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Everything posted by XjoshhyX

  1. Can an underground section of the ride be made called "South of Heaven" or is that a little too dark?
  2. As much as I do enjoy the ride for the sake of it being something different, I really could do without it if its fate was for it to come down.
  3. This is my exact hope as well. I was kind of thinking maybe Action Zone gets revamped all together into some kind of "scary" area.
  4. They must've been playing Slayer....
  5. Never met him, but heard so much good about the guy. Hopefully sometime this year I can have the honor of riding with him.
  6. New rides are always good! I usually visit Riverbend a couple times a year, and if the concert I am going to isn't an all day festival type thing, I usually make a point of getting there extra early to ride rides and enjoy the nostalgia.
  7. I am friends with an employee from the Grille and it just sounds like a rough first day all around. Lots of computer issues, miscommunication, and understaffing. not much you can do when it all happens at once though. I do commend them for their resilience in the situation though. Besides the long wait times for food and service, I heard that people were very happy with the staff and happy with the quality of the food (once it got there). I look forward to checking it out when I visit, especially to mess with my buddy, but being a server myself I respect all they had to go through and sympathize with them. It was the first go, i'm sure management and staff will get things rolling very well for the rest of the season though.
  8. Whatever we get, it would be cool to let CF build something record breaking. I don't want a TTD, or a MF per say, but something record breaking in its own right. As long as its unique and something the park hasn't had, I don't really care what it is.
  9. I think Fast Lane has its perks but it is definitely bringing up issues with some of the buyers. I know me and some friends are going to head up to CP this year, and we plan on buying them, so I guess I can be one of "those" people when we do that.
  10. They should recoat the wheels constantly then!
  11. Its really not that hard to look at the schedule. Oh well, some people are helpless. I actually forgot they were closed today and was contemplating driving up, but then I remembered that its like this every year.
  12. Was AE finally using the hydraulics for the spears in the tunnels? I feel like they worked for a short time last season then died off toward the end.
  13. I've learned that the best stands are the bigger stands for those things. i don't bother with the little mobile stands unless its for a drink. I get the mindset of some of the staff (being mainly high school/college aged), but it does become a pain in the butt later in the season when they've been working day after day in the heart especially. Now with the new re-entry policy and lack of Fun Perks i'll just leave and come back when i'm hungry for the most part.
  14. This is probably farfetched, but could your tricks up the sleeve for coney be a new ride? I can always hope. Had some great times there when I was younger. would be neat to maybe see a full scale coaster, just 1, in the park. Heck what happened to Screechin' Eagle from Americana? That would be fantastic!
  15. IDK, its my understanding that you need a platinum pass to enter Jungle Jims now. Oh well, no cheese shopping for me.
  16. I know that there has been talk about the area where this would go, and that having SOB down gives more room to work with. I bring this up, because KI owns a lot of the land surrounding the grounds, I don't think space is the issue there at all. With that being said, location is perfect now for anything they want when you look at it. Action Zone was once the hopping place of the park and needs to be that again, I mean c'mon its Action Zone. I can only hope we'll see something big and fast, and hopefully record breaking, especially with the abundance of land there. I have stated in another thread that I wouldn't mind seeing another Woody in SOB's place, something along the lines of Hades or Outlaw Run. One can dream though.
  17. I would assume losing the seat belts means they have upgraded the restraint systems?
  18. my .02, I just want another coaster. What I would like to see is one of the newer style woody's, like Hades or Outlaw Run. I am very partial to Wooden coasters, love the feel (rougher is better, that's what she said) and the presentation of wooden coasters looks so cool to me. If we were to get something like a Giga/Wing, I think that would be great. I would hate to see something be close to "cloning" Gatekeeper if we were to get a wing though. Cedar Fair has something for us, we'll find out soon enough.
  19. Well, from a source, it sounds like they were having some first day woes. Computer system problems, and understaffing seem to be what did it. I work at Outback in Western Hills, and I have been doing it for over 7 years now and I can say that those are 2 things that can really bring a night down. I'm sure they'll get things more efficient as the season progresses, would be hard pressed for it not to get better.
  20. I just don't see why the big uproar. Its a business above all and that's how it should be run. They'll cut back on things from time to time and it might not be a popular decision(like the ERT) but it's what the company thinks will benefit them while still giving patrons perks and the ability to enjoy themselves. And to comment about KI being a vacation destination, it is for many people. Maybe not as big as a CP, but every year I meet people from all over the country that are visiting te park and things like the FLP are great for those people to experience the park fully.
  21. Just went through this whole thread an have to say I love it. Would be interesting to see this done with other parks also.
  22. Hope all went well man, look forward rose win you this Summer
  23. I've mostly skimmed posts, and all I can say is, KI and CF are a business. They will do what they can to maximize revenue without alienating locals/loyal customers. I see no issue with the FLP at all, in fact I think it's smart if you are doing it for some parks. I know people don't like FL but really, does it ever directly effect any of the experience you have at the park? Ever dive it's started I've neer had issues with it from a financial or a user standpoint, it's part of the business. Just be happy we have a park like KI to go to.
  24. OMG they're gOne! So sUrPri53d! Can I buy the logo off the front of one?
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