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Everything posted by gigacoaster2k

  1. ha, I remember going to KI on April 27 and seeing a clearing surrounded by a wooden fence, and thinking they were building a new water ride.
  2. You might be a KI addict if.. you are posting on the KIC forums and chatting with forum members on AIM at the same time..
  3. I have also walked past the pay phones (not sure exactly where), but the scrolling letters on the screen still said Paramount's Kings Island. I figure it will take a while for the change to be 100% complete.. but when traces of the logo still appear from time to time, it is slightly amusing (no pun intended).
  4. There is a possibility I stand corrected.. I am not sure which Superman ride they were discussing, but I know that S:ROS is dwarfed by MF. Thanks Terpy.
  5. I'm not sure I would attempt a coaster in this weather.. it was cold enough on CP closing day, riding MF in 42 degree weather with a strong breeze off Lake Erie.. then again, I doubt Diamondback wouldn't be worth the frostbite and mild hypothermia. It was -13 this morning when I got up to go to work, and the temp right now is -1.. this degree of cold is not necessary.
  6. bouncing basketballs.. If I get hit with one of those this year, I'm going to throw it so hard that they will never find it again.
  7. I was in line for my first ride on Slingshot, and the guys in front of me could tell I was nervous (I was next after them). One of them said "Four people die on this thing every day" (as if I was completely ignorant and stupid). I responded with "Yeah, THAT'S why the ride is still open.. " I was in line for Millennium Force when some kid walks by and loudly announces that 96 people died on it last year. I also heard that one time the train flew off the track and into Lake Erie. I was in line for Backlot Stunt Coaster when the people behind me started discussing Superman: Ride of Steel and how it is taller and faster than Millennium Force, and has a 90 degree drop.. and these people were old enough to be my parents.. I have also heard that Vortex got stuck upside down in one of the loops and they had to evacuate. I probably have more, but I can't think of them right now.
  8. I knew there was a reason I liked you.
  9. With every photo that is posted, it still never ceases to amaze me how Diamondback is coming together. I love the stitches, and Don and Ryan's photos. It still has not hit me that this is coming to Kings Island.
  10. I do. There is a lot of the old Paramount theming in the photos, and several photos of Drop Zone-Tower, and Invertigo-Face/Off. There is also a very green pic of Swan Lake.
  11. Oh for pete's sake people.. How is construction going? Since this is the thread for such a discussion?
  12. I apologize for the poor quality. These photos were taken with a throwaway camera, and I scanned them as a collage before cropping and saving each photo as its own file. The date on these photos is June 23, 2000.
  13. I have some decent photos of King Cobra from 2000 if anyone is interested.
  14. http://t-shirts.cafepress.com/item/antilin...tshirt/14601649 I have that one in pink. I wore it to CP one day and got compliments from security guards. I also had several employees stop me and ask where I got it.
  15. I wasn't referring to you. I was referring to a few who were in no uncertain terms going off. I can understand disappointment, but throwing a tantrum is unnecessary.
  16. Wow!! Your sig is really filling up now!! Now, you just need to add the dates for Coaster Solace at Knott's on March 7th (??-from memory), and TPR's Magic Mountain event on March 22nd!! STOP!! My sig is going to look like something out of the Matrix!
  17. Once people stop pouting and realize that it's not the end of the world (yes, Diamondback is still being built and yes, we will still get to ride it), things in this thread will cool down (I hope). Honestly, those of you who are angry sound like spoiled brats. I am amazed at the audacity of some of you who are going off about this. It's not Ryan's fault, so back off and calm down.
  18. Thanks KRAZY I need coasters NOW. I am going through withdrawal somethin' fierce!
  19. No offense, but some of you really need to chill out. We are getting a B&M hyper at our home park, something many of us never imagined would happen. And he just said there will still be ERT on it every morning. ..Can't you be happy about that? Preview Day may be gone, but your opportunity to ride it is not.
  20. I have lost my voice to Drop Tower, MF's first drop, and TTD.
  21. !!!!! I never, ever wear my glasses to amusement parks. Contacts are much easier.. though one of them started fluttering on MF and they blew to the sides for a second on TTD in the front seat..
  22. I lost several arcade tokens to Invertigo about 7 years ago, some of which hit me in the face as we flipped upside down. This year: I lost a pair of shades to Flight of Fear (they were in my friend's shirt, she pulled them out after the ride and they were in 3 pieces), and I lost 2 pair of shades to Millennium Force. I "lost" a pair of shades to Dragster. I put them in my hoodie pocket, and believe it or not they stayed there throughout the ride, but when I took them out afterward, they were in 2 pieces.
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