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Everything posted by dare-to-fly

  1. You have quite some way to go before you break my record. 13 in a row without even getting off the train is my record. I managed to get 35 for the day on that occasion.
  2. As far as I'm concerned, the park has you brainwashed. The most reliable rides I have ever seen while at parks are invariably the coasters with the least amount of mechanical crap to break...i.e. brakes, extra restraints, flying mechanisms...gasp.
  3. dare-to-fly was just holding his tongue. Everyone knows what he thinks of the trims. You're making sense to me! I know that full well, and I messed right back!
  4. *Faints on the floor.* Flyer likes a hill with a trim brake on it?! That's why it's just "not bad." That trim I can almost...ALMOST live with. The mid-course must go! And not a friekin' trimless ride, one at ERT...on anything! Scream!!!!!!
  5. I LOVE Gemini, and it was my first coaster at Cedar Point. It's also yet another coaster that the trims tick me off. It was the highlight of my evening at Coastermania last year to hear a magic phrase "kill the trims" come from one of the ride ops.
  6. I feel sorry for Mean Streak every time I ride it. He's like a thrill machine that has had his soul ripped out and spends the lonely days plodding through the track. Mean Streak has character even with the trims, and because he's often unloved, yes, I do enjoy him. Yes...I did refer to Meanie as "him" as I think of many coasters as friends. Weird...maybe...but true. Just ask The Beast.
  7. I'll take it! Besides, just as long as a train doesn't crest the lift until the other is in the station, no problems. There is a mid-course brake run with no brakes on Shivering Timbers, and I believe the same was true with Villain - both long coasters. It also works on every coaster that doesn't have a mid-course brake run and runs more than one train. What's the problem!? Flyer, who loves to fly through the mid-course on SoB and craves it as we speak.
  8. Well me of course. Who likes airtime? That's why I prefer to ride The Beast where there are plenty of brakes to prevent such a situation from occurring. Bless those magnetic wonders of modern technology. Flyer, barfs here.
  9. Well, I agree about the helix part. The first drop on The Beast could be awesome and the ride could be a speed demon, but... Either way, I'm not going to tell you that it's my favorite coaster just for that certain reason that everyone knows by now, but everyone on here probably also knows by now how much I enjoy marathoning The Beast. Having every ride at least slightly different and the superb character that it has makes it SO darn re-ridable. There are days when crowds are light in the morning that I have to force myself to leave by saying to myself, "I've got to ride something besides The Beast today." One of these days, I may have a personal Beast bash and stay on all day long. My personal best is only 35 in a day - a pretty easy record to beat. At any rate, Diamondback's second and third hills along with the first drop are where it's at for me. They really make the ride. The hammerhead and 5th hills aren't bad either.
  10. I guess I don't even have to debate it. Justin, the reason for this is, I'm a little rusty in the Physics department and don't remember enough details for a full scale debate (nor do I really want one). If someone wants to disagree - just do so and I'll build a bridge. I still know what I know.
  11. I would agree that this is true of the gravity component, but everything else having to do with force has a great deal to do with the mass of the train. (F=ma) Anyone that has ever ridden The Beast with an almost empty train followed by a full train knows that mass has a great deal to do with the ride experience no matter what Jeff Gramke thinks. There...I said it...but won't debate it.
  12. That factor led to a fabulous ending to what I believe to be among the very best days I've ever had!
  13. I enjoyed getting to marathon on Vortex with you Friday morning, and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself! A fan of night Diamondback rides are you? My nighttime Diamondback rides were very enjoyable as well. It was fun finding The Beast from there, and then watching the helix rotate on the hammerhead.
  14. How exactly do you do that? You're the second person I've heard of who's gotten over 100 rides on Diamondback (I forget how many the other person has - I'm sure someone else will remember though). Simple-I only live about 5 miles from the park, so I go every weekend. Between the SRL and the high capacity of the regular line, I get a lot of rides even on busy days. He also seems to stay at Diamondback ALL DAY LONG! Don't you, Mark?
  15. I think I've seen you there every time I've been there. I just tallied up my counts. For the season, I have 35 rides on Diamondback. The one that really is amusing me - 78 rides on Beast this season so far! Gee...has my hangout changed. Nope!
  16. I write down my coaster laps, so I know exactly how many times I rode things. These are in the order in which I rode them. Saturday: Beast - 6 Vortex - 11 (first time that's ever happened - Vortex more than Beast - HUH?!) Backlot- 1 FOF-1 Red Racer-1 Adventure Express - 1 Blue Racer - 1 Diamondback - 12 Sunday: (overslept and missed ERT - IRRITATED) Beast - 5 Blue Racer - 2 Son of Beast - 1 Flight Deck - 1 Adventure Express - 1
  17. I'm surprised they haven't. As far as I'm concerned, they're a safety hazard. Not only do the basketballs hit and roll into people, the owners carelessly run over you as they chase them, and I've seen a few bounce beyond fences that said owners climb over to retrieve.
  18. Uh, were we at the same park? You definitely need to attend on a weekday, my friend. Rode Beast twice with out getting off the train. Most everything else was either walk on, or 1 train/ride wait. DB we waited for 1 train the first time, the other 2 times were SRL and only waited for 2 trains max. The second time on DB my daughter & I were in the SRL separately but some how that I don't understand we ended up riding together. At one point they were just sending multiple people from the SRL line together alternating with the regular line. It is possible that we were at the same park, but we must have zigged when you zagged. And sorry, I won't be making it down on a weekday as I am self employed and work 6 days a week. This is why I couldn't justify going a pay coaster club (joined KIC after the cutoff date) to go to RWW. Since CP CoasterMania is on a Friday-Saturday, I won't be able to do that one either. OOOPS!! I should read more carefully. I somehow missed the part about having a full day at the park that was not during RWW. Sorry about that! Since it was obviously not on a Saturday, I guarantee we were indeed both there.
  19. I haven't seen them working since opening day, and I've ridden AE every time I've been - every public day except for two Saturdays. To be honest, I'm becoming concerned that the moving guys are history too. Then again, they still haven't noticed that the right light bulb at the top of The Beast's lift hill has been blown since weekend #2.
  20. Uh, were we at the same park? You definitely need to attend on a weekday, my friend.
  21. I don't think I need to even post my opinion on this subject, as you all seem to know exactly how I feel! It seems to be the first thing everyone mentions as soon as they meet me, so I have developed a reputation. SWEET!!! Nonetheless, even with trims and lines during both days, we still had a fantastic time. For those that I saw - I hope you had as much fun as I did and I look forward to seeing you at the island all summer long!
  22. You find it no less ironic than I, believe me. The Beast is very re-ridable to me, as every ride is usually different and it's fun going out through the woods. My rides on it are because I enjoy that experience. It competes with Racer for my favorite ride experience in the park. However, the trims remove all of the airtime from The Beast and thus keep it from coming anywhere near my top ten on my wooden coaster list. The Beast sits at #17 on my current wooden coaster chart. With the trims on the first drop and second hill gone, it would score very close to the top ten, if not in it. Flyer, who wants to fly, not be trimmed.
  23. Jackson, have you seen the camera Ronny uses? Or the number of pictures he takes? I wouldn't beat yourself up, as your pictures are always great, and they are a pleasure to look at. Keep up the good work! Flyer, who just has "good picture accidents" once in a while.
  24. That makes my 35 rides on Beast look like crap! Then again, I did other things that day too! I had a couple mini-marathons on Racer and rode SoB 5 times in a row too. I would have liked to be able to re-ride without walking around, but even then, those 5 were fun - 3 especially...oh, how I want that again! Anyway, the 13 in a row without getting off the train on Beast was relatively easy to endure. You just have to get used to the ride's layout and ride in the magic seat which I will not divulge due to not wanting a million people in line for my seat. You'll have to find it for yourself, as did I. Enough have figured it out already! And no, it is NOT the front...not even close.
  25. I totalled them up for you guys. 22 rides on Diamondback thus far. Now ask me about Beast this season! (59) Flyer, who is often seen circling The Beast's lair.
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