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Aaron88stang last won the day on May 22 2023

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    Georgetown, KY

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  1. I would have preferred they kept Thunder Run's name and changed Mile High Falls to Cumberland Falls but otherwise I really like the other changes.
  2. Kings Dominion is a nice park, but it does not draw near the crowds Kings Island does.
  3. The only thing that map tells me with any amount of certainty is that missing area of the park will not be open for 2025, which should not be surprising considering T3 is gone and Deluge still needs demo. Perhaps Rapids will reopen with a more appropriate retheme in 2026 or later with a whole new section of the park... maybe even with the new entrance and parking that I still think would be a good long term investment.
  4. As much as I would hate to lose the Banshee name/theme, what is there could be turned into a pretty cool Arkham Asylum theme. The Bat obviously could be Batman. Drop Tower could be Superman and Invertigo Two Face assuming it stays around.
  5. New parking and main gate for the park in the works? Or could the sudden change of plans signal the fair board may be preparing to sell the park land and surrounding area to Herschend? One can dream.
  6. Most years I do not visit the Pigeon Forge area frequently enough to justify a DW pass, however the KK pass gets you 50% off on DW tickets now so that works our great for me.
  7. Has there been any deconstruction on either T3 or Deluge over the off season? I have not been by there recently.
  8. I visited Carowinds last fall. I skipped Vortex as I was not real impressed with on my previous visit and took one painful spin on Hurler in the rain. I am glad Hurler is getting some love because it really needed it. Carowinds sorely needs a nice modern woodie.
  9. That is a really cool concept. I am excited to learn more about this ride.
  10. Has a change.org petition ever actually made any kind of meaningful impact? Most are laughable.
  11. Not entirely surprising as Good Gravy is clearly further along in construction.
  12. What about have B&M recreate The Vortex layout with a sit down or floorless coaster?
  13. I am sure others know more but I think Terpy left due to his job requirements.
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