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Posts posted by coaster_junky

  1. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? When I type a reply, or when I edit my signature as I did the other day, the toolbars for font styles, alignment, emoticons, etc. appear in the middle of the text box, not at the top. It makes it very frustrating when I'm typing so much that when the text I'm typing gets to the middle of the box, I end up typing behind the toolbars and can't see what I'm typing.

    i'm having the same problem as you are, even when i click the reply button.

    Help! (This line is being tped behind the toolbars, so I cannot be held responsible for any possible misspelling!

    i'm having the same problem, even when i click on the reply button and i just had a message that says

    [#103128] The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 15 seconds before replying or posting a new topic.
  2. I can honestly say that I'm not afraid of heights, but while working at extreme heights I'm very aware of them! While working mainteneance at ki the highest I have been is on top of Drop Tower and the craziest thing I have done is a few times while inspection Xtreme Skyflyer I would climb completely around the top of the arch instead of having to go back down one side then climb up the other!

    Ok, do you mean that you have rode Drop Tower, or have you worked on the top of Drop Tower. If you have been workingon the top, how do you get up there?

    i believe there is an elevator inside of the tower that takes you up to the top. can someone back me up on this?

  3. i must say, i love how the quotes are now, much better than before, expecially the ones with a previous quote in them like post 53 in this thread.

    i also really like the set up of the members profile page, so much easier to see information without having to scroll down the left side of the page to see it all. :D

  4. ^okay my point isn't that wooden roller coasters are rough because they arn't, all i'm saying is almost every wooden roller coaster has it's rough spots, just as some steel coasters, wether it be a transition or even an inversion. all i'm saying is most wooden roller coasters have rough patches, and you can't say they don't just because you've never felt them, and as for blue streak being smooth with no rough spots, i'm guessing that you have never ridden it over a wheel.

    i'm not trying to throw flames here, i'm just getting tired of whenever someone post something to defend Son of Beast, haters have to jump at the opprotunity to try and start an argument.

  5. I have been stuck at the top of TTD

    not that i don't believe you, but they take a picture of the train load of lucky people that were on the stuck train on top thrill dragster, if you could would you be so kind to post the picture and tell us which lucky person you were?

  6. That would never work on this slide, as the rider may pass the mark but still not clear the loop. That can only be done on 100% downhill slides.

    they could always put the mark, dare i say, after the loop. then there would be no worry of being hit by the next person because it's all down hill from the point where the tape is.

    and doesn't the other looping water slide have a piece of clear tubing at the top of the loop? if so couldn't they just say, hey he/she/it just cleared the loop and now the next person can go?

  7. i chose other, i did that because there is such a giant gap between the second and third choices, i'll admit that Son of Beast is a little rough, but pretty much every true wooden roller coaster has it's rough spots, but i have found The Beast and even the blue racer to give me rides that are ten times rougher than the ones that Son of Beast has given me.

    i know this might just be me, but i think that alot of the people that dislike Son of Beast, it's more of a mind over matter factor, than one of their own true experience. by this i mean that some people hear from someone who's brother's, friend's father-in-law talked about how someone said it was a rough roller coaster and they go into the ride with the idea that they are going to have the worst and roughest roller coaster ride ever and they think about it so much that they end up tricking themselves into thinking that they really did have a horrid experience on the ride.

    sorta like people that are afraid of needles and they over react when they go to get them, but end up being fine when they don't think about it.

    once again this is my opinion and i'm not saying this is what is going on with everyone.

  8. i'm sorry, but if you look back at the major things that have happened to Son of Beast that were bad, all but one was under paramount, not Cedar Fair, and the one that did happen under Cedar Fair still hasn't been proved true, plus it has been cleared by the ohio department of ag. and they wouldn't have cleared it if it wasn't safe.

  9. i think around the time they reviled that they were going to remove the loop back in '06, or '07, can't remember which part of the off-season they anounced that at. that way if they are going to do an overhaul on the ride they will then have enough time before the park opens to do so.

  10. well, sorry about posting this again, so ryan, dane, or robbie, feel free to close this topic down.

    and terpy, i was going to use search, but when i didn't see anything in the "coming attractions" page of the forums about Planet Snoopy, i decided to post it.

  11. okay, since when Cedar Fair took out the paramount connections at Kings Island and the other paramount parks, pretty much all of the names were changed to the same thing at different parks, such as, the crypt, backlot:stunt coaster, flight deck, and so on.

    so are the names of the Planet Snoopy rides going to be the same deal? if so, carowinds already has their new names up here, and i guess we can go on and get used to them.

    sorry if this has already been posted somewhere, i was not on here for like two months and never saw anything on it if it got buried.

    p.s. i was kinda expecting woodstock express for fairly odd coaster. :rolleyes:

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