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Everything posted by standbyme

  1. I agree, nice sketch. Do you think it was sold in one of the shops along International Street back in the day?
  2. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  3. Yeah right...YOU should know better than that...I can see them adding a Preferred preferred parking lot (at a higher price) before I could see them eliminating the preferred parking area.
  4. I have debated whether to even post this at all...you really have to be a die-hard fanboy to enjoy this one. (cough Ty, cough Paul) But since I have it...and I have it scanned, here it is: I like the cover...it's simple yet nice. Only in the 70's could a boyfriend & a girlfriend's clothes have clashed so badly. "Live Entertainment...a stage show in Old Coney, a porpoise show, melodramas..." Melodramas?!! Anyone remember these? Just think...you could have gotten 25 people in for only $150.00...today that's what 5 Fast Lane passes cost. (And yes I know that the 1974 prices are not adjusted for inflation...i'm trying to make a joke here!) So, hopefully more than two people on this board enjoyed this "brochure".
  5. I don't find this devasting news...Gold Pass parking lasted longer than I thought it would.
  6. Thanks for the heads-up that it is time to register...I am also on board! My page Jonathan, I look forward to seeing you there again!
  7. I like the shadows that the bridges are casting on the water in your one picture.
  8. I like them all...but I REALLY like the close-up of Adventure Express...that is the nicest aerial shot I have seen of it.
  9. ^I don't think the lady with her hand over her mouth must have enjoyed the ride much.
  10. Judging by the recent ride names (Diamondback excluded) if the park does have a naming department I am guessing that they call themselves "Naming Department".
  11. Oh to be able to have went through that dumpster in the boneyard! Thank you for the photos Ty...by the way, I like your watermark.
  12. That photo is beautiful...I wish I could say that I owned it.
  13. You should rephrase your question before you know who comes on here!
  14. Once again...I have not had anything interesting to say about the pictures that you have posted over the last few days...but I am still enjoying them, thanks!
  15. About a month ago I posted a brochure from 1974...I mentioned then that I also had a different one from the same year...so here it is. I find it interesting that the park used 2 different slogans...it's like they were trying to hit different demographics. There are some great faces in those trains...these are my favorites: Notice that without the seat belts or seat dividers that a parent could give their child a little extra support if they were a little scared. I also like the gentleman in yellow...it looks like he's on his way to the office for the day! "Intriguing menu..." those are two words that I don't like to hear...I am not a "sit down restaurant" type person...my rule of thumb is that if the restaurant has cloth napkins it is probably not my style. How does someone who is not from Switzerland "feel totally at home" in their Inn? "...yours as a special free bonus"...is anything in life really free?! Thats a lot of hats in that photo!
  16. westcoaster...I do not have a 1977 brochure, hopefully someone will come through for you.
  17. I noticed that the "Something fun..." slogan appears to be in the same font as the old Kings Island logo...is it a common/normal font? I thought it was odd that the artist chose to accentuate that Scooby was a costumed character and not the "real" Scooby running around. (I also like seeing Dick Van Dyke on this brochure...it is one of the few things that my hometown has produced that is good.) I can't say as I like the outside of The Kings Island Inn better than it looks today. "Kings Island's Screamin' Demon- a super fast coaster that shoots you through a loop completely UPSIDE DOWN..." NO! Not upside down...that can't be possible! The lion in the tree is a cute photo. Fred & Barney had better talk to their doctors about the medication that they are on...it appears that they are retaining too much water. "Listen to a life-like Knute Rockne urging his players to "Win one for The Gipper"...that reminds me of what my grandparents & parents considered a compliment after coming home from a funeral, they would always say "Didn't he/she look so life-like". I saw The Rolling Stones from the 11th row in that stadium! (It's only Rock N' Roll...but I like it!)
  18. ^I have also thought that the theming of The Wild Thornberry's was a work of art.
  19. Great picture...I can't imagine how daunting it must have felt to build The Beast!
  20. Paul, You are digging up some cool photos...as always, thanks!
  21. ^You overpaid...I cleaned up with the $20.00 a bag special!
  22. I like the logo too! (And I will like it even more if it ends up on a nice full-size retail map of the park!)
  23. ^That is amazing...I wish I would have gotten to see that in person.
  24. I don't know if rcs has run out of pictures and this thread is done...but if so I would like to say thanks for posting all of these. They truly were some great shots!
  25. It appears that this photo was taken at the exact second when she received her pink slip informing her that she would no longer be working at Phantom Theater and was being reassigned to some kind of outdoor job.
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