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Everything posted by CedarPointer

  1. And yes, I have seen someone smoke in line for Flight of Fear. I was amazed that it didn't trigger an "unplanned fire drill".
  2. From looking at the Simex Iwerks site, I'd like to see Smash Factory, some iteration of Dino Island, or Pokemon 3D in there. I would bet SB3D is through a agreement with Simex Iwerks and not Viacom.
  3. Well, the back of the pass has already said "not valid for FearFest", so the writing WAS on the wall...
  4. Does anyone else think that WTRA might become part of Rivertown again? (don't answer "Yes.", Terpy)
  5. That wasn't directed at your post, it was directed at the platinum passes not being discounted. I wonder if you could get the cheap gold pass then upgrade it later...
  6. What seat has good airtime on The Racer? I've never been able to find it...
  7. Subject: Smoking "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? For the safety and comfort of others, smoking is permitted in designated areas only..." Remember hearing this? IT APPLIES TO YOU! If you're smoking on a path, you're making everyone around you mad. And, if you're smoking in line, that is a sin punishable by death. Or... if you're smoking in line for THE CRYPT, Flight of Fear, or SCOOBY DOO AND THE HAUNTED CASTLE, you really need some help.
  8. I would never visit KI again if they got a Zamperla Flyer.
  9. They could put more of those Pantel TVs in, the wiring for the QTVs appears to still be there. (Yesterday, the QTV in The Beast's station was playing an ad for... FEARFEST!)
  10. Clack...clack...clack...clack...ROOOOOOOARRR!!
  11. Intimidator 305 looks like an entire coaster of Flight of Fear's second half to me.
  12. I was thinking today that it would be interesting to have a daily "survival guide" for the park- instructions about things that, really, should be obvious: line jumping, spitting, fences, etc. I'll try to do a new one daily. Subject: Ride Names Every ride at Kings Island has a name. If you call a ride the wrong name, don't be surprised when those around you snicker a little. Flight of Fear is not Flight Deck. Son of Beast is not Flight of Fear, either. Invertigo is not Vertigo. If you're going to the park for the first time, try taking a map at the front entrance... and look at it! Because, when you ask me for directions to Invertigo, I have no idea that you actually meant Diamondback (they ARE both red and yellow, you know). Subject: Employees and You How would you feel if someone came up to you and started yelling at you because you told them "no"? That's the same way that a park associate feels when you yell at them because dear little Suzie was too short for "The Vertex". A "thank you" might be nice once and a while, too. The park associates are not robots. And, if they tell you NOT to do something, DON'T DO IT! Subject: Flight of Fear Yes, Flight of Fear is indoor. It is not just like Space Mountain. It is a rollercoaster. With four inversions and a 54mph launch. It has lapbars, but yes, it DOES have inversions. Now, about the theming: Cedar Fair is NOT a theme park company. Don't vandalize the theming, because we KNOW they're not gonna fix it. One other thing about the theming: yes, the queue video is old and cheesy. You don't need to point that out. We know. Trust me, we know.
  13. Something I wonder... **NOTE! THE FOLLOWING IS NOT FACT, IT IS AN OPINION!! DO NOT TAKE IT AS FACT!! Thank you.** Did CF plan on removing TC all along? Imagine the uproar if it had been removed when it was TRTR! Now, many park fans WANT it to be removed! Did CF purposely remove theming, boring-ify the ride, etc., just to make us not mind it leaving? Also, I noticed that there's a Cabbage Patch Doll on the demonbat's head. Must have been put there by an employee...
  14. I saw a guest call Son of Beast an interesting name today. Wait for it... Flight of Fear!
  15. No. I also noticed that the SoB sign is gone altogether, not just covered up. A plank of wood appears to be in its place.
  16. The exit is BOLTED shut. BOLTED. They obviously aren't planning on removing that gate soon. And it has a potted plant in front of it. I find that to be incredibly humorous. "Move along, nothing to see here!"
  17. Personally, I love 5-1, but 7-1 or 1-1 will sufice if the line for 5-1 is too long.
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