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Everything posted by Titan

  1. I know at least 20 new season pass holders, the park seems to be booming this year. Of course it's usually like this around this time and most of the schools are out now.
  2. I saw a guy get stuck in there too.
  3. I remember seeing these a while back, they're really cool!
  4. Titan


    I've done a lot of ghost hunting in the past few years and from all the evidence I've collected, I made a conclusion that ghosts aren't really ghosts. I started ghost hunting because I wanted to know answers on why these spirits are still remaining on Earth. And from going through hundreds of hours of EVP recordings a common word I found was, "Help." Taking into consideration that these "ghosts" were once a living and the fact that the word help appeared a lot, I've started pulling away from the theory of ghosts and more to demons and spirits. Now this is where your religion comes in. I try to keep my conclusions as unbiased as I can, however when things like an afterlife or spirits come into play, I usually call to religion. I'm a Christian, so I believe that when you die you go to Heaven or Hell, (I'm not trying to start a debate on religion). So when it comes to work like this, I often interpret most "ghosts" as a spirit or demon that is heading South of Heaven. However someone else might think that everyone comes back as a spirit and that there are no demons and angels. So it all depends on your views and opinions. I think that there are no such thing as ghosts and that they are only spirits and demons. But that doesn't mean my opinion is right. Sorry for rambling on so much, this is one of those topics that I get into.
  5. I think it's a really good idea! I would join, but I'd probably end up missing half of the games.....
  6. Godfather's Pizza, need I say more?
  7. Titan

    Soak City 2012

    But everything you mentioned is rebranding and expansion.
  8. Titan

    Soak City 2012

    Ummm, I'm pretty sure that's what Soak City is to everyone.....
  9. I arrived at the park around 9:15 with my buddy and we headed over to Diamondback, where we got 3 rides in. I also forgot to take my necklace off, which got lost somewhere along the first ride. Then after the final ride the park just had opened so we went to The Beast. We waited about 20 minutes and then we got into the 3rd train. Overall the ride was a lot smoother and I was actually able to keep my hands up the whole time. That's a first.Then when we exited the ride I saw the thing that I most dreaded would happen, school groups invasion. We navigated through Rivertown and got a ride on Zephyr + Shake, Rattle, & Roll. Then we went over to The Racers. They only had one open, which is usual. The line looked long, but it sailed through and we were on in about 15 minutes. When we got off it was around 11:30-ish. So we decided to walk around and film a bit. Then we took a ride on the train, which was also packed. After that we went to the Festhaus and I had some Pizza. When I gave the lady my free 20 oz drinks paper, she was confused at first. Then she handed it back and removed the drink from the bill. We were not able to see British Invasion, we only saw them practicing. After we left Festhaus we walked around looking at the lines. To no surprise everything had a line no less than 30 minutes. So we decided to ride Congo Falls, which had a short line. I was absolutely drenched, so I had to walk around in a wife-beater shirt for the rest of the day. Then I decided to do Dinosaurs Alive. This was my first time going through it and I loved it, I think it was worth the 5 dollars. After that we decided to walk through some stores and see what they had. They have a lot of cool t-shirts for the rides now. Then after that we did some more walking and decided to leave around 4:45. It was a pretty good day, other than the fact that it was packed. I wish I would have known about it, then I would have gone tomorrow, but it's over with now. I'll my try going back June 2nd to try out Soak City. I should also add that when we were driving to KI, I saw the Beach's sign. It said, "Thanks for the 27 years of enjoyment." I don't know why, but that made me feel a little sad. Positives from my trip: 1. The employees were very nice. 2. The metal detector's are gone, which opens up the entrance. 3. Fast Lane caused no problems. Negatives from my trip: 1. A lot of employees were confused about the Gold Pass Perks (although it is new.) 2. The Racer's only having one line now makes the ride waits seem longer. 3. I'm not a big fan of the ERT list, but it's better than nothing. 4. WindSeeker was not running. I also took some pictures, however with my Blackberry, so the quality is pretty poor. This was The Racer's line for most of the day, they had most of the "zig-zags" open . WindSeeker was not running again. I wish they would clean up the gardens, they seem dirty. Vortex had a pretty big line too, but that's not surprising. Diamondback had big lines too, good thing we had ERT on it. Viking's Fury also had pretty large lines which is surprising. Action Zone was really packed. Invertigo's new colors look great! That's a lot of buses. A little bit of Soak City. Planet Snoopy. The next pictures are of the Fun Perks brochure, That's all, I hope that I'll be able to post another trip report on June 2nd!
  10. I'm wondering the same thing. Would you have to redeem it for a wrist band? Or would they just scan your paper at the registers?
  11. Thanks for posting about this! The free drink wristband will help me out a lot.
  12. I haven't been there yet, but I'm excited for the new direction of management the most.
  13. Thanks! We try. What would you like to see more of on both platforms? I'm not sure if you guys have done this yet, but I think it would be cool if you could post a historical photo from Kings Island every week. That way some of the younger audience could see what things used to be like around the park. And I will also agree with BB1 that you guys are doing a great job!
  14. Both Racers running forward was required starting in 2008, and KECO originally ran them backwards. If I remember correctly one of them was turned backwards in the early 80's. So yeah that would either be Taft or KECO that did it.
  15. I'll be heading out to the park for the first time this season Saturday and from all the reviews I've heard..... I can't wait!
  16. Titan

    What would you do?

    I would probably add restrooms to X-base because I hate having to walk back into Coney Mall just to use the restroom....
  17. I do miss the Paramount rides names, however I like what Cedar Fair has done better. I felt like CBS took what was once a diverse park and turned into an everyday park. Paramount/CBS did do a lot of good things for the park and they sure knew how to theme a ride, but also I think that they started to take the charm out of the park. And with Cedar Fair, I feel that they are making the park feel more like it used to be, with the addition of pavers in Coney Mall, turning the backwards Racer forwards, and putting more work into the scenery/foliage. I'm not trying to dog Paramount/CBS, but that's my opionion on the topic.
  18. The one and only KI tradition I have is riding coasters.
  19. Titan

    Dumbest Ride?

    I remember riding a haunted mansion ride a few years ago at a local carnival. I was expecting those corny carnival effects. However it ended up being all black walls with a few mirrors duct taped on them and I think the ride lasted 25-30 seconds. I was so mad, that when we got back to the loading/unloading dock I jammed the restraint bar up and it ended up falling off.......
  20. I wasn't able to make it either because I have family coming in. But I'm hoping I'll be able to make it down there next week.
  21. Well I see rain and short lines on DB
  22. I won't be able to make it this weekend, but I hope that it doesn't rain too much. It could make the park less busy, depending on who checked the weather before coming.
  23. Seeing those photos brings back a lot of memories, used to love that place.
  24. Thanks for all the pictures! I can't believe that Kings Island opens in less than one week......
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