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Everything posted by Hoeter

  1. After yesterday, I have ridden Diamondback 10 times so far. The majority of those times were row 8 on back, one in row 5, and one in row 1. Row 1 gets my vote as the best seat on the ride. It seemed much faster, much smoother, and seemed to have a ton of more airtime than any other seat I've experienced on that ride thus far.
  2. 1. The Beast at night, even better during Haunt when I rode it at midnight with fog and owls howling. 2. Diamondback's first drop- nothing else like it in the park. 3. The massive double helix on The Beast.
  3. ^ I don't think Dave is blue and has horns. Andrew, running for the door.
  4. Nope. Never has happened to me.
  5. Sorry to hear about your experience today man. I can't believe that security caused trouble for you instead of helping you. This issue is getting out of hand.
  6. Row 1 delivered the best ride that I've had so far on Diamondback. It seemed much faster, much smoother, and seemed to deliver more airtime. Before this, Row 5 was the furthest up in the front that I have sat.
  7. Thanks for your reply, and thanks for reading more importantly. Secondly, welcome to KIC. Thirdly, you don't need to quote my whole post or quote a post that is directly above yours. Just offering some friendly advice, not trying to backseat mod. Thank you for your cooperation!
  8. Headed out to Kings Island today for my fourth visit of the season. What a nice, hot day to spend at the park! I arrived about 10:30am and found a light parking lot for a Sunday. Headed into the park and hit up The Beast, always my first ride of the day. No trimless ride as usual, and was rougher than the last time I rode it. Always enjoyable though. Waited 20 minutes for The Beast. Next up was Vortex. Rode in 5-1, and was much more enjoyable and not brutal like 5-2 was the last time I rode it. Waited 10 minutes for Vortex. After Vortex, I hit up Red Racer. I held my hands up- a rarity. Very enjoyable. Waited 5 minutes for Red Racer. After Red Racer, I headed over to Son of Beast. Sat in the middle of the red train and got jarred back and forth all over. At the end, I commented that "Son of Beast was rougher than a night in jail, even though I don't know that firsthand." Waited 15 minutes for Son of Beast. After Son of Beast, I was heading to Diamondback and saw Don Helbig right in front of Kings Island Theater. I tried to get his attention but was on a quest to get some pictures taken. I got to Diamondback, got in line and was assigned row 11 on the red train. Waited about 15 minutes for the first lap on Diamondback. After the first lap on Diamondback, I decided to check out The Crypt. This is the first time for me since the new program started. I've seen many times on these forums that The Crypt is now referred to as Timmy Sr. Air Tours. I got in line and waited about 20 minutes for our ride. I rode The Crypt last year and it was very fun and thrilling, with 5 or 6 inversions if I remember correctly. The new program swung around upright and only flipped us twice. At the end, people were booing and calling it lame. I have to agree with those people, that ride certainly was lame and it fell way short of my expectations. After our letdown on The Crypt, I hit up Diamondback for the second time and was assigned row 12 on green train. Waited only 15 minutes for the second lap on Diamondback. After this, I hit up Backlot Stunt Coaster. Rode in the front seat and waited only 15 minutes. After this, I went back to Vortex and rode 5-1 again. Very enjoyable ride, but the MCBR was slowing the train to a crawl unlike earlier on in the day when me and Ashers rode it. Following Vortex, I decided to marathon Diamondback. At this point, I had two laps today and six total this season. I got three rides in- two using the SRL. First and second rides I was assigned row 14 on gold train, and third ride was assigned row 11 on gold train. While in line for the third ride, I spoke to a gentleman wearing a First Rider T-Shirt and said this was #151 for him. At this point, 9 rides so far this season. All of the ride operators in Diamondback's station were asking him how he could ride it so many times. After the three rides on Diamondback, I got some grub from Rivertown Larosas. $6.00 or so got me two slices of pizza. Hope Dick Kinzel is enjoying counting all of those nickels he robbed from me! After eating, I hit up The Beast for the second time and only waited 5 minutes to ride. After my second lap on the world's longest wooden roller coaster, I decided to head over to Diamondback for my 6th ride of the day, and my 10th ride of the season. Got assigned row 1 on gold train, and this was the best ride I've experienced on Diamondback yet! It seemed much faster, much smoother, and seemed to have more airtime in the front seat. Finally, to close out the day I decided to head over and hit up The Beast two more times. Waited 10 minutes for the front seat on the first lap. Upon returning from the first lap, I found an empty station and got back in line and walked right on and did it all over again. I then left about 9:00pm. My face is badly sunburned. Guess that's what you get from not wearing sunscreen. Can't wait for my next visit and more laps on Diamondback! Thanks for reading my TR and hope you enjoyed! __________________ RIDE TOTALS TODAY: Diamondback-6 The Beast-4 Vortex-2 BLSC-1 Red Racer-1 Son of Beast-1 Timmy Sr. Air Tours-1
  9. I just act like I'm on my cell phone.
  10. ^ You haven't seen any advertisements for SFKK in Indy? They're playing them multiple times per hour here in Cincy.
  11. The majority of the top 11 theme parks in America by attendance are in the Orlando/Kissimmee/Tampa area. Doesn't surprise me one bit.
  12. I know someone who lives near Kings Island, right near the river as a matter of fact. They can hear the fireworks real well. Like someone said before, there was nothing around Kings Island when it opened in 1972. The properties that have built up since be it residential, commercial, or industrial knew coming in that there is a major amusement park right at their doorstep. They have no right to complain. But it does probably have an effect on property values and desirability to live near said attraction. Someone posted a picture on here from the offseason of a house back off of Western Row. You can see the hammerhead turn on Diamondback through the trees. I wonder how they feel.....
  13. Vortex, Flight of Fear, and Son of Beast have MCBR's. This kills the speed and momentum of the ride and kills the fun as well, just like a trim brake. Vortex slows you to a crawl, and Flight of Fear almost stops you completely. Son of Beast isn't so bad as the other two IMO. As for The Beast, the trim brakes aren't going anywhere soon unfortunately. I took my Dad to the park last season and he hasn't ridden The Beast since it first opened in 1979. He rode it last season, and absolutely hated it with the trim brakes. It seemed more "unchained" to him back then.
  14. Thanks for sharing that information with us Terpy. I can't believe that parking at the Staples Center in Los Angeles is $40. Then again, the Lakers play there. You'd think with the economy in the toilet, they'd be giving people a break from these high prices.
  15. My first vote goes to April 14, 1979- the day The Beast opened. Just to see how different it looked back there in person at the time. Second vote goes to April 29, 1972- the day Kings Island opened. Just to see how different the park looked then than it does today. Third vote goes to October 1, 1971- the day Magic Kingdom and the Walt Disney Resort opened. It would be cool to see what the resort area and the tourist area surrounding the resort looked like compared to today. Off topic, but I would like to see what my hometown and Cincinnati in general looked like the day I was born. That would be July 7, 1987.
  16. On Media Day, Mayor Mark Mallory of Cincinnati was on Bill Cunningham's show and they were talking about Diamondback. Bill said Diamondback went upside down and backwards going 80 miles per hour. He also called Nick Universe "Spongebob Squarepants". POST 200! I'M NOW A KIC JUNKY!
  17. Cory Butcher is a member here on KIC.
  18. I've never been to Stricker's Grove. It's a shame that it's only open to the public several days out of the year.
  19. I enjoyed reading Day 1....Holiday World sounds like a park worth checking out and Holliwood Nights sounds like fun as well. I'll have to head down that way and check it out. I'm looking forward for Day 2!
  20. I saw the commercial here in Cincinnati for the Big Six Package- 6 visits for $30. I was down by Kentucky Kingdom in March at the Mid America Trucking Show at the Kentucky Exposition Center. Boy does SFKK look small. I'll have to check it out even though Chang is the only ride that looks appealing to me.
  21. Sounds good....I can finally get some more near-Midnight rides in on The Beast.
  22. That's a first....I have never seen a dog on a roller coaster.
  23. I think you should ride Diamondback and Firehawk as well..... Diamondback- lots of airtime, the first drop is amazing, nothing else like it at Kings Island. Firehawk- closest sensation to flying, nothing else like it in Ohio or anywhere close. Hope this makes your decision a little easier.
  24. How about Chipotle? Probably not a good idea.
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