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Pagoda Gift Shop

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Everything posted by Pagoda Gift Shop

  1. "Failure" is usually defined in terms of return on investment (ROI) and ride reputation. Son of Beast has failed to deliver on either of these since it opened. However, a ride can always rebuild it's reputation over time (remember Flight of Fear's switch to lap bars?). I hope that SOB can be modified to be better, but it's an uphill battle. Few rides have had such a negative track record to try to overcome, hence the reason they haven't simply re-opened it "as is". Still, it is a financial failure. Kings Island paid a lot of money to build it and run it which they will not get back. If it ever reopens, maybe it will "break even" from that point onward. Unfortunately, I'm sure that's what the park thought when they put the G-trains on...
  2. Don't worry, this is just part of the typical 2 weeks - 1 month of downtime that Huss rides like Delirium have every year.
  3. Speaking of attendance, Ohio isn't exactly the best place to be during an economic downturn, especially one that has hit the auto industry hard. However, the big number I always heard tossed around was the amount of season pass sales they did/do at Kings Island. At various times, I've heard that they are off the chart numbers. That and comp tickets (which CF nixed quickly and wisely) were the 2 biggies I always heard about KI. In terms of national attention, KI hasn't had a marquee attraction since Son of Beast. That is, if you don't count the whole Steve McNair Halloween Haunt fiasco.
  4. Well, I guess the 5@5 will be on hiatus for a while. I think it makes sense maybe to do it from say November - June. Seems like things would be too busy during the peak season. On a positive note, at least it was voluntarily stopped rather than someone making asinine comments (How dare you remove Son of Beast!!!! You've ruined my life!!!!1111)
  5. 1998....before Action Zone. Removing all that shade was a big mistake.
  6. In my experience, any time during June is better than July and August. The park is close for private events for most of September and October is packed because of Halloween Haunt. In summary, June is best, especially weekdays.
  7. I'm not angry about it, just cautious. We already know that there have been questions which crossed the line. I just don't want a good thing to end. Personally, I believe that there is a difference between the 5@5 and contacting guest services about a problem, even if the questions are answered by some of the same people. I wouldn't think the park will tolerate anything on a public forum like 5@5 that would reflect badly on them. I admit you were generally respectful in your message, but saying "this isn't a question, it's a statement" isn't a good start.
  8. A complaint is not a question. If someone has a complaint they should contact Guest Services. I'm betting 5@5 will be gone by the end of summer because of people like "Nicholas Edward Beaver".
  9. I can't believe he answered another Brian Broom question. It was another negative one too. How come this guy isn't banned yet?
  10. My comments and comparison were not directed at a "single" time of having an issue using a platinum pass, but at the major issues they have had for over 3 years. Of course there will always be some problems here and there, but there has been confusion/major issues for several years now. Cedar Fair has simply failed to resolve the issue and it's embarrassing.
  11. I don't disagree that people would use it in some fashion if it existed. I think having it at a single location, like Starbucks, is not a bad idea. But KI wants you to walk around and spend money, not sit and use the internet. This is the reason Disney has given as to why they have been less than enthusiastic about adding wifi to their hotels.
  12. frisbeefan, I'd hate to be you when buying a car. If it won't start 5 days in a row, do you just say "things happen". Or do you get the darn thing fixed/replaced?
  13. What's the point of having wifi? Who brings a laptop to the park? I would think that people will just use their phones as that seems to be the way to go these days. "Internet"? You couldn't come up with a more definitive title than that?
  14. Is the old dodgem building that one that is used for one of the haunts? It seems like it could be the same one.
  15. Haha! That is how Kings Island rates their rides! How can Drop Tower have a 4, but Adventure Express have a 5!? Because of the forces on the body I'm guessing. Think about it, Drop Tower does not have any lateral forces, very little positive G's, and negative G's for 2 seconds during the drop. Compare that Adventure Express which I'm sure has much stronger forces in all 3 categories. Of course, most would vote DT a more 'intense' ride, but that is mainly due to anxiety I would think.
  16. The walk of fame is something KI started a few years ago which honors well known KI former employees. They put their handprints into a mold of concrete similar to the stars in Hollywood. It's currently in the tower gardens area which was formerly the Paramount story. I think Carmen Electra and some of the Brady Bunch are a in there, but I can't remember exactly.
  17. I heard a story once that during the merger Kinzel visited KI management and bragged that he had yesterday's attendance numbers on his desk first thing every morning. The KI management responded by getting out their blackberries and telling Mr. Kinzel what the exact KI attendance was at that moment. I too am surprised that they haven't figured out the "Gate Central" system that Paramount was using before. I figured that surely by 2008 they will have this whole thing ironed out, but here we are in 2010...
  18. Engineering marvel? Maybe, but either way a wooden double helix at 60+ mph is a horrid idea.
  19. I don't think they're willing to wait that long. To see the results of Texas Giant, they would have to wait until almost mid-2011.
  20. The part I don't understand is why answer the question at all? I would be shocked to learn that KI does not receive "hate mail" in the form of criticism over Son of Beast, The Crypt, Planet Snoopy, or whatever. All it takes is some 11 year old fanboy to send an email telling them how much thing X sucks for reason Y. I guess this particular email pushed the wrong buttons in the form of bringing up the admissions tax situation. In no way do I condone this sort of behavior at all, I just don't see how in the age we live in you can stop a small group of jerks from ruining a good thing. Unless, they can be ignored or banned in some way from having a voice. What's to stop a disgruntled employee from sending the same sort of offensive email?
  21. Sheesh what an unnecessary question. Everyone knows the reason they raised the prices was to pay for the parts needed to keep Firehawk running. Gosh.
  22. Here are my (hopeful and biased) predictions: 2011 Resurrection/Demolition of SOB New sit-down table service restaurant (please!) Maybe a new flat of some sort 2012 New coaster for 40th anniversary. Either something that loops that's not made by Vekoma or a new woodie depending on SOB's status. 2013 The Crypt is removed due to lameness. Boomerang Bay upgrade.
  23. Tomb Raider was and is likely the only Huss Giant Top Spin to ever get built. I can't imagine the relationship between Huss and Paramount to have been that great considering the problems it had. I would have to imagine that it was Huss and not Paramount/Cedar Fair that suggested removing an entire row of seats to improve the up-time. That can't have been a pleasant conversation to say the least. It really makes you wonder what kind of warranty some of these rides come with. I remember that Vortex was said to have been a fraction of the normal cost due to the failures of The Bat. Since Delirium came only one year after Tomb Raider, it was probably already planned when TR went in. I would think that if Huss were to make good on their failures they would have already offered KI a replacement of some kind, but we will probably never know that. As for making use of the building for another ride, that generally isn't the Cedar Fair Way™ of doing things. It's much more likely to be used for storage and Haunt usage. If you'd like some examples, see The Pirate Ride, Frontier Carousel, and Disaster Transport queue at CP as historical examples. Overall, my prediction is +/- 3 years on its life. Ridership will decrease from here on out, especially considering Boo Blasters is now more intense than The Crypt.
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