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Everything posted by upstop

  1. talk about final regrets..... how about me, refusing to ride Shooting Star, Haunted House and Lost River on my last visit to Coney Island. (i was just seven) ..just beacuse I was a dumb kid....lesson learned.
  2. I think you might be working yourselves up for a big let down. It is most likely a Fastlane because of the overflow crowds they are expecting for Banshee. A Fastlane could easily go down a the staircase in the picture, turn towards lift hill, go under the lift hill to the existing stairs, ending at the front of the rollercoaster train.
  3. Still waiting....tapping foot....where's the doggone picture? LOL
  4. upstop


    One year, the amusement company for our county fair brought an Astro Wheel to the fair. A couple of weeks before the actual fair was to begin, I was driving to a town about 20 miles away, which was incidentally the direction that the fair rides were coming from. I noticed something odd in the ditch on the way and decided to take a slow drive past it on the return trip. On the way back, there it was....a ride car from the Astro Wheel was lying in the ditch. Later on, I was walking through the county fair grounds prior to the fair and was looking at the assembled Astro Wheel, trying to figure out which car was the one I saw when, from somewhere near the top, a bolt fell out and proceeded to ping and ding along the structure until it landed on the loading deck. Needless to say, I averted from riding that ride!
  5. Could it be this? http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2620/3926524578_ac21f884de_z.jpg This is in Gattlinburg. http://s3-media4.ak.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/e7Jl1MoTCnnBzOAdzie4XA/l.jpg or this? http://s3-media1.ak.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/zJrMe2tDapYJyH-pCRBvRA/l.jpg I've always wondered what the monsters do while they are waiting for customers to come in?
  6. It was moved from the Phantom Theater building in later years to the Coney Mall when the park spread out the event, and the tunnel was added after the move...(I didn't like that part either, especially since your face was next to the feet of the person in front of you.)
  7. You are correct, but I for one will always call it Fearfest. Halloween Haunt is one of those generic Cedar Fair names. It was more fun during Fearfest, to me anyway, because the rides were not the centerpiece as they are today. When Fearfest first opened it was international street, part of the Phantom Theater Building and Phantom Theater itself along with the Paramount Theater and Festhaus. There were 6 houses, "The Legend of Pumpkin Jack", Paramount Theater; " The Museum" in Phantom Theater; "Revenge of the Mummy" in the other part of Phantom Theater; "Carnevil" inside of Festhaus; "The Freezer" under the Eifel Tower; and "Torture Tower" at the top of the Eifel Tower. The crowds greatly exceeded expectations to the point of extending the haunt time to 1am where it is today and Coney Mall was opened the following weekend to release the overflow of people that were packing the event. Over time came the opening of Action Zone and then later the opening of River Town....Then word got out that lines for the rides were short, so people wanting to ride the rides packed the park as it is today....now we have....duh duh duh....Fastlane and Frightlane to handle the crowds. I'm sure there will be more attractions and events as time goes on....maybe even a more intense attraction or two...time will tell.
  8. however, these upcharge haunts help to pay for improvements to the current haunts and other stuff. If KI sees a need there will be one.
  9. what to expect? A few tears, melancholy, a feeling of finality, and Summertime Sadness.
  10. Agreed....there was an air of responsibility that society lacks today...today some let their kids "explore their surroundings" unfettered....Now it's always someone else's responsibility.
  11. ^^ I'd like to see just about all of the nostalgic flats return....but that is just a dream....or is it?
  12. Cuddle up was different from keggers and cauldrons. You actually went in a figure 8 around three platforms. The cars actually release from one platform and fly to another platform to complete the figure 8. It was really something to see and ride. You could actually spin a little from the change in motion. PTC actually still makes replacement parts (according to their website)....I'm pretty sure the entire ride could be reproduced. There is a better picture somewhere within the threads. If I find it I will link to it. I'd like to see both Cuddle up along with the Whip come to Coney Mall for nostalgia sake....It would be something that older adults could ride with their grandkiddies. (by the way...not much for seniors to do with the family at KI, unlike Coney Island....Moonlight Gardens...hint hint.) On a side note...when did Der Spinnin Keggers lose the top half of the barrels? I don't remember it ever operating without the tops. Edit: here is the location of the better picture. Scroll down the page when it opens to see the picture. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/28432-remnants-of-past-attractions/page-2?hl=attitudes#entry563204
  13. The final supports close to the midway have been installed!!! Yay!!!!
  14. uh oh.....someone left the Haunt fog juice running... great picture!!!
  15. Woo hoo! Headed into the loop with supports!
  16. You wouldn't be surprised if the line doesn't fill up on weekends?Terp thinks a double negative gotcha! Sorry, it was past my bedtime....and I ain't got nothing else to say about it.....lol
  17. Okay-that would explain the desire for a flame motif. When I first saw the suggestion, my first thought was "F16 on fire? Do not want." It would be cool if they used those sparkly bill board thingys that shimmer in the wind....kind of simulated fire....LOL
  18. Wow! They have the track up about halfway to the top of the dive loop!!! Yay!
  19. there will be a lot of full lines in the zone next year. I wouldn't be surprised if Flight Deck's line doesn't fill up on weekends. Therefore, the sprucing up is necessary.
  20. KI has raccoons as well....you can some times see their poo on the floor beneath the coaster track on AE.
  21. I jumped pretty high, and as you know, no one can hear you scream in space....
  22. How can T2 ever be a premier attraction, since Premier opted not to submit a bid on the park last October....(slipping quietly out of the thread, ...) Unless, you think they might bid later on down the road...
  23. Holy cow, there must be a lot of hiding space at the island. Once while mowing a ditch, I rolled the push mower up and over the drainage pipe and when the mower was above the pipe, one ran out of the pipe and went between my legs to the other drainage pipe behind me....needless to say there was a palpitation and a slight dribble that occurred....LOL
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