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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. Remember, this is the same guy who posted the "California Gurls" topic. I suspect him to be a troll. Please don't feed him, he'll die of starvation and leave.
  2. Thanks. Thanks! Thanks Dave. I'm still kicking myself that I didn't take my camera to Holiwood Nights, since my mom was there to hold it. Oh well. Thank you! LOL!
  3. Thanks! My biggest lens is 200mm, so it's pretty big. I understand what you mean about being "Too Sharp", it looks almost unrealistic. I'll work on it. Thanks terp, and LOL Kodachrome. LOL thanks. Thanks, you can have it for 1000 dollars. I hope to see you too. Thanks! Keeping the park together is something they work at all season, I'm especially surprised that Planet Snoopy is still being worked on and it's June! You use quotes by typing at the end and I got the 18-55mm with the 55-200mm add on. I get tired of changing lenses too, but I put up with it. And thanks! Yeah, he always waves. Thanks! Thanks! I get it, too sharp. I know, it shouldn't be that way Thanks!
  4. They're covering electrical equipment, sewage, etc, etc. No footings.
  5. (Peanuts + America) x B&M Hyper = Awesome^patriotic. Who here remembers RWCW 2009, where they showed us Diamondback's POV and the entire room went "Splooosh!" at the splashdown? I love Burst Mode, 4 shots a second means you get the train right where you want it. Roller Coaster with trees, or trees with a roller coaster? The longest wooden roller coaster on earth for 31 years, it's Beast! Enjoy you're 4 minute 50 second ride on The Beast. Beast leaves civilization and ravages the rugged Ohio woods. Vortex is broke. This would have been better with a train on it. Need words be said? Too late, they just were said. Wait for it.... .....Ha ha! Curved drop. *cue Woody doll* "Reach for the sky!" My dad told me to try and get a look at the reactions of people on the ride. Here you go, daddy! Let's ride the train while we're here. I wonder how Bert the Conquerer would have reacted to this drop. He'd hit a decibel I couldn't reach, that's for sure. Hawt. Say "Hi!" to the other train! Yes, that means you, person sitting at their computer reading this. Imagine all you could do theming wise with this space. It's sad what still remains. Has anyone actually looked at the sign? W.E. Shippet & U.Storum? lol. Through the trees! By this time it was high time I left so I took a few quick snaps on my way out. This same photo is framed, hanging in the Trading Post, on sale for $400. Really? Have a Great Day! Me standing there: "Let's see if we can squeezzee Diamondback in there....perfect." The wallpaper has been fixed. The park's oldest drinking fountain, circa 1972. I took a drink from it today, it tasted metallic. Goodbye Kings Island! Thanks for reading my PTR! Remember this was my first time with a real camera so I'd love to hear what you thought of the shots! Thanks again!
  6. For my birthday in April, I got a new Nikon 5000 digital camera. I had every intention of trying it out at Kings Island, however, for a few months I never found the right day to take it with me. However, yesterday I finally got the opportunity to lug it to KI. I only rode the Train and the Tower, and I only stayed for 2 hours, however, I thought I'd post a report because I want to see what you think of my photography with a real camera, not a point-and-shoot. Pulling up Kings Island Drive, I played with the Telephoto 200mm lens add on. Not really the best photos considering I was in a moving car. Diamondback Dominates the KI skyline, shadowing Woodstock and Flying Ace. Kings Island's entrance is just so easy to photograph. Someone here said that they thought the Eiffel Tower would look like it's in jail with the Flags there. I kinda like the look of it. Reminds me of a postcard. OK, enough I-Street eye candy. From one tower to the next, it's Drop Tower! Shh....don't mention that piece of wood in the corner of the park....just ignore it! I'm still getting used to boxless here. The 90+ degree swinging at the end of Flight Deck Drop Tower and Skyflyer from below. Through the trees! Anyone else notice that the sound Delirium makes right before it starts sounds very much like the sound Intamin drop rides like Power Tower and Liberty Launch make? I love the zoom. Another Postcard shot. The Geese are back!!! w00t w00t! This camera is so great, you can see all the individual droplets on the fountain. That darn Eiffel Tower just sneaks it's way into all my pictures! A couple of people here have noticed the increased landscaping around the park....I like it. You wanna talk about making something out of nothing? Try making a good picture out of Outer Hank's exterior! More flags, more fun, Six Flag's Coney Mall! "This Restful and relaxing spot was designed specifically for our smoking guests." Interpret that any way you like. Designed specifically for our smoking guests....does Kings Island hate smokers? Is Tower Gardens sponsored by the American Lung Association? Diamondback is hawt. I love the split second as you're going up the tower where you can see what the park would be like at the 50 foot observation tower....if only. I think this photo is the most over used photo in the park. This comes in a close second. Third! The Antiques would have been so much better to photograph. This turned out well. If this were Facebook I'd hit "like" Time to use the bigger lens. If you look closely you can see a red trash can blocking the entrance. Vekoma having some issues? I wish the front actually worked. Hello Flight Deck! That fire does NOT feel good on a hot day. This, however, DOES! Anyone else notice how the radius of the helix is constantly getting smaller as the track goes upward, so it can maintain it's speed for a bit longer? Maybe I'm just weird. I love the beauty of John Allen's wooden rides. Racer would look so lovely if they replaced the brown with, say, blue, and made the handrails red. Arrows also look very good. I wish they rode like Racer though. Diamondback's gorgeous airtime hills, unfortunately, blocked by the lift. The remodeled Planet Snoopy Entrance. Notice the poles are flags with Peanuts characters. Also take note of the big comic signs by Flying Ace. Is Cedar Fair going for an Islands of Adventure, Toon Landing type theming for PS? Blue Looks Good on you, Scooby / Beasite / Fairly! I see you, Diamondback! The Living Liberty Bell is back! I'm loving these postcard shots. See all the new Landscaping? Good job Kings Island! Random by day, epic by night. (Clock + Flowers) x B&M Hyper = Awesome. More in a second...
  7. I don't know what flower pots you're talking about, if you can get a picture of what you mean that'd be best.
  8. I just got back from KI. I checked out the Flight Deck area thoroughly, I didn't even find any flower pots, let alone any footings that weren't there before. There was a pile of broken up concrete in the middle of the valley, though, and the grass underneath it has been cut.
  9. I'm guessing they're footings from the old Queue TV's or the Jet theming. It's easy to tell the difference between one of those footings or a big roller coaster footing, I'll check it out next time I go.
  10. Great Trip Report, and good to see you had fun! I agree with you on a lot of points, though I think they're pretty well set on Family coasters. Did you ride Wildcat? Also great to see you had a good time with your son. The time between you and him is far more important then the time between you and coaster. Congrats to him on his first hyper, too!
  11. You must not have been to USF, rides are basically icing on the cake. There's so much more then rides there, heck, Dueling Dragon's queue is an experience in itself! Or was, at least. I know a lot of people who would like to take the 900 mile trip down to WWOHP and not do any of the rides, simply because they want to experience Hogwarts. And from what I've seen of the area, I would love to also!
  12. The flags have been up since last weekend, they're different lightly colored banners with Peanuts Characters. And WOW I love that sign!
  13. I'll remember that for Sunday when I go again. Thanks for the tips.
  14. I wonder if Kings Island or Cedar Fair payed for Diamondback....I know that Kings Island would pay for the organ.
  15. You do realize that what was Italian Job Stunt Track is a clone, there's an exact same ride at Kings Dominion and Canada's Wonderland? And Paramount also put in Face/Off, which is a standard model of which there have been many others. Oh, and Flight of Fear is a standard Mad Cobra from Premier, one of many. So what are you trying to prove that Diamondback is just like Goliath? Paramount did the exact same thing.
  16. Kings Island is being destroyed? Compare Kings Island 2010 to Kings Island 2006. Me thinks you'll see Kings Island 2010 is a much better park overall.
  17. Since it appears as a picture on the board, most people think it's a picture. It's actually a video, and it's pretty cool! Thanks for posting!
  18. I wonder how the cost/profit ratio would compare to repainting Flight Deck, or removing it and adding another attraction its place? I'd like to think the latter would have a lot more reward, despite it's high cost. It's obvious that Upper management, for the time being, sees high value attractions as the way to go. Look at Behemoth, Diamondback, Intimdator, I305, Shoot the Rapids, etc. Would they be willing to replace a tired family attraction with a newer addition? S&S has stated they will not provide parts for that model anymore...I believe that, when the time comes that Draggin Iron needs spare parts, Cedar Fair would not shed a tear over loosing Vortex, Flight Deck, or both. Jackson, doing some random speculating for one side of the argument. I can do the other side, too....
  19. I don't mind Wooden Coaster roughness, Beast pre-2009, Blue Racer pre-2008, Blue Streak, Etc. Legend is pretty jerky, but I love it. The problem with Voyage is that it is rough, which doesn't bother me, but it's painfully rough. There's a difference between simple bruises and shooting pain in your side.
  20. You enter the park just like you would normally, and on the right side of the I-Street Midway is a set up where a few employees will ask to see your gold or platinum pass. After that, just continue to proceed to Diamondback or Beast! Do enjoy, the half hour of ERT is always very fun.
  21. Thanks Terpy! I hope you enjoyed whatever you were doing that weekend. My first ride on Raven was in the very back, and during ERT Saturday night I tried Raven in 1-1. I like 1-1 better, maybe it's just because I love driving. I put my arms down on the turns and it still hurts a bit. Hopefully I'll find the secret to smoother rides later this season. As I said, I hope the Timberliners fix the issue. I also love the small beauty of the park. Thanks. Uh, Holiday World has: Raven, Legend, Voyage, Freedom Train, Eagles Flight, Hallowswings, Lewis and Clark Trail, Paul Revere's Midnight Run, Liberty Launch, Gobler Getaway, and not to mention the tons of rides in Splashin Safari. To put it in a relation you'd get, Splashin Safari is easily bigger then Boomerang Bay, and the Holiday World park is about as big as Action Zone, Oktoberfest and International Street put together. It was nice meeting you too! It was hot, and it's not getting any colder this summer! I did? Oh yeah, you're JASPER! LOL! No offense, but next time I go I'm staying closer to the park. XD No hard feelings. Thanks! LOL! I thought your facial expression made the shot! And yeah, the ride was so incredible I did fall down in the station, and again in the queue. I mean, it's Voyage! Come on! Are you going to be at the park on Sunday? Thanks! I guess I'll try the back seat on Voyage, but every other seat besides the front has been inconsistent, and quite frankly rough. Thanks! Yeah, the news about Will is heartbreaking. That's why a lot of us are going on Sunday. I don't give you any credibility as far as opinions on smoothness of rides, you like Son of Beast! I didn't see Ricky Racoon, I don't even know who he is!
  22. KI was the flagship park under Paramount, and rightly so. The only reason it's not now is because it's in the same group as Cedar Point. If the two were to be separated, then KI could easily go back to being in a battle with Cedar Point. However, I doubt this will happen, as whether management changes or pars are sold off or there's a buyout or anything, I think Cedar Fair would try to keep Kings Island and Cedar Point. Someone in FUN said that the Paramount Parks purchase was made mainly because they wanted the Island. Now that they're together, I don't see Cedar Point and Kings Island separated. Though, any new management may try to build up other smaller parks while they let already big parks sit, but they may not. Jackson, who just wrote 7 sentences based solely on what ifs. Nice....
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