21. I think you guys are thinking about Xtreme Skyflyer - not Slingshot.
  22. Yes, we've noticed. I already brought it up on the last page... http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/27275-starting-to-decode-2014/?p=519781 Contradicting what? I don't have a problem with the jackhammering, it gives character. Mrs. Sexy does not like it due to the jackhammering. There is no new track for a different ride at the plant. That is a wing coaster going to europe. My source must be mistaken. I saw intamin track. Hook, line, sinker. Okay. Glad to hear you've admitted your "dependable" source was wrong.
  23. Yes, we've noticed. I already brought it up on the last page... http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/27275-starting-to-decode-2014/?p=519781
  24. Anyway..... Now that I've wasted 15 minutes of my morning reading about restraints and jackhammering, does anyone have any updated information about the construction going on for our new Intamin/B&M hybrid giga inverted dark ride with 32 inversions which is made out of wood?
  25. If it were something like Verbolten, wouldn't they have started excavating for a large building by now? Maybe...?
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