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Everything posted by Oldschool75

  1. Maybe the return of The Demon! Gordon Bombay knows what I'm talking about. He posted a pic of an old Arrow Looper that is close to here at an abandoned amusement park.
  2. At :52 he says "other exciting highlights of this world class ********" looks like he says "attraction" , which would mean this is not a ride.
  3. After looking at that pic again of Don; I noticed that the map is not folded over, but indeed just covered up with a separate piece of paper or another map. Look at the edges of the map and look at the piece covering it, the folds don't match.
  4. One thing I just noticed yesterday. What is missing in the picture bellow?
  5. If it was that i would be very disappointed.
  6. I know we are not supposed to link to other sites but I find this curious about a new coaster reveled by Intamin. http://keystonethril...version-coaster ****Edit**** http://data.sphosting.ch/Intamin/Media/Multi%20Inversion%20Coaster/Multi%20Inversion%20Coaster.pdf
  7. Remember 2012 is KI's 40'th. So this is going to be something big along the line of a park expansion or new coaster.
  8. ESP with WindSeeker giving a birds eye view.
  9. I say that there will be some sort of dinosaur themed coaster that will rise from the remains of SOB.
  10. Delirium is the scariest for me, not sure why, just the swinging motion and spinning at the same time. maybe I'm just getting old. lol
  11. I say just tear the building down and leave the ride. I think flipping outdoors is better than in a dark building that you really can't see much. Just my 2 cents.
  12. http://investors.six...34959= Has anyone tried this type of pizza? I haven't, but any thing would be better than Poopa Johns.
  13. Yes, my post about SOB from yesterday has already been deleted. So they are deleting SOB posts. I say everyone just start asking everyday. lol
  14. Was the Crypt being on the list supposed to be a joke? That thing can't run when it's supposed to during normal hours.
  15. Looks like another concrete pour, trucks are back.
  16. Squeal boy Squeal!! okay maybe that was uncalled for. lol ***edit*** Has anyone checked to see if building permits or information is available from the city of Mason? I have no idea where to find such info.
  17. Maybe it's a new log flume? Coming from one that misses KCKC sooooooo much.
  18. I was thinking about what Action Zone needs to improve. The first thing was to remove Timerwolf. I think its day is done. Most concerts are usually in arenas or larger venues today. I think removing TW would clear some much needed space for additional rides or amusements. What do you guys think?
  19. All I can say lets hope this is an expansion instead of just a new coaster. Adding another ride in that area without an expansion would really bottleneck things. ***Update*** I'm not the best at photoshop but I did an overlay, matched it up best I could using The Racer turnaround.
  20. If his condition is this fragile maybe he shouldn't put himself in a possible position to where his health could be at risk. Just as an example, my younger brother has a heart condition, he loves roller coasters; but he doesn't ride them because he knows there is a chance that riding the coaster could trigger his heart to act up or even kill him.
  21. These have been posted already. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20638&st=0&p=414911&hl=video&fromsearch=1entry414911 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22684&hl=video&st=0
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