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Everything posted by coasterrz
Not all of the water attractions get purified water. I am farily certain that White Water Canyon`s water is not city treated water. (Water that is treated by the City of Cincinnati`s Water Works division.) I believe that WWC`s water comes from a creek that they dam up. Or, they use city water and store it in a man made lake, which gets muddy, and they don`t treat the water like they do on the Wild Thornberrys.
Shawnee Landing was located about where The Beast station sits today. It was simply a canoe ride. I believe it is the one that the Brady Bunch left Mr. Brady`s plans in. Originally, the Smurfs were not a part of the Enchanted Voyage. It originally had all sorts of Hanna Barbera characters. Then, the park rethemed it to the smurfs in 1984, but kept the same boat transportation system.
Yeah, part of the wild animal habitat was back there. I believe the path that you walk down on at Fear Fest to get to Pyscho Path was as far as the Animal Habitat reached. I believe that back in the woods, where parts of King Cobra are stored, is the foundations to one of the barns that housed the animals.
The water park was extremly crowded when i arrived on Sunday around 4. However, by 6, the lines and people were almost nonexistant (we had two rides on Tas in less than 15 minutes around 6:20. I rode Tasmanian Typhoon three times, and it is an incredibly fun ride! I also rode Collangatta Racers. Besides the massive amount of water that went in my right ear, it was a fun ride. The colors in BB are very nice. I think the park did an excellent job! I finished the day with an almost walk on wait to Snowy River Rampage, formerly know as Rushing River. I had a blast and wished that it wasn`t quite so swamped with people!
Well the park had Thornberrys (then known as Kings Mills Run) and KCKC from 1973 until KCKC closed at the end of the 2000 season, a total of 28 years. They didn`t remove KCKC solely because they were opening the renovated Kings Mills Log Flume.
No, I don`t know what the height of KCKC was. I know the final drop was taller than the Wild Thornberrys biggest drop wich is 40 feet. For some reason I think it was around 60 or 70 feet. I do know that the ride was designed by Arrow Dynamics and was from Arrow`s Hydro Flume line.
All the concrete pads I saw today were the same as they have been since they first sprouted. The one in Rivertown by Wings, the one at the entrance to Coney Mall, and the ones outside the entrance are all still the same as they have been since they first appeared.
The restraints that they put on this year are exactly the same as the restraints as last year. The only thing they changed for this season was that the actual seats went from yellow to black. I`ve heard that the seats are ones that were removed from VOlcano at PKD.
It should be noted that the operating schedule in the past couple of years has never had the first weekend of November listed as operating days this early in the season. Secondly, this year Halloween I believe is on a Sunday, so if they were to be open in November, it would be one of the leatest first weekends in November possible.
I don`t know the answer, but I have often heard the park say "buy AND process yoour pass" before the gold goes away before.
With the weather here in Cincinnati, I`m sure BB will be crowded this weekend with Gold Pass Holders. With the temperature up in the mid 80`s and the heat index in the 90`s, it is pretty hot outside! And I`m sure that 78 degree water will feel pretty nice.
By PW I assume you mean Potato Works. PW is located between the Kings Island and Miami Valley Railroad and Tomb Raider: The Ride in Rivertown.
While the paint has faded some, I don`t think it is that noticable. On the other hand, Face Off has some spots of rust showing as well as patches of paint that are almost white from where they touched up the factory paint after they assembled it.
I knew something seemed different on I-Street when I was waiting for the ACE walkback on Sunday. It really didn`t make sense to have thos QTVs there in the first place. They weren`t really facing all of the tables that people sit at and eat their LaRosa`s Pizza. I do find it a little odd that they never added QTV`s to Son of Beast`s line. I highyl doubt the park will abandon QTV as they put a lot of time and money into developing it back in 1996 or 1998, I`m not sure which. Does anyone know if they will expand QTV to the water park? I know the lines aren`t normally that long, but the lines for Rushing River, now snowy River Rampage can`t get rather long. I assume that Tasmanian Typhoon will be similar in nature.
I never went to the original Fear Fest in 2000. I have, however, been to every Fear Fest since. Personally, I think the Maze of Madness is the most intense/scary because of the fact that you are in a maze and can barely see where you are going wth the exception of the strobe lights. All the rest were fun and somewhat scary, but on House of Darkness, I was laughing the entire time at three or four girls that were terrified. It was quite amusing.
I know she was drunk, but like Beastfreak said, a restrain should have been properly designed to prevent her from sliding out.
Nope, Son of Beast`s line never had any QTVs. Not even in the first season.
I think that it is difficult to enforce the no smoking rule in the lines because the operators cannot monitor all the lines for smokers. I have seen several instances of it being enforced over the years. Personally, it bothers me because I don`t want to be breathing in smoke if I don`t and shouldn`t have to. I know that for asthmatics, like my brother, smoke can be a problem. I don`t really care about smoking in the park, but I think it should be prohibited in HB and NC. About BB, it will be (with the exception of the smoking lounge) a no smoking area. WaterWorks has always been a no smoking area. As far as sand, the only sand I heard they would have in BB is in the volleyball courts, although they may not even use sand on the volleyball courts. It will be interesting to see what BB looks like after this weekend.
While on the subject of Intamin, they were in part respinsible for the death on Flight Commander at PKI in 1991. The result of the investigation was that they had improperly designed the restraint to allow a single rides to slip under the two person restraint. No, they are not using FoF as a junkyard. King Cobra was/is still for sale. I`m sure that they are keeping the cars in FoF because if they find a buyer for the ride, they want the trains to be protected from the elements. FoF offers a good place to store them as most of the gp won`t even notice they are there. I`ve tried looking for them when I was on FoF, but have never actually spotted them. As far as Vekoma, I don`t think PKI should add another one. I thouroughly enjoy Face Off which is very reliable and offers some of the most intense G-forces of any ride at PKI, with the exception of maybe the final flip on TR:TR. Reptar is a little bumpy. My experience on Serial Thriller and X-Flight wasn`t exactly smooth, although I did enjoy my rides on X-Flight. I would much rather have a smooth ride on an Intamin or B&M coaster than a Vekoma.
Another thing is that the park already has a lot of advertising in it, without special kiosks/displays for them. All the Paramount/Viacom tie ins are a lot of advertisements. Then there are the advertisements for PKI`s corporate sponsors. While I think that they cloud some of the magic of the amusement park experience, advertisements do generate money for the park (excluding tie ins with ownership). The money is used to help keep costs down, to cover maintenance costs and for ride development. I would not be opposed to the advertisements if they are along side maps of the park. I don`t know why they got ride of these in the first place. While I think the locator system would be cool and better than the message centers, I don`t know how necessary they are with the current popularity of cell phones and walkie talkies phones like Nextel.
Normally, they have the colored lights shining in the building. These llights usually dimly light the entire ride drum. However, my last ride on FoF, about half of these lights were off. There are maintenance flourescent lights inside the drum. I have had one ride when there were lights on in the launch tunnel, which illuminated some of the drum, but not all of it.
The only thing that is different from the old restraints is the color. The old ones used to be yellow. However, the new restraints are all black with a stripe of yellow tape by where the seat belt attaches to the restraint. Restraints Here is a picture of a Face Off train, although you really can`t see the restraints that clearly.
While those kiosks will be beneficial to some, I think there might be too many of them. There is at lest one or two of these things per area. Are they getting rid of the Message centers then? While I think that this is a great service, I question whether or not they are overdoing it a little. Additionally, some of the squares are located a good three or four feet off the midway. I don`t know if that means anything, but if they are for finding a lost guest, that will be kind of far from the midway to reach the kiosk, unless it extends past the concrete footer.
They used to have several large maps hanging throughout the park. There used to be one by the restrooms at the main entrance into Coney. Also, there used to be one on the side of the Eiffel Tower near the entrance to Hanna Barbera Land, around where the Message Center is located (there might be a map there today). Also, there used to be a map right outside the restroom in Rivertown near the Wild Thornberrys. They removed that one a season or two ago.
The only place where QTV is not being played this season is in line for The Beast, due to the 25th anniversary documentary playing instead. On all my visits this year, QTV has been playing in the ride lines.