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Everything posted by jcgoble3

  1. I'm an ISTP. There was actually a thread on the Myers-Briggs personality types on here back in 2010. You can see it here: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/23030-personality-test/
  2. Ride number 6702000 broke down?
  3. If you ask me, Voyage at Holiday World has better airtime. Wildebeest in the front seat with no one else in the boat is even better. I actually rode Wildebeest with no one else in the boat. They refused to let me sit in the very front though, for some reason, which I was OK with...I wanted the middle anyway. In 2012 at HoliWood Nights, they told me I couldn't ride in the very front or very back by myself. This year at HoliWood Nights, they did not have any such restrictions. You visited this summer, didn't you? I find it odd that they would enforce that at HWN 2012 and during your visit, but not at HWN 2013.
  4. If you ask me, Voyage at Holiday World has better airtime. Wildebeest in the front seat with no one else in the boat is even better.
  5. Bing claims to be better than Google based on survey results. I took one of those surveys. It was rigged in Bing's favor in two ways. In the first case, the Google and Bing search queries presented to me in screenshots were not identical. Typically, the Google search used "site:www.microsoft.com" in the query to restrict the search to the "www.microsoft.com" subdomain, while the Bing query used Bing's native option to search the Microsoft site, which encompassed all subdomains of "microsoft.com". Usually the most helpful results were on subdomains such as "support.microsoft.com" that showed up only in the Bing results because of the way the Google query was formulated. A proper comparison should have used "site:microsoft.com" in the Google query. In the second, more blatant case, the screenshot of the Google query had been outright photoshopped. They had searched for something totally different on Google, taken a screenshot of the results, then edited the query in the search box at the top of the results to match the Bing query. Anyone familiar with the way Google displays their results could identify the fact that it had been edited immediately, because Google displays the words matching the search query in bold, and the bolded words had nothing to do with the query shown. I should add that the fact that all search queries, even the "original" ones on Google pre-Photoshop, were of the Microsoft website or for Microsoft products such as Xbox. That's pretty good evidence that the survey was conducted by, or at least paid for by, Microsoft. So it was not an independent survey. The survey in question asked me to rate the Bing and Google results independently, then indicate which was more useful and to what degree, then gave me a freeform text box to make any comments I felt worth mentioning. Once I began to realize it was rigged, I used that text box to say so several times. After one particularly nasty comment, when I clicked "next", I was told that I had "screened out" of the survey. That usually means that they are looking for a certain number of responses from each demographic group and that quota has been met, but screen-outs normally occur at the beginning after just a few demographic questions, not in the middle of the meat of the survey. I suspect they had a blacklist of words set up where if somebody used one of those words in the comment box, they could be fairly sure that the person taking the survey had guessed it had been rigged, and the system would kick them out immediately. I must have tripped that blacklist with my last comment, which used a few words distinctly related to editing and rigging that I had not used in my comments on prior comparisons. Anyway, the point of all of this is that if someone tells you that survey results prove Bing is better than Google, don't believe that for one second. It's an outright lie.
  6. To do so, click edit on the first post, then click "Use Full Editor". From there you can edit the thread title and click another link to edit the poll.
  7. This... Occasionally we get off topic but, I'm sorry, no one wants to hear someone trolling about their so called "hot wife". ...and this. There is a line between differing opinions and trolling, and a certain user has crossed that line. I won't name that user because everybody knows who it is, especially that user himself.
  8. Huh? The thread title asks about web browsers, but the poll lists search engines. Which is it? EDIT: (insert generic complaint about slow internet connection resulting in triple ninja)
  9. Rumor: Star Wars Theme Park Focus Will Be At Disneyland http://www.theforce.net/story/front/Rumor_Star_Wars_Theme_Park_Focus_Will_Be_At_Disneyland_153183.asp
  10. You're not being flamed. It's just that people are fed up with your trolling.
  11. That's funny, because it's you that we're reporting.
  12. I too have used the report button more than once this afternoon.
  13. I'm 5'6", 150 lb. The vest was tight enough on my shoulders to cause some discomfort, but not so much to keep me from attempting to enjoy the ride. I say "attempting" because I succeeded only in understanding why some people say B&M stands for Boring and Mediocre. I could take a nap on Gatekeeper. It's that boring to me.
  14. Looks like three syllables to me.
  15. The combo ticket is now available online through the KI website: https://www.visitkingsisland.com/what-s-new/ki-cedar-point-combo-ticket I haven't checked the CP website to see if it's available there. (Cue completely valid complaint from Terpy about Accesso, Flash, and mobile devices. )
  16. Yes, the hours are shorter on Friday, but you'll probably be able to do more that day than you would any other day that weekend because of the light crowds. Be aware that the waterpark is not open that day, though, so if you want to hit the waterpark, you'll need to select a different day.
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