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Posts posted by coaster_junky

  1. wow, lol, i forgot all about that thread, but i remember that right after Son of Beast re-opened that season, my sister brought one of her friends with her to Kings Island and my mom and dad bought each of them a copy of the video, mainly because in the clip you could see the part of them going through the cobra roll and my sister elbowed her friend in the face. :P

  2. if the reason they took them out was because there wasn't many people buying them, they took them out way to quickly, imo, to be able to tell. i remember the park advertising them in the photo booth, and i think it was late in the season before they were completely installed, and then they were removed over that offseason.

  3. I found out the night it happened, from a friend who was working at KI that night. I recall him being a character actor. I don't know if he was working or on break, but he was by the Eiffel Tower when it happened.

    The operator of the elevator said there was a thump. then blood started running down the outside of the box.

    I don't want to say his name, but the character actor saw the elevator himself. He was close enough when it came down to see it.

    He was shaking when he talked about it. I was at his girlfriend's house at the time, (she was my cousin,) when he came over to talk about it. He was let off of work early.

    My aunt got him some of her best scotch, and he told us about what he saw and heard.

    From what the police could tell, John Harter was climbing on the inside of the tower to the top. There was no room for both him and the counterweight where he was climbing. As he was climbing up, the counterweight came down, smashing him full on, and that's when he fell onto the top of the elevator. It evidently wasn't a simple decapitation, because they had a large area taped off to look for body parts.


    I called my cousin and double checked the story. The counter weight was going up, caught him, and dragged him through the rollers at the top of the tower. I had my direction wrong.

    wow, sounds like a scene from final destination.

  4. There is no question that the park has the right to enforce its rules and to eject people from the park. I seriously question, however, that it has the legal right to confiscate a camera. In fact, I believe doing so may well constitute theft. As the old axiom says, two wrongs do not make a right.

    You are 100% right on that terp 2 wrongs dont make a right.

    but three lefts do make a right ;)

  5. Normally, the daily inspections cease...if the ride is not going to operate in the near future, there is no need for daily inspection. If the inspections are for other reasons, they might continue on a somewhat periodic but less than daily basis...(such as for pending litigation, etc.)

    wow, to me that means that something that went unnoticed in the last inspection could snowball into a much bigger problem, for example, a couple of nails on a piece of wood that was located towards the bottom of a lift structure had wiggled loose, and then under the pressure of the weight of the entire lift hill element the nails fell the rest of the way out and caused a colapse. so in other words something that would be a simple fix, turns into a nightmare of a repair.

    or am i just over thinking this.

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