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Everything posted by coaster_junky

  1. you are looking at the bbw location from the wrong angle, those two areas (computer animation & google maps) are identical, look where the bottom of the lift wraps around the piece "mountain" and then look where there is the level spot in the animation going from behind the lift and wrapping around the side of the "mountain" they are the same area. i'm calling your myth busted.
  2. actually i think it does look pretty close to the big bad wolf's location, and you can see that where the lift hill is currently for bbw, that is about where the lift is on the mystery coaster, and what would be on the right of the lift is a hill that is taller than the lift, like what is shown in the computer animation.
  3. okay, i just noticed that scooby and snoopy pretty much have the same name, except, the "n" is turned sideways in scooby to make a "c" and the "p" has been flipped upside down to make a "b". is there any connection between the two, or did i just pick up on something really random?
  4. over on screamscape lance posted a link to a web-site that personified the different companies in the amusement park business. here's the link
  5. i know that when you look at pictures, (can't say from experience), Son of Beast does have elevation changes, but from the looks of the pictures the elevation changes don't seem to match up with the ones in the computer animation of the mystery wooden coaster, unless the fact that Son of Beast is so dag gone massive that it makes the elevation change seem much less than what it really is.
  6. as long as it's still has the same pre-lift and lift, i'll be content, to an extent at least.
  7. ^^could that be with the help of riverbend right next door?
  8. if Kings Island went back to deerfield, do you think great wolf would follow? edit: terp, i was kinda glad that someone does enjoy his books.
  9. didn't they already shoot down the ideas that the restraints on intimidator305 would have any form of a shoulder harness and would be nothing more than a lap bar like the ones found on shoot the rapids and pilgrim's plunge?
  10. did anyone else notice how loose the chain on the lift is? you think they would shorten it or something.
  11. yes, plus it feels really nice when a breeze carries the mist off of them onto you during a hot summer day.
  12. ^oh, i was going by your quote that says holiday world is starting it's 64th season.
  13. not really an inside joke, but pretty much everyone in my classes knows that i'm obsesed with amusement parks and Kings Island, and they always laugh at how mad i get when i read something or someone in my class, wether it be a teacher or student, says something really wrong. for example, in my pre-cal book, there is a caption saying something this: ***"located in the cincinnati section of ohio, the king island's amusement park is home to one of the scariest rides around called The Beast, The Beast's first lift hill is 119' tall and is the tallest point on the entire ride, then you go down that hill into a tunnel that is located 45 feet below the surface of the ground." *** i don't believe that those are the exact words used to describe the ride, but still the info was way, way off.
  14. wow, i know this is off topic of the subject at hand, but it amazes me that Kings Island and holiday world are such young amusement parsk and still has managed to be in the rankings of parks like Cedar Point and others that are much older than it.
  15. hmm... i doubt that would happen, disney buying property the size of a postage stamp, with no room to expand, no way to build one of the fairytale princesses' castle due to the height limit. that's very far fetched.
  16. if you look at intimidator 305's web-cam there are ice sickles hanging over it. web-cam
  17. are you serious, playing solitaire? wow, is there any way to impeach someone from his position?
  18. doesn't Kings Island sometimes sell their older shirts at a discounted price. (i'm talking about the seasonal one.)
  19. ^at least they're not selling it at retail price.
  20. i agree, between this restroom on one side of the entrance and wild thornberrys on the other, even though i knew Diamondback was part of rivertown, i just didn't believe it. i hope that the log flume is rejoined with rivertown for the '10 season.
  21. i don't know why but i think i remember seeing that shirt at Kings Island, i think in the front giftshop right beside of the turn styles in the main entrance, but i never payed attention to the park map being in the background of it, if it was the same shirt that is.
  22. ^that, carousel, and phantom of the opera are my three least favorite musicals of all time.
  23. yea, it was kinda fun to have him argue about him being right because he has had multiple first had accounts of busloads of volunteers causing the paid help to have to go home early.
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