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Everything posted by Beast1979

  1. In Realistic Terms, I would LOVE, absolutely LOVE, to see a GCII coaster out in X-Base sometime in the near future. They are fast, have lots of airtime, some fantastic turns, great capacity, and are very family friendly.
  2. Nothing, just so long as they aren't in a box themed as a major attraction and have a "5" intensity rating. The Crypt is the only ferris wheel I know that fits that description.
  3. I just rode the Crypt today, god talk about horrible! It's a Ferris Wheel on steroids now, plus 2 whimpy flips. Please, please, please get rid of it!
  4. Please no! I've been waiting so long for the day that eyesore is gone! Dare-To-Fly always has a vacancy in his pit in Siberia.
  5. If what I'm hearing from everyone is correct, then I just hope they put it out of it's misery sooner rather then later. We'd be doing Rivertown a favor, maybe they could replace it with something actually themed to a Mining (Not a western) Town?
  6. The quote that caught my attention was "It's tearing itself apart." We've all known this for quite a while, but when you tone a ride down to the point that even the general public is complaining about how mild it is, simply because you need to prevent itself from falling apart, then you may have quite a problem. Why do I find myself wondering, "What can we put in it's place?"
  7. For the record, I was not trying to bash any of the people on here. Granted, at times I might have gotten a little out of line, but I ment nothing bad on anyone. Don't worry, I still like all of you here, despite your views. I like the idea someone said earlier about having some constructive critism on the ride. Now that I look at it, I don't think Son of Beast is a total loss. It would require a LOT of work, but I could see it becoming a fun ride. The bottom of the Rose Bowl needs some help, and the mid course needs to seriously be let up on, and perhaps the removal of the seatbelts (Which I beleive qualifies it for an ACE coaster classic) and a 3rd train, and th Son of Beast could be great.
  8. And you do? Cause you sure are acting like it. I'm not saying I do either. I'm saying he doesn't know so he shouldn't say "It's not like their planing to get rid of it."
  9. Careful, you have no idea what your talking about there....... Beast, come on. Why would they tear out a 22 million doller coaster that is only 9 years old? Remember, it is the tallest and fastest wooden roller coaster in the world. I highly doubt they will tear that down anytime soon. Just remember, just because you don't like it doesn't mean other people don't. Why? That's easy. It costs more to keep it then it does to leave it there. It's the Tallest and Fastest wooden coaster in the world? So? It WAS the only one with a loop, but that wasn't stopping them.
  10. I did not have a bad day, and I am not trying to pick a fight with you. I am just saying, you have no idea what Cedar Fair is planning.
  11. Really? Do you know how expensive they are? How much maintinence it requires? How hard it will be to get people in and out?
  12. Careful, you have no idea what your talking about there.......
  13. But, do you seriously think Kings Island would build a parking garage?
  14. Please don't make me say it again. Waits have NOTHING to do with popularity. Get over it. You sure you weren't riding with other thoosies, correct? Because when I ride it I hear mostly "Owws!" and "What was that?" and "Good thing you didn't ride that dad!" To Ride Son of Beast? Or to Run from the tomatoes? Jackson, who couldn't help it.
  15. People who have ridden The Beast or looked close enough while riding Diamondback will know that beyond Kings Island, the terrain becomes very rough. First, it drops off extremely (While riding Beast, be sure to right before the last turn before the second lift, look up at Diamondback.) and then it becomes very rolling and rugged. Look at the border between Coney Mall and Rivertown, there's quite a drop right there. Imagine that but higher and steeper. It would be hard to build a ride out there, let alone a new section. Then there is the problem of, where? The park has for the most part, boxed itself in. I can see expansion out by X-Base, possibly in between Rivertown and Nickelodeon Universe, maybe modify the Picnic grove or something? The Airport-Terminal style layout of Kings Island, while convenient, leaves little room for additions.
  16. Wait, it's still here? And how long has it been, ohh wow, 10 seasons? Dang! Most other parks would ditch the ride by then. Seriously though, Son of Beast needs to be removed. Soon. The Son of Beast Lovers (All 10 of them) can make as much noise as they want, but almost everyone I talk to won't ride it because it's too rough (And I mean people as in "GP" people). I'd love to see it gone. Please! ^Goofywdw: Your Point?
  17. lol, nice meeting you too. You forgot to POINT at Reptar. *Points* REPTAR! No, I didn't look at the back of their shirts, I was a bit pre-occupied with riding. You're always a fun person to ride with, especially on a ride with Trims. There's something about your reaction to them that is hilarious. A Fan of Night Rides on Diamondback? YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I bet that retheming a kids area at a park in Mason and advertising it as new would bring in a lot of new customers with lots of nickels! Jackson, who's crossing his fingers, but certainly not holding his breath.....
  19. It reminds me of how much I truly miss Cedar Point....Angie you hit the nail on the head. Z0MG Cedar Point! Jackson, who is more excited then ever
  20. And? Aside from the Theatre (Which is named Centennial Theatre,) who's to say all of that was for the centennial? And as Terpy said, the amusement park industry was different then, and will be different in 2022.
  21. "Hey, Kings Island's 50th is in 2022, therefore something big or new HAS to be added by then!" Seriously dude, we will probably have somewhat of a major park expansion, possibly a new area, by then. The fact that it is Kings Island's 50th? Hardly relevent in thr subject. Parks do NOT expand on a scheduale designed to fit big aneversary years. If they did, we could all set our watches for every 5 years for a new thrill ride.
  22. I wish I could see Ronny and Ryan's photos so I could get a full view of my compotition!
  23. Saturday: Beast: 7 Vortex: 11 Backlot Stunt Coaster: 4 Flight of Fear: 3 Diamondback: 4 Sunday: Flight of Fear: 4 Red Racer: 3 Vortex: 2 Diamondback: 2 Crypt: 1 Beast: 1 Total: 41.
  24. Headed out for Day 2, not as early as a start as yesterday, but early. Like yesterday, we huddled at the entrance, ready for ERT. This time, however, people were tired. I caught Daneille (Kieko Coaster) at the enterance, Crunk Energy in hand. Some people had stayed up until 1, and they were paying for it. I was there until midnight, and got a total of 5 hours of sleep. Time for some riding! Not exactly though. Firehawk was broken (Typical), so we rode Flight of Fear. They treated us to some Lights On fun! We rode Flight of Fear 3 times in a row before moving on to Red Racer. To compensate for the lack of Firehawk, they opened Vortex for us. We rode it twice, which was about all we could handle. Maybe the ride wasn't running as well, maybe our sleepy heads couldn't take it, I don't know. Our group of me, Justinm17, and Kieko Coaster merged with 2 other people who's names I didn't catch, and we rode Flight of Fear once. Then we went to Red Racer for 2 rides, which was fun as always. Once they dropped the ropes, we went to Diamondback. Our group kinda dissolved at Diamondback. This single rider line REALLY needs some work. I saw people in front of me in the single rider line who left, went into the normal line, and got on before I did. Time for some more Diamondback Photo Fun! Ladies and gentlemen, start your drooling! *drools* *more drools* *creates a river of drool* I rode Crypt for the first time this year. It was, forcefull. I started to tear up and get a headache. I started to wonder if I'd be able to stand afterwards! Droping out of the Mid Course Going through the last cammelback Down the First drop! Through the hills! Yes, yes, YES!!!!!!!!!! I love Diamondback! Who agrees? Look, reflection! Twisted mess of B&M Glory 2 Trains in one! After Riding The Beast, I was tired, tired, tired. And even starting to get sick to my stomach. So, at about 11:00 AM, we headed home. Let me take this time to say, thank you Kings Island for a wonderful weekend! Thank you for giving me the oppertunity to meet such great people, ride such great rides, and have such a wonderful time! Kings Island is my haven, my escape, my home away from home. And what an escape it was this weekend! I had a fantastic time! Also, KIC, help me out here. I am having some trouble deciding what photo to send in, so if you could post your opinion on which photo you like the most, that'd be great! Thanks so much for Reading!
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