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Everything posted by upstop

  1. You know it's off season when you load the car with people and you tell them...."keep your hands, arms and feet inside the vehicle at all time. Secure all loose articles. You may hand loose articles to an attendant but we are not responsible for them. Remember to keep your head against the headrest throughout your journey. Now sit up straight, hold on tight and enjoy the ride!" Then when you get home "welcome back riders....how was your ride?"
  2. Agreed! And it could be modified to read the standard warnings about being seated, taking off loose shoes and the "Welcome back riders, how was your ride?" spiels.
  3. Haunted House - Coney Island, Cincinnati Bat Cave - Coney Island, Cincinnati Lost River - Coney Island, Cincinnati Phantom Theater - Kings Island ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter - Magic Kingdom
  4. Yes. It is a themed gun range. Kind of unique. Ive never shot a machine gun. Might be interesting to try.
  5. Interesting concept....Could be a few hours of fun. http://www.smash.com/machine-gun-theme-park-due-open-florida/
  6. What...no KBF?....(ducking quickly to avoid rotten tomato tossed my way.)
  7. Personally, I think that location (the old Kings Island Inn) would be the ideal location to put student worker dorms for the park, if there is such a need.
  8. Apparently the Red Dog is south of Kings Island . Seems like a convenient location for sure. http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?encType=1&where1=7036%20Columbia%20Rd%2c%20Mason%2c%20OH%2045040&cp=39.3512476980686~-84.2596536129713&qpvt=7036+Columbia+Rd+Mason+Oh+Map&FORM=MIRE#Y3A9MzkuMzM1Mzg5fi04NC4yNzgzMjgmbHZsPTE2JnN0eT1yJnE9NzAzNiUyMENvbHVtYmlhJTIwUmQlMkMlMjBNYWludmlsbGUlMkMlMjBPaGlvJTJDJTIwNDUwMzk= edit: might even be in the old Laser Kraze building.
  9. According to the news report, the attraction is scheduled to open next year....but the Imagineers haven't finalized the plans as of January 13th? Wow it's going to take a lot of magic to make this happen.
  10. Did you check out the guy dressed as an upholstered car seat...hilarious.
  11. It was the wrong park...the UFO enticing her was about six hours north.
  12. Sounds like a meth episode gone bad. Guess they waited an hour to ride Intimidator for nothing.
  13. Just stay away from the Rosslyn Station....second smoke incident this week.
  14. Really like your ideas. I wouldn't mind if they took the "shoot em up" aspect completely out of the ride. It's distracting. I'd take it a step or two further and convert the attraction to a reboot of the Phantom Theater using The Curse of DarKastle ride technology...The Maestro in your face could be quite scary.
  15. I used to go there in the Paramount days specifically for an afternoon sit and relax. The ambient noise of the fountain and birds was an attraction in itself. A table and a drink in the heat of the day was sometimes the best attraction of the entire day. Nothing like the Tower Gardens anywhere within 50 miles of where I live so it was a special treat.
  16. I still like the idea of sidewalk cafe type venue there. Its perfect for a relaxing meal and family time. The back of the "It's Fried" (think thats the name) could be expanded to serve as the kitchen/ covered table area.(for inclement weather days).and fix the dang fountains....love them for their beauty and relaxing flowing sound.
  17. Not everyone. Terp, opponent of sweeping over-generalizations. Edited....just for you...tehehehe
  18. "A memo from Bolliger & Mabillard, based in Switzerland, appears to detail a new $15 million coaster tagged in the memo as The Dive Coaster." 1. How did the reporter get the memo? I'll believe it when they publish it. 2. I'm very suspicious about a "leaked memo". Can't imagine B&M or anyone else allowing this to happen...if it did happen. 3. The Dive Coaster....this could be a cover name such as "Project The Dive Coaster" if the memo is real. 4. It could be a diversion...of some sort. (however it's getting (edit) 'people' to talk about what they like and don't like about this so called Dive Coaster.)
  19. I think they are including Lightning Run and Thunder Run in with the new attractions to up the thrill factor...7 must see attractions.
  20. http://youtu.be/n9QAPch2o6Q
  21. When ShieKra first opened it was more fun to stand near the ice cream shop door and watch customers get drenched as they exited the shop with their cones... (the next season the splash was toned down significantly.)
  22. When you are in line at the BMV you wish you had a Fastlane pass.
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