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Aaron88stang last won the day on May 22 2023

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    Georgetown, KY

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  1. Most years I do not visit the Pigeon Forge area frequently enough to justify a DW pass, however the KK pass gets you 50% off on DW tickets now so that works our great for me.
  2. Has there been any deconstruction on either T3 or Deluge over the off season? I have not been by there recently.
  3. I visited Carowinds last fall. I skipped Vortex as I was not real impressed with on my previous visit and took one painful spin on Hurler in the rain. I am glad Hurler is getting some love because it really needed it. Carowinds sorely needs a nice modern woodie.
  4. That is a really cool concept. I am excited to learn more about this ride.
  5. Has a change.org petition ever actually made any kind of meaningful impact? Most are laughable.
  6. Not entirely surprising as Good Gravy is clearly further along in construction.
  7. What about have B&M recreate The Vortex layout with a sit down or floorless coaster?
  8. I am sure others know more but I think Terpy left due to his job requirements.
  9. Wow, a resurrected thread from YoungStud! I wonder how he is doing these days. lol
  10. I wonder what they did with that surfing snoopy sign from the shack...
  11. I was a Scarowinds Saturday night but did not see the parade. It took a good while to get through the gates for some reason so I assume that I missed it if it was at the start of the event. I did see the floats in their shed on the way out so I was a little confused at the time as to why I did no see a parade.
  12. That is way too complicated...I am going Saturday night and Sunday so I will be sure not to bother getting there before 7 on Saturday.
  13. I really do not see this having much of a negative impact on the ride experience. The launch was far from the best part of the ride.
  14. Well...I was referring more to Don. lol. I can not see him talking ill about his former employer.
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